~Chapter 1~

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~Y/n's P.O.V~

As you may know my name is Y/n L/n, I am 14 years old.  I may seem normal, but I am in fact a magical girl.

I made a contract a with the white haired cat with red eyes a few months ago (if you don't know his name, it's Kyubey, but you'll learn about that later) and I have to say, it's not easy being a magical girl. Risking my life to save people from all the pain and grief everyday.
And not very many people notice this, all the work I do to save these people.

But I do enjoy fighting witches. Knowing that I'm protecting people from harm makes me happy even if I don't show it.

As if you can't tell already, I am basically a kuudere. A person that's shows no emotion most of the time. But I do only when watching anime, I scream, a lot. I lost my voice one time,that was sure fun.

I've had a hard life, I've lived alone as long as I can remember. I don't remember my real parents or family. But I have a pet cat, and he keeps me company. His name is Rajah. He is a Siamese cat, super cute cat. He's only 5 months old.

I've also been teaching myself all the things you would learn at a normal school.

I may not have a family but I want an education. My soul gem is a bright color of f/c. It is proof that there is still good in this world full of witches, only magical girls can see them.

I was getting bored just studying advanced English, and I wanted to play around with my powers for a while.

Since I only got my powers a few months ago, I still haven't learned the different powers I have yet, or my full potential. So here I was, burning my plants.

I also might have done something, because I was too busy thinking about Attack on Titan, when I saw this strange purple portal type thing floating in my room. I didn't know what it was so I touched it.

With a great force it sucked me and Rajah, since he follows me everywhere, into the portal. I realized I was falling through the sky when I felt this weird feeling in my stomach.

I almost screamed, almost, but then I remembered I had powers so I summoned my f/c and s/f/c wings as I flew with Rajah safely tucked in my arms.

He was meowing loudly as I took a look at this oddly familiar landscape. Something clicked in my mind; I'm in Attack on Titan.

I was flying around for a good 30 minutes, in the clouds just in case anyone saw me, when I saw the land of "Big ass trees"  as I remember, from when Levi was talking to Eren.

I decided to rest there a bit, when I realized my clothes from earlier. My f/a (favorite anime besides AOT) shirt and jeans (Haha get it? I'm soo funny) when I decided to change them into more of the anime style clothing just to not seem suspicious. As if I wasn't already.

I snapped my fingers while I looked down at my new attire. A f/c loose shirt with s/f/c pants and brown/black boots. More like the anime, I wonder if I look the same. I closed my eyes to rest for a bit, while Rajah laid in my arms purring, soothing my aching arms from holding the cat for a long period of time.

I soon drifted off into sleep, wondering the adventures I would go on, and the people I soon, hoped to meet.

~Time-skip, 1 hour later. Still Y/n's POV~

I woke up to see the sun setting, it was a beautiful sight, but then I remembered, I needed a shelter.

I flew down the tree when I heard horses galloping towards my direction. Being me, I decided to run farther into the forest. I literally sonic sped into the forest hoping no one saw me.

I stopped a few miles after, I thought was far enough. I heard the familiar sounds of 3dmg gear and horses when I hid behind a big tree near by. I wonder if they saw me...Let's just hope there aren't any Titans around, because I want to explore in peace.

Rajah meowed loudly as I shushed him. The noises of gear and horses stopped abruptly as I was fearing they hear me, or my cat actually.

Hey, I might not show emotions, but deep, deep, deeeeeepp, inside I was scared. I mean who wouldn't be? Suddenly finding yourself in a new world where you might get killed is not my ideal vacation.

I heard the familiar booming voice of Commander Eyebrows-uh-I mean Erwin when he said, "Is anyone there? We mean no harm we want to help you," He sounded almost caring and soft.

I debated whether to go out or not. I mean what could go wrong? Ehh lets go, might as well. Doesn't seem like they're leaving anytime soon. I poked my head out of my hiding spot shyly. I'm also to shy type of kuudere.

As poke my head out of the tree Commander Erwin smiles softly at me, "Why don't you come on out, I don't bite." I look around to see everyone I know except Eren and the others. I think this was before they graduated...?

Must be soon though, when they come I wanna met them. I slowly, but surely come out of my spot with Rajah still in my arms, as I hear everyone gasp. I scratch my cheek awkwardly as I feel everyone stare at me.

~3rd person POV~

As Y/n slowly came out of her spot, time had seemed to slow down as everyone stared at the mysterious h/c haired beauty in front of them.

The sun reflected off her beautiful s/c skin and h/c hair making her almost glow radiantly. The sun was also making her e/c eyes shimmer in the sun's light, like there were little stars in her eyes.

As if flowers and sparkles were around her, everyone's breath hitched, (except Levi's XP) as they all thought the same thing; Goddess.


Hey guys wassup! XD I made a new story yeah. I had inspiration for this a while ago and I finally decided to make it. I hope you like it excuse any mistakes I made. Like, comment, and share see you all later my lovelies~

-HomieUnicorn over and out! <3

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