~Chapter 10~

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-Caution: Minor swearing-

~3rd person P.O.V~

"....Sir, how are we supposed to avoid the titans and protect the wagons?" Eren kept mumbling on and on. Then finally Levi decided to talk back, "Of course we can't do any of that."

Eren looked up confused, "Huh?" Levi then continued talking, "Look around you. These big ass trees (XD) they are the perfect environment for us to use our 3D maneuvering gear. Well, expect for Y/n."

Y/n snapped out of her daze once she heard her name. She started to realize it was coming to the part where Eren was supposed to flashback. Levi again continued talking, "Now think. Use the modest intellect you do possess. Think hard. Your life depends on it."

Eren then started thinking about how he was still a new recruit and hasn't been able to process the situation, and also how he was supposed to learn new things on his own.

He then looks around at his comrades and notices how tense they are. He looks up at Y/n and notices something in her eyes when she looked down. What was it? Fear? Excitement? Nervousness? He noticed that Oluo looked like he was about to shit his pants. He then realized that at that very moment no one knew what the hell was going on, not even powerful Captain Levi himself knew. I mean Y/n did, but he didn't know that, now did he?

"Draw your swords, if we do see it, it'll only be for a second." Levi commands. Y/n drew her sycthe and was prepared to protect Eren, as were the other soldiers.

They heard noises behind them, at the entrance of the forest. It sounded like a titan running, and fast. They all looked back to hear the stomping getting louder. Then all of a sudden, the female titan has entered the forest, but the sight is horrible.

Two fellow Survey Corp members are trying to stop the female titan. One gets slammed down on the floor, now dead, while the other one is still fighting her. It doesn't go so well for him either, he tried his hardest and died with honor, they both did in fact.

They all looked in horror as the female titan was now following them. The said female looked down at Eren with a crazed look in her eyes.


Two people from the reinforcements come and try to kill the titan, "REINFORCEMENTS FROM BEHIND!!" What did I say? Anyway they both hook on to the nape of her neck, but they get squished.

Y/n looks surprised, their deaths were more gory than in the anime. Adrenaline pumped through her blood stream, making her heart pound I'm excitement and fear. More people from the reinforcements have come to take down this female, but all of their efforts were futile. More members of the Survey Corps, gone.

By this point everyone was yelling at Levi, asking for commands, but he keeps quiet. Y/n looks back and notices the female titans eyes are fixed on her. Y/n can see emotions swarming around in the females blue hues. She can see sadness, guilt, craziness, but most of all, regret.

The h/c haired female looked at her in pity, then looked down at Eren. Everyone stopped yelling at Captain, when Eren is super close to biting his hand and fighting the female titan.

"Eren?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Petra saw what he was about to do, and screamed at Eren, "DON'T YOU TRUST US?!" Levi the spoke on how he should be able to trust humanity. He also said it was his decision wether to fight her or not, which Eren decides to stay and trust Levi.

~Timeskip because author-chan is lazy to write the whole script, it's to when they fight~

Erwin and the rest of the Survey Corps eventually caught the female titan but she screamed which caught the attention of many titans near by. She escaped and now Levis squad is chasing her.

~Y/n's P.O.V~

Gunther and Eld, are dead, within a few minutes my squad fought. I'm here guiding Eren through the forest, while Petra and Oluo fight Annie. Levi is somewhere with Commander, "Y/n!! Petra and Oluo are still fighting we can help them!!! You have powers why don't you help me?! We can beat her if he fight together!!" Eren looked like he was about to cry.

I was too, tears we forming in the corner of my eyes. I shook my head, "You know we can't!! Your still too weak Eren!!" He looked shocked, I continued, "I have an idea! Why don't you go ahead while I help Oluo and Petra?!" He hesitated but nodded his head slowly.

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek once again, "See you soon Eren." I turned around and almost froze. There was Petra, being chased by Annie. My eyes widened in horror as I flew as fast as I could towards her, "PETRA!!! NOOO!!" I also heard Oluo yell. I was too late.... Petra got smashed against the tree. Oluo and I froze before I was blinded by a rage I never knew. Oh this was bad, if I cry I'll turn into a witch.

I must fight the negativity. I grit my teeth as I summon my scythe. Oluo tries to attack Annie, but fails to do so and was crushed by her.

"ANNIE!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" Oh shit, did I say that out loud?! Faaakk, well yolo (lol not if you're Homura Akemi XD if you get that I will love u forever) Shut up author, no time for references. (Sorry..) Annie froze as she turned around to face me. I gave her one of my scariest glares I had.

For a second she looked scared, but that went away as fast it came, and returned the glare. She sprinted towards me but I moved, more like flew, out of the way.

I flew behind her and cut her arms so she couldn't use them, I never knew if could fight this fast. Her arms went limp at her side as she could no longer use them. I then summoned two of the blades from the maneuvering gear. I threw them into her eyes so she couldn't see what I was going to do next. I was going to cut her legs next but she backed up against the tree.

She hardens her nape as that was what I was going for, when I hesitated. I thought about the plot and wether this would change it or not, when I didn't noticed she regenerated her left eye and arm.

She brought it up to me when I wasn't paying attention, when I felt numb, which means I would be in pain if I was human. All of a sudden it went black.

~Eren's P.O.V~

I looked back in shock as I saw the female titan had hit Y/n, MY Y/n. It looked like she passed out which was strange since she had powers.

I HAD to kill her now, first my friends, now Y/n?! Oh, how was I going to make her suffer. I felt tears pricking at the corner of my eyes, "I'LL KILL YOU!! YOU BASTARD!"

Ahaha 😅 I'm back..... please don't kill me, SO SORRY I MADE U GUYS WAIT I'm such a bad author T^T. But uh I updated, so I'm not dead, yet. Sorry if it was kinda boring in the beginning I didn't know what else to put T~T. WELLLLPPPP I hope you guys enjoyed, vote, comment and all that jazz.  Lolol now its time for me to play mystic messenger, a new chat opened XD I'll see you in the next chapter, my lovelies~
-HomieUnicorn over and out! <3

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