~Riverdale~ Jughead Jones x reader •Never Been Kissed•

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Come on, Jug." You whined. "Let's go have fun with our friends." Your boyfriend glanced at you from his laptop.

"Our friends are at a party, and you know I don't like parties." Jughead began to type away again.

You huffed. "I don't like parties either, but all we have been doing is working on your novel and I want a change of scenery."

Jughead moved the laptop from his lap to the table and grabbed your wrist, tugging on it gently, pulling you into his lap, facing him. "I like the scenery I have here already." He said.

The heat rose to your cheeks, and you tried to cover it by nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. He chuckled slightly, obviously happy he got you to blush.

Once you recovered, you looked back at him, noticing the smirk on his face. You wrung your hands over his shoulders and clasped them behind his head, playing with the hairs that were at the nape of his neck.

"Please, can we go? They're right next door. Besides, it's not a formal party, so we can just go like this." You made a pouty face that you knew he couldn't resist.

He threw his head back. "Fine, but only for an hour." You jumped off him.

"Yay. Let's go then." You rushed out of the house, dragging your boyfriend behind you, and knocked on your neighbours' door.

The door flew open, and you were greeted by Veronica. "There you guys are. Come in. We were just about to play Truth or Dare." Veronica ran back inside.

You gave Jughead an apologetic look, and followed Veronica.

The gang (Veronica, Archie, Betty, Cheryl, Kevin and Reggie) were gathered inside around in a circle on the ground.

You sat next to Veronica, and Jughead sat next to you with Archie on the other side of him.

"So, who's gonna start?" Archie asked.

"I guess I'll start since I suggested we play." Veronica said.

"Okay, go Ronnie." Betty said.

Veronica scanned the circle, looking for her first victim. Then her eyes set on Archie.

"Archiekins, truth or dare." Archie looked startled at first because Veronica chose him, but then answered.

"Dare." He replied, confidently.

Veronica thought for a moment. "I dare you to switch clothes with the person to your right."

All eyes turned to Jughead. Jughead leaned his head down, not okay with the attention on him all of a sudden. Knowing you boyfriend well, you tried to protest.

"Veronica, I don't think-" Veronica held her hand in the air to shush you.

"They have to do it."

Archie got up from his seat and waited for Jughead to follow suit. Jughead got up, and was led by Archie to another room for them to change.

A few minutes later, Archie emerged from the room, wearing Jughead's dark clothes, and the beanie you loved so much.

Looking at Archie wearing Jughead's clothes really didn't look right, because of Archie's red hair.

Once Archie sat down, another figure shuffled into the room. Jughead, with his head hung low, slowly made his way to his seat beside you.

"Look at that. Jughead does have hair under that hat of his." Reggie laughed.
Jughead looked very uncomfortable so you place your hand in his, gave it a little squeeze, and then focused everyone's attention on Archie's turn.

There was a few more rounds and no one ever asked you anything. That is, until Cheryl asked you.

"Y/N, truth or dare."


"Have you ever been kissed?" Cheryl questioned.

You looked down sheepishly, and blushed.

"No." You whispered, hoping no one would hear you.

Reggie put his hand to his ear. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"I said no." You said louder. "I've never kissed anyone."

The room got really quiet. You saw Jughead look at you. Oh god, He thinks I'm a loser. You thought.

After a few more seconds of awkwardness, you were about to ask someone else, when a force was pushed up against you. More specifically, a force was pushed against your lips. You saw dark hair in your vision, and knew who was kissing you. You closed your eyes, and kissed him back.

You pulled away first and saw Jughead's cheeks turn red. Your friends around you

"Oooohhh" They laughed at the blushing faces that you and Jughead had turned into.

Once the focus was away from you and your boyfriend, Jughead had whispered to you that the hour was up, and it was time for you to leave. You nodded in agreement, because you were pretty tired. You said your goodbyes to your friends, and walked hand in hand back into your house.

"Thanks for forcing me to go to the party." You looked up at Jughead.

"Because I would have never been able to do this." He smashed his lips up against yours once again, but this time he knew what he was doing.

A/N: This is my longest imagine yet. WOOHOO

~Mase <3

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