~Marvel Cinematic Universe~ Pietro Maximoff x Reader •Bets With Tony Stark•

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A/N: At the end, there is a little bit of a make out session but it doesn't get described and it doesn't go any farther. (Unless you count the last sentence)

"Why don't you like Pietro, Y/N?" Steve asked you. You shrugged your shoulders. "Y/N just doesn't like anyone who is more attractive than them." Pietro snickered.

You turned to him. "If that was true, you would be my best friend." You smirked.

"Since you guys hate each other-" Tony started but Pietro interrupted him. " I never said I hated Y/N."

"Oh, does someone have a crush." Sam chuckled. "No!" He said quickly.

Pietro cleared his throat. "It's just that there is someone that is worst than them." He looked over at Sam and Clint on the couch. "Birdbrain." Sam gasped dramatically.

"What did I ever do to you?" Pietro shook his head. "Not you. The other Birdbrain." Clint just shrugged.

"Anyways, what I was going to say before I was rudely interrupted." Tony hissed at Pietro. "Is that I want to make a bet with Y/N and Pietro." He finished.

You leaned forward on your seat, suddenly intrigued. "What's the bet?" You asked. Tony's lips curled slightly at the edges.

"You two have to stay handcuffed to each other for a full 48 hours. If you fail, you both have to be slaves to the whole team for a month."

"What if we succeed?" Pietro asked.

"Whatever you want."

You grinned. "If we succeed, you have to..." Your voice trailed off. Pietro walked over and whispered something in your ear. "Perfect. You can't shower, dress nicely or do your hair for a month."

Tony jumped up. "What! You can't do that!" "Too late. The bet is made. Does anyone have handcuffs?"

For the first 12 hours, it wasn't so bad. It was a pain having someone constantly connected to you. After the 16 hour mark, it started. You agreed to sleep in your room since his was a mess.

If you think it's easy to sleep with someone attached to you, it's not.

Pietro moved around a lot on his sleep so you were moving around as well. In the morning, you woke up wrapped in his arms. You tried to shimmy out but Pietro's grip hardened. "Pietro. Let me out."

"I don't want to, printessa. I'm warm." You sighed.

You finally managed to get out and get ready. Once you both were ready, (with some difficulty) you made your way downstairs to eat breakfast. Steve was in the kitchen cooking something that smelled like bacon while Sam, Wanda, Tony, Bucky and Clint were waiting patiently (some not as patiently) for food to be served.

"Ah good morning. How did you both sleep?" Tony asked. You rubbed face. "Painfully." You mumbled.

Pietro attempted to lead you towards Wanda but you dragged him to where you wanted to sit next to Bucky. Pietro huffed and between you and Sam.

"How about you, Pietro? Must have been a while since you have slept with a girl." Tony teased. You threw a pillow at his head. Tony tumbled off the chair he was sitting on. Sam, Clint and Bucky snickered.

The last few hours were definitely the best. It was just you and Pietro, watching tv while the rest of the team went out for dinner. Neither of you cared to go in public like this so you two stayed behind.

You tried to protest when Pietro laid his arm across your shoulders, but he did it anyway.

Cuddled into his chest, you guys barely made it halfway through the movie, before you were lying on top of Pietro with your lips mashed with his. You never thought that this would happen and especially not with Pietro Maximoff of all people.

Your heated make out session was stopped rather quickly because the team came back.

But don't worry, it was continued in the bedroom.

A/N: If you haven't noticed by now, I try and not use pronouns like he, she, his or her because I believe that you can love whoever you want. So, if I write 'they' when someone else is talking, normally it would be referring to you. This was just a note to get rid of any confusion.

~Mase <3

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