~Chapter 3~

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~Y/n's P.O.V~

I plopped down on my new bed in my new room with my night gown on. 'Man that was cool, I hope I canstay in this world forever. It'll be interesting.' I had the coolest day. I can't believe I'm in this world; I never wanna go back home. I took my diary out from under my pillow and wrote in it the events that happened, as I pet Rajah.

~A few minutes earlier~

Hanji dragged me around the place as I kept tripping and almost dropped Rajah a few times. "Hanji slow down please. I keep tripping." She slowed down still dragging my hand,
"E-eh? Sorry Y/n, I haven't seen a new girl here in a while. So, I figured why don't we be friends?"

She shyly took out her hand for me to shake and I looked at it, shaking it firmly. I gave her a small smile as well.

She looked surprised, "Wow, Y/n! You have a really pretty smile! You should smile more often!"(≧∇≦) I looked at her like 'smiling-is-evil-hell-no'.  

She didn't seem fazed by my menacing glare, probably because she hangs out with Levi too much.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going when I bumped into someone. I looked down, (You're like literally an inch taller than Levi) to see Levi glaring up at me.

He 'tched' and said, "Watch where you're going brat." I scoffed and continued walking.

~Levi's P.O.V~(Didn't see that now did you) (/^3^)/

Tch, this brat doesn't know how to respect her new Captain. She may be from a different world but that doesn't mean she can disrespect me.

I grabbed her forearm as she walked away and I glared at her.

"Oi brat, you need to learn how to respect your Captain, you may be from a different world but this is my turf and you're going to respect me. Got it?"

She just shrugged me off and nodded, "Sorry, Corporal I'm not used to being in the military. I'm not really used to using formalities. I've lived alone for as long I remember."

I was surprised I didn't expect her to apologize, so nicely.

"Tch, don't do it again brat." I let go of her and walked away. She better be nicer or she will be punished. But I do have to admit that there's just something about her that's attractive.

I wonder what's happening to me...

~Back to You and Hanji~

~3rd Person P.O.V~

"Wow, he's usually meaner. He almost seemed soft." Hanji drifted off thinking as to why Levi's mood suddenly changed. Y/n looked at her confusingly, "What do you mean 'soft?'"

Hanji just sighed, "Well he would usually make them run laps or make them clean HQ top to bottom, but I saw something in his eyes. It's like he cares about you already." Y/n looked surprised, she never thought that someone as strict (and hot if I may add) as him would care about a lonely girl, like her.

They continued walking the corridor, as they walked closer to Y/n's new dorm she heard yelling further down. She looked and Hanji, "Who's yelling over there?"

She just looked down at Y/n and smiled, "It's probably just Oluo and Petra arguing again." "Ah, I see. Do they argue often?" Hanji nodded, "Yes, I wonder what it is this time." Y/n just shrugged, and continued walking down the corridor as the yelling got closer.

They could make out some things of the conversation like "stop acting like Levi" and "I'm better than that midget" crazy stuff like that. They were eventually standing right in front of the yelling couple with two other people in the background snickering at their bickering (Hah, that rhymed ).

Hanji was going to tell them to stop yelling when Y/n just waved dismissively and told her to continue walking when the people in the room noticed Hanji and 'the new girl' as they called her.

Petra smiled at Y/n and introduced her self first totally ignoring her annoying friend next to her, "Hi there! My name is Petra Ral, welcome to the Survey Corps!"  Y/n forced a smiled as she remembered the brutal deaths of Levi's squad. "Y/n L/n, nice to meet you all!" Rajah suddenly yawned cutely as everyone awed at, while Rajah snuggled closer to Y/n for warmth.

"Aww, what a cute cat! What's it's name?" Petra got closer to Y/n, she says, "Rajah, he's a boy. He is friendly so you can pet him if you want.." Y/n looked away shyly, as she was not used to so much attention.

Petra nodded and elbwoed the people next to her and whispered, "Well don't be rude guys introduce yourselves." The person next to her trying to act cool said, "Tch, the name's Oluo Bozado. Don't expect respect from me, you are a newbie after all." He had light brown hair with an undercut, has hazel eyes, and wears a cravat, tries to act like Levi. Y/n just nodded at him and looked at the other farmiliar people, it's not like she needed introduction anyway, she knew a lot about their world already.

The one with darker hair just sighed and smiled lighlty at Y/n, "Don't mind him he's always like that. Anyway I'm Gunther Schultz, welcome to the Survey Corps. Nice to see a new face here after a while." He had pointy dark hair, with dark brown tired eyes. Y/n just looked at him with a sad experssion, sad that these nice people would be knocking on death's door a few expeditions away. She would try and save as many people as possible in this world.

The person next to him just chuckled, "Heh, it never gets old. The name's Eld Gin, nice to meet ya'." He had blonde hair and in the back was tied into a man bun, he has brown eyes that looked like they've been through Hell.

Y/n nodded and said, "Nice to meet you all, I hope we get in the same squad after I train, heh." Petra nodded vigorously, "I hope you do, you look strong and I need another girl on this team; it's getting lonely being the only girl here." She smiled warmly at Y/n and Hanji as they continued walking to Y/n's new dorm.

Since Y/n was new and didnt have a squad yet, she would have to stay in a spare room for now. When Hanji opened the door it was filled with supplies, she got over and brought some training clothes to Y/n for whe she trains.  Hanji told her that she would needs these so Y/n doesn't look out of the ordinary.

They went to her new room in the West Wing of HQ, Hanji gave her a key to the room. 'This is a surprisingly cozy room.' Y/n thought; she put a now sleeping Rajah on the bed. She decied to train tomorrow as it was now dark. She said 'goodnight' to Hanji as she closed the door.

She snapped her finger again and in her hands were a white night gown she used to wear at home. She swiftly changed her clothes and wrote in her diary the things that happened. Oh boy, what a good day.

Sorry if this chapter seemed to be boring. I tried okay (>3<). Yelp I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, even if it was boring, vote, comment and all that jazz. See you next chapter my lovelies~ <3

- HomieUnicorn over and out!

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