Chapter 1

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"Are you up for it?"

I looked up from the book I was reading, "how many times do I have to repeat myself? I said I don't want to go!"

"And how many times do I have to ask the same question, why?"

I closed my book and glared at Ethan, "get out!"

He smirked and shook his head. He closed the door and sat next to me, "not happening sis!"

"Fine! you're just wasting your time" and with that I opened my book and started reading, ignoring the idiot in front of me.

In a second my book was snatched out of my hand, "tell me why and I promise I will leave."

I sighed and looked at him, "you know why!"

"I don't!"

"Ugh, Ethan you know I hate gatherings. I can't stand it. I feel super uncomfortable. Everyone from college is going to be there, even mr.popular"

"Okay, hold on! are you not going cause of him? plus look at the bright side Isla and Caroline are going to be there"

"First of all no it's not because of him and two you know how they can merge in all sort of gathering. Caroline may be my best friend but you should know that she is popular too and Isla you know her, she'd be busy getting drunk and crazy" I paused and looked down, staring at my hands, "and i'm nothing like that"

"Hey! look at me."

I look up and he smiles, "Ro, you are much better than that. I know how crazy you can get when you want to. So cheer up and get ready, I'll be waiting downstairs for you" and with that he left my room

I hate this. I got up, showered and changed into my black leggings, navy blue knee length dress, wore my knee high heel boots, straightened my hair and applied lipgloss and mascara. I grabbed my leather jacket since it was cold outside and looked at myself one last time in the mirror, grabbed my phone from my dressing table and went downstairs.

Ethan looked up and grinned, "now that's the Ro I know"

"Whatever!" I muttered under my breath and went towards his car, "let's just get this over with"

Ethan just laughed and drove towards his friends place

"We're here" he chirpped. I looked out and saw a mansion covered with bright lights and music was blazing from inside.

I already feel sick to my stomach, "Ethan, I don't think it's a good idea. I want to go home! I think i'm going to be sick"

"Too late to turn back now. Come on Ro, let's part-ay!"

Ethan got out of the car and started walking towards Michaels house. I had no choice but to follow him inside.

I went in, the place was dark and crowded. People were dancing and drinking. I tried finding Caroline and Isla but they were nowhere to be found so I just sent them a text hoping they'd read and come find me themselves. I just shrugged and sat in the corner.

I took my headphones out and plugged them to my cell and started listening to 'Give Me Tonight by Adore Delano'

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't notice someone sitting beside me until I felt a poke to my side. I looked to my side and saw someone I was least expecting to see.

Happiness bubbled inside of me and I grinned.

"Mason!" I screamed and engulfed him in a hug

I took my headphones out, "what are you doing here?"

"PARTY! How can I miss something like this?" he said and wiggled his eyebrow

I rolled my eyes knowing what he meant by that

"Wanna dance?"

I scrunched up my nose, "I hate dancing mo!"

"Oh come on, let's dance!" he grabbed my hand and lead me to the dancefloor.

I just stood there watching my friend dance. It was funny actually as to how he was trying his best to make his own 'cool' dance moves.

He grabbed my hand and started jumping to the beat and I just laughed because it wasn't working.

He stopped but didn't let go of my hand, "slow dance with me?"

I raised my eyebrow, all of the sudden a slow song started to play and I looked around to see other couples and friends gathering around us. I looked back at Mason and saw a cheeky smile, I couldn't help but grin and nod. I placed my arms around his neck and we swayed to the music.

"This is stupid. I feel stupid!" I muttered

"That's cause you are stupid!" said Mason

"Likewise." I retorted back

We kept on bickering and laughing at our stupid remarks made towards each other. I was having the time of my life, never thought I'd be having fun tonight, but it all came crashing down when I had my first eye contact with the person I least wanted to see here...

Xavier Anderson.






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