~Chapter 7~

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By the way, I'm using the manga to write this so sorry if it's a little different.  Also a little swearing, but as always, enjoy~

~3rd Person P.O.V~

"Eren Yeager, that is your name correct?" Eren nods as Darius continues, "As a soldier you've pledged your life to serve the public. Right?"

"Yes sir." Eren spoke out boldly, "Regular law does not apply in these exceptional circumstances. Therefore, this will be a military tribunal. Ultimate authority has been placed in my care. Even over your life. Now I will only ask you once." Eren looked up waiting his question.

"Any objections?" Eren shook his head. Darius nodded, "I'm glad you understand. Now, this case has given rise to many conflicting, passionate arguments behind these walls. There are those who call you a demon that will lead us to destruction. And others consider you a favor savior that will bring to the human race. As expected it proved to be impossible to hide your existence from the general public.

"But we're here to determine what Military Branch you will be going into..."

Y/n already knew what was going to happen, so she just decided to zone out until things get interesting.


"JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTHS AND TRUST ME DAMMIT!!" Were the first words Y/n heard when she snapped out of her trance. 'Oh snap, someone's gonna get a beat down' Y/n mentally chuckled.

'Ah shit, what have I done?' Eren thinks; as he does an MP yells commands to fire at Eren. As so, Levi kicks Eren in the face with no hesitation. Everyone is surprised so they didn't shoot Eren.

He kicks Eren so hard his tooth came out. Mikasa looks like she's gonna kill a bitch, but some how Armin grabs her arm and holds her in place. Levi keeps beating Eren senseless as he finally stops, and steps on his head.

"This is just my opinion...but I've always found pain the most effective punishment. The lesson you need to learn right now, can't be taught with words, only with action. And you're kneeling, which makes you easy to kick." Levi stops talking as he continues to kick Eren.

Everyone just watched in pain as Eren got beat. Mikasa was going to snap if it weren't for Armin holding her back. The leader of the MPs started to call out to Levi, "Levi wait," "What...?" "It's dangerous. What will we do if you make him mad, and he turns into a titan?"

Levi then yanked Eren's hair roughly and says, "You're the one who want to dissect him, right?" Everyone stood shocked besides Y/n, since she knows what happens, "Apparently he killed 20 titan when he was a titan himself, stopping only from exhaustion. The fact that he has intelligence makes him a formidable enemy. But, he's not my enemy. Is he yours?"

Y/n started smirking a little, it was barley noticeable, as Erwin made a proposal, "I have a proposal. There are many unknown elements behind Eren's new titan power. Danger will always be lurking beneath the surface. Therefore in the event that you decide to put him under our control.. someone as skilled as the Captain will be able to deal with Eren worst case scenario." Darius thought this over and spoke towards Levi, "I see, can you do it Levi?"

Levi looked over to him, "If you mean killing him, it'll be no problem. Rather, the problem is there would be no half measures..." He then looks over to Mikasa who has a murderous aura around her; they make eye contact but Levi quickly breaks it. As the story goes Eren is placed in the hands of the Survey Corps.

Yay happy ending.


Commander Erwin, Eren, Levi, Y/n, Hanji, and Mike are all in a room together, "Oww!" Eren yells, obviously in pain. Erwin walks over to Eren apologizing, "Sorry about that. But you did get your point across to the commander-in-chief and other VIPS anyway." "Right..." Erwin continues, "And that gave us the perfect chance to play the card we had up our sleeve."  "Believe me it was worth the pain..." Erwin then puts his hand out for Eren to shake, "You have my respect. I look forward to working with you." He smiles gently as Eren takes his hand firmly, "Sir, thank you for having me.

All of a sudden Levi comes and sits next to Eren, "Tell me Eren." Eren stuttered still scared of the smaller man, "Y-yes sir?!" Levi looks at him, "Do you resent me?" "N-no sir. I know you needed to put on a show." He nods, "Very well."

Eren holds a tissue to his mouth as Hanji and Y/n come towards him. Hanji bends over and holds out his tooth that got knocked out, "You could've shown some restraint. His tooth fell out! Look!" "I'd say that's better than getting dissected. Also that's disgusting why did you bring it?"

Hanji ignored him and then get really close to Eren's face as Y/n starts giggling lightly, "Say Eren, show me your mouth. " When he opens his mouth almost everyone in the room is surprised to see his tooth already growing back.


Now by this time everyone was geared up and on their way to the former Headquarters of  the Survey Corps. Oluo was riding next to Eren and started talking to him about the HQ and such, "The facility is no more than an old converted castle. But an HQ this far away from the wall and the river was more than useless to the Survey Corps. Back then the Survey Corps had been recently formed and the soldiers were full of ambition. Who would've figured, this would be the best place we keep you locked up?"

Eren went quiet not knowing what to say. He looked back only to see Levi glaring at him and Y/n smiling reassuringly at him. Eren turned away quickly with a blush on his face. Oluo tried to scare Eren but instead bit his tongue instead. A few minutes later they arrived at their new base.

Y/n went to Eren, "Hey Eren." He got surprised and jumped a little. Y/n giggled slightly but then returned to her neutral face, "You know Eren, you don't have to be so jumpy. I'm not gonna hurt you. I know this is hard, but you'll get used to everything here, alright?" Eren nodded shyly and Y/n pat his back walking away to feed her horse.

Eren looked in her direction slightly dazed and continued feeding his horse. In the distance Eren could hear Petra and Oluo fighting again. He then started naming the people in Levi's squad. 'So everyone here, was hand picked by Levi. This is the 'Special Operations Squad' that I've been assigned to.' 'These are the people that are going to kill me when I lose control.'

"Man this placed hasn't been used in a long time, it's fallen into despair. Look there's weeds everywhere." Gunther starts. Levi then suddenly appears out of no where, "That's a major problem. Fix it up immediately."

After these few days Y/n will realize she will be more powerful than she knows. She will also meet new enemies and old ones. What an adventure this will be...

oh look, chapter 7 is finally out... I'M SORRY I'VE BEEN SO BUSY PLEASE FORGIVE ME! *bows* T^T I tried ok? But hey at least I updated this week. Again I'll try to update this week if not the weekend. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, comment, vote and all that jazz. As always I'll see you next chapter my lovelies~

-HomieUnicorn over and out!

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