~Attack on Titan~ Eren Jaeger x Reader •Courtroom Counters•

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You watched as Eren got pummelled by the hand (or foot) of Corporal Levi Ackerman. On the outside, you had a slight frown, but in the inside, you were filled with anger and sadness. Your eyes did seem to get much darker and dimmer, the only sign of your true feelings. 

Slowly, you walked over the short fence that separated the crowd and Eren, ignoring Armin's calls to come back.

"Okay, playtime is over." You said calmly, pulling Levi away from him as you take a sneaky glance at him while he was still looking towards the ground from the last kick.

Levi glared at you and attempted to get passed you once more. When you blocked his path once more, he let out an intimidating growl, narrowing his eyes.

"Listen brat, this guy needs a real tending to, and I'd appreciate if you got out of my way." He sneered. You looked at him, unamused.

"I'm sorry, shorty, but I'm going to need my friend here alive and well. Your beatings are not assisting in that factor, so I'd like you so sit down, and allow me to take control for the next little bit while I plead his case." You replied, a tight smile visible on your facial features as you refrain from slapping the man yourself.

He 'tch'ed, and walked back to his spot in the room. You looked at the other side, the one full of prissy and uptight bastards.

At least, in your opinion.

You smiled and clapped your hands once, gaining everybody's attention. "Now that that's over with, let's get into business." You cleared your throat and began.

"First and foremost, just because Mikasa assisted Eren in the murder of the three men all those years ago, it has absolutely nothing to do with the case today, much less that Mikasa is a Titan." You glared at the man who first brought up the subject, who looked down in shame.

"And while we're on it, let's look at the bigger picture here. Would you rather little Mikasa be sold to disgusting men -who only have one thing in their brain, mind you- after witnessing what had happened to her parents, and be in pain and suffering for the rest of her life, or would you rather her kill her kidnappers, with the help of the little boy-" you motioned towards Eren. "-who had come to save her at the time. Because I don't know about you people, but I'd chose death of disgusting men over torture of an innocent girl." You growled the last part, occasionally looking back at Mikasa, then back to the other side.

After a pause, you took it as your cue to continue.

"Back to Eren being a Titan." You looked at the judge. "You know, the whole reason we're even in this room to begin with." You smiled, letting your sarcastic side out for the last part.

"Eren attacked Mikasa, as we established earlier, but it wasn't his intention. He wasn't in control." You started. "And before you all start going on about how that just makes him more dangerous and flip this around to make him seem like a bad guy, hear me out."

You held up three fingers. "This is Eren's third time going into Titan form. That already, is a low number, and I don't expect someone who has only done this three times to be able to master or control it. Or anything, for that matter." You frowned, then put up two fingers.

"Secondly, there has been two occasions where he has transformed at will. The first time this all happened, Eren was knocked out, he thought he was dead. He didn't even remember what happened or how he got to where he was at the time that he was back in human form." You looked at Eren, sadly, then looked back at the judge and held up one final finger.

"Lastly, this is Eren's first time doing a full body transformation at will. When he first transformed at will, it wasn't full body, therefore he was still mostly in control." You smiled, seeing everybody's shocked faces, surprised that you were so observant. While you may get distracted quite easily, you can still be useful when need be.

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