Chapter 2

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"We're going to be late!"

"We still have time, chill!"

"Are you insane"

"Turn that darn alarm off!"

"You do it! I'm busy."

"I'm getting ready plus it's your alarm"

"I'm eating."

"That's not a good excuse, get up and turn it off it's already giving me a headache"

After a few moments all I heard were beautiful words from Ethan's mouth. I smiled to myself and got ready already used to this tantrum.

~In College

"Lina!" I said excitedly

She turned around and smiled, "Hey Ro!"

"Were you at the party last night?"

"Is that a question to ask? I'm Caroline, I'm always up for parties and other fun related activities"

I just smiled and shook my head, "Of course!"

"I have a dance class right now, I'll catch you in break?"

I smiled and nodded, "sure!"

I started walking and then spotted Mason, I grinned and walked towards him


He looked back and smiled, "Ro!"

"Hey!" I said and gave him a hug

"Had fun last night then?" he asked with a smug smile

I scoffed

"Oh come on! I know you did!"

"Okay, fine! I did have fun but don't you dare tell this to Ethan or else he will drag me to every single party"

He raised his hand in surrender, "I promise!"

"Let's go we have Mr. Grey's class to attend"

Mason groaned, "I hate his class and I hate history"

"Same! but we have to go"

We entered our class room and I took the seat in the corner near the window and Mason sat next to Isla since they were partners. No one sat next to me since I was a "nerdy freak" to them.

Isla looked back and saw me, she grinned and came to me, "so I heard you went to the party! did you have fun? found someone cute? omg omg who did you dance with?"

I just stared at her until she stopped talking, "well...yes, I was dragged to the party and yes I did have fun. No, I didn't really notice the guys and dance you say? well Mason was my dance partner!"

Isla started laughing, "Mo!" she said loudly

He looked back and raised his eye brow, I just grinned. This is the usual stuff that happens before the class starts. Isla going crazy and telling her plans and what happened the previous day and then us three annoying each other and not caring of what the class thinks.

The door opened and in came Mr.Grey. Everyone went back to their assigned seats.

"Good Morning class, today we will be discussing on the project you'd be working on"

Groans were heard through the class


The class got quiet. "As I was saying , you'd choose a topic to work on from our previous class and will submit it to me next week before the Winter Ball. You all will be assigned a partner by me and I don't want to hear anything against it."

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