~Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard~ Hearthstone x Reader •Beautiful•

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You would think you would learn sign language faster. Especially when all your friends are fluent. Especially when your best friend is deaf and the only way to understand what he's saying is through sign language.

You admit that it's taking you a lot longer than it should to learn. But that can't be your fault. You really want to learn. You want to be able to talk to Hearthstone without having someone there to translate.

You know the simple phrases like 'Hello', 'Please', 'My name is Y/N' and 'How are you'. Trying to form sentences and piece together what he is trying to say is still very difficult for you.

You sighed in frustration and threw your hands up in the air. "How is this so hard for me? It's so easy for everyone else." You hung your head in your hands. "Why can't I do this?"

Blitzen, the dwarf and your friend who so kindly decided to teach you, patted your back. "It's hard to learn. You'll get it soon."

You looked up at him. "I wanna know now. I want to be able to talk to him without someone there."

Blitzen gave me a sad look. "I know, Y/N, I know."

"Hey, actually there is a sign that I wanted you to translate for me." You said. "There's a sign that Hearthstone does whenever he addresses me and I don't know what he's saying."

Using your right hand, you point your thumb towards your chin then move your hand across the front of your face. Blitzen threw his head back in laughter. You frowned.

"Is it that bad?" Your heart dropped. "Why are you laughing?"

Blitzen wiped a tear from his eye. "It's not bad, Y/N. it's good."

"Well," You said impatiently. "What does it mean?"

"It means 'beautiful'." The dwarf said. "He calls you beautiful."

You entire face flushed a deep red. You had no idea that Hearthstone was calling you that.

You didn't realize that the quiet elf had walked in until he sat down right next to you. You jumped slightly then smiled at Hearthstone.

"I have to uh go do something." Blitzen said, signing as he spoke so Hearthstone understood what he was saying as well. Blitzen scurried out of the room, leaving you and Hearthstone completely alone. You fidgeted with the sleeves of your oversized sweater, suddenly feeling very self conscious.

Hearthstone tilted his head to the side in confusion. He lifted up his hands and signed, 'Are you okay?'

You nodded your head but stayed silent. Not like he could hear you otherwise. Hearthstone signed something else but you didn't understand.

You shook your head. "I still don't understand you, Hearthstone." You said slowly. Hearthstone then grabbed your hand. You had to stop yourself from blushing while he wrote a sentence, letter by letter, on your palm. You've both gotten used to this now since it's taking you so long to learn.

He spelled out, 'I have something important to tell you.'

"What is it, Hearth?" You said and signed at the same time.

He pointed at his chest, the sign for 'I'. He then placed his palm on his chest and slowly dragged it away, touching his middle finger to his thumb. The last sign he did was point directly at you.

You narrowed your eyes as you tried to decipher what he was trying to say. Once it hit you, your eyes widened.

"You like me?" You stuttered.

Hearthstone smiled at you, amusement twinkling in his eyes.

You had to admit, you always had feelings for the elf though you couldn't bring yourself to say it. And now that he was here, telling you that he liked you, all your feelings were surfacing.

"I like you too." You said, then signed it quickly.

Hearthstone chuckled silently and wrapped his arm around you. He kissed your temple. You wrapped your arms around his body and nuzzled your face into his neck. Hearthstone placed his head on top of yours and you both stayed like that in each other's arms.

A/N: I may or may not be absolutely in love with a certain elf o-o


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