~Chapter 6~

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What a lovely photo that is of Levi, hohoho~

~Time-skip: 2 months~

~Y/n's P.O.V~

Its been two whole months since I became a full fledged member of the Survey Corps. I joined Levi's 'Special Operations Squad' because I'm magical, literally. I noticed a few weeks ago how different Levi was acting. He seemed to be nice to me, in his own special way. I also noticed that Petra had been giving me the cold shoulder. I wonder why....

Wait, if its anything like those fanfictions I've read, Petra is supposed to be the jealous one because I've been hanging out with Levi so much, and because she likes him. For real, me and Levi have been seen all around HQ these past days. Maybe it's 'cause I'm new here and he's just being courteous. (Or maybe it's 'cause he loves you reader-chan) What? No way and stop breaking the fourth wall author (Alright sorry..) *Sigh* Well anyway, these past months have been awesome, we went on an expedition a few days ago; I helped reduce the death rate by like 20%. It was cool and I can't wait to go on more expeditions with the 104th cadets. :3

I know it's not a that big of an improvement, but hey I helped some people in this world. I really Petra is nicer to me, I really liked her in the anime and manga. (Yes there may be some spoilers from the manga, you have been warned) Author shush, anyway, I will try and save her and the rest too, from the female titan a.k.a Annie Leonhart.

Speaking of which I heard from the other superiors they heard a boy come out a titan's nape while the 104th cadets were helping the citizens evacuate. This happened while we were on the expedition. That's why today I'm getting ready to go to the court; of course I'm going with Hanji to see Eren for the first time.

"Y/N, you ready? We're leaving now!" I heard Hanji yell outside my door. I grabbed my key and ran out my room, locking my door in the process. I run to Hanji as she and Mike are waiting for me outside the carriage. Currently, Hanji, Mike, and I are in the carriage to go to the dungeon.

~Time-skip: 8 minutes later. Still Y/n's P.O.V~

I step out of the carriage stretching my body in the process. I felt my hand getting pulled and my whole body getting dragged by the one and only Hanji, "Come on Y/n I wanna see Eren quickly before the trial starts!" I just let her drag me as I sighed.

We finally made it to the dungeon as Levi and Erwin were sitting down talking to Eren as he did his 'I'm-going-to-kill-all-titans-look'. Levi did his eye shine thing as he fully claimed to take full responsibility of Eren. I was waiting patiently next to Hanji as Levi spoke. Then we finally came down the stairs and Hanji did her famous jump scare and Eren obviously freaked out.

Hanji was too excited so she only told him he was finally able to leave. "Wow Eren, it's nice to finally meet you. Sorry we kept you waiting, we're finally able to let you out." Hanji gives him a closed eye smile. Eren smiles and nods happily and looks towards me; I wave and give a small smile. I stared at his pretty turquoise eyes, they are like really pretty man.

~Eren's P.O.V~

Hanji was talking to me but I didn't pay attention. I looked forward and I saw the magical girl, Y/n I think her name was, I was surprised. I didn't expect her to be this beautiful. She looks like an actual goddess. I think more than Krista. I kept staring at her as I felt my face get hot when she smiled at me. I didn't expect her to smile like that at me. People say she looks mean, but I feel as if she's a nice person. I mean she is a magical girl after all.

I kept staring at her, I didn't realize Hanji put handcuffs in the cell for me to put on. Oh boy this is going to be a looooong day. I really hope I get into the Survey Corps...

~3rd Person P.O.V~

"C'mon Eren you got to put these cuffs on. I know it sucks but you're just going to have to deal with it." (How savage) Eren nodded reluctantly as Hanji put on the handcuffs on him. Y/n snapped her fingers and the cell opened. Eren looked at Y/n in total awe as she held his arm, you know just in case he would run away. Eren's face became hotter every second because of the e/c eyed beauty holding his arm.

"I'm Squad Leader Hanji Zoe, the person holding your arm is Y/n the magical girl and he's..." As she was finally introducing them Mike started sniffing Eren; he was shocked and jumped a little, "Mike Zacharias, he's also a Squad Leader. He always smells people he just met....And then sneers." Mike then sneered, Hanji continued talking, "He may not seem like it, but he has the potential to be a Squad Leader. I can't believe you can really turn into a titan! How amazing is that Y/n?" Y/n just nods, "If we do get Eren, when you do your experiments just be gentle.." Hanji then starts drooling thinking about the experiments she might be able to do. She wiped the drill off her face with her hand.

The group finally makes their way in front of two large doors as Hanji continues talking, again, "Oh man, you would not believe the things I could discover from those experiments. Ah, sorry, I keep rambling too much. Well this is it, but don't worry just tell them how you feel alright? Maybe I shouldn't say this but, all we can do is believe in you." Y/n let go of his arm and pushed Eren as he stumbled into the court room, he made a noise of surprise.

They closed the door and Eren was lead into the court room.' A court room?' Eren thinks shocked, 'I've been under the court room this whole time?' A Military Police solider walks up to Eren and tells him to walk slowly forward. Eren looks back to see Hanji, Mike, and Y/n looking at him reassuringly, especially Y/n. Slightly dazed from the h/c haired female, he walks forward.

"Get down on your knees." says a MP solider. Eren as told. They then put a pole on the handcuffs to keep him place as Eren moves his cuffs, he realizes he's basically trapped. Eren's turquoise eyes wander around as he names all of the superiors around him, 'The leader of the MPs' 'Commander Pixis' 'Commander Erwin, Captain Levi' '...what?! Armin, Mikasa! They're here!' Eren happily smiles at his friends seeing them after a long time.

An elderly man comes in and sits down in the chair in the middle. He will be judging Eren as to which military branch he will be going into. 'That's commander-in-chief Darius Zackley. He's in charge of all three of the military branches; I didn't know he would be the judge..'

"Alright then, let's start the trial...."

Ooh cliffhanger, pfft not really but hey cut me some slack. >~< Hey my beautiful people, it's me. I sincerely apologize if this chapter's too short and sorry I haven't updated in a while. My school's nearing it's end, so I have to do like 3 projects at the same time. But hey, I at least got this part done. I'm already planning the next chapter, so please be paitent with me. I wil try to get the new chapter up by this weekend; if not expect a new chapter next week. Again, I'm sorry, bear with me guys. But until next time, I'll see you later my lovelies~

- HomieUnicorn over and out! <3

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