~Chapter 9~

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-Caution: minor swearing-

~3rd Person P.O.V~

A few weeks later, the Survey Corps have been training non-stop for their next mission outside the walls. The time has now come for them to journey into titan territory. They have been learning new formations and strategies for survival. All but one, will see something unexpected on this mission, but before we go, let's check on Y/n and the rest of the crew...

..."I can't believe I'm going on my first mission already!" Y/n was excited as she was flying over the people of the Survey Corps; people looked at her in wonder. She was anxious, as was the rest, but not in fear, in excitement. She checked her bag one more time making sure she had all her supplies. Food? Check. Water? Check. Flares and ammo? Check. First-aid kit? Check. Extra clothes? Check. A blanket? Check.

'At least I'm prepared..' Y/n hovered next to Eren, her cape flowing behind her, "Hey Eren? Are you scared?" He looked towards her and nodded, "Yeah I am. It's my first mission, I just hope I can be of help." She smiled lightly as she put a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry Eren, you'll be fine. I'll protect you and the other people as much as I can okay?" Eren nodded and blushed at her kind words. Sounds like something Mikasa would say, but when it comes out of Y/n's mouth, it's like God himself promised to protect Eren. :3

In the distance Y/n and Eren noticed two kids looking at them in admiration and curiosity, "See that insignia on their capes? It's called the wings of freedom. They journey into unknown lands and fight for humanity! Hey, do you also see the girl that's flying? She's magical! With her help we'll definitely win against the titans!!" The girl gasped in awe, "Wow, she's so pretty too! I wanna do that!" Eren and Y/n smiled gently at the kids.

Y/n then pecked him on the cheek and flew back to her place. Eren on the other hand, blushed as red as a tomato and his nose bled a little (XD). He shook his head, wiped his nose, and sighed dreamily. Y/n is glad that Mikasa didn't see her 'cause if she did, Y/n would be no more. As everyone was looking around scared shitless, the gate started rising as Erwin spoke-more like screamed, "THIS IS IT!! NOW THE HUMAN RACES TAKES ANOTHER STEP FORWARD!! SHOW ME WHAT YOU'VE LEARNED!!"

In response to his words, his soldiers yelled, "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHDFBJHBGVFIBDV!!" Yeah like that. Any who, the soldiers fled through the gates into titan territory. Y/n flew in sonic speed, and as soon as they entered, a 10 meter Titan ( About 33 feet) appeared to the left of them, "10-METER CLASS TITAN APPROACHING FROM THE LEFT!!" See? I told you. Y/n was told to protect Eren, but she had to do something; she flew to the Titan and killed it with her scythe that came out of no where. (Cliche Ikr?XD)

She then flew back over to her spot above Levi's squad. She looked down and saw Erwin smiling at her; she nodded and smiled, then looked forward again. They all looked forward as the support team/squad-thingy (I forget what it's called..) killed all the titans that came for them. Cliché as it sounds Levi's squad didn't really see any titans around their area.

Now let's focus on the blonde coconut and his journey through titan territory shall we? (Shall we skate? XD ah, I'm sorry I had to, if you know where it's from I'll love u forever)

As the story goes Armin was all alone when an abnormal titan comes out of no where and his squad leader and extra (aka Siss) take out the titan, when of course they see a female titan in the background. We all now Siss and Ness die a tragic death trying to protect our small blonde coconut. This so called female titan steps over Armin and he crashes down. Before that he let the extra horse we was holding go. Armin then rolls over and lands down on the floor. His horse got bitch-slapped away, so his chance of escaping alive is now gone.

His hood was down over his face so the female titan couldn't see who he was. It lifted his hoody up then looked Armin in the eyes. She then decides not to kill him (thank goodness) and runs away. Reiner then comes and saves the day with and extra horse. They now team up and when Armin was going to shoot a flare, a wild Jean suddenly appears. Blah blah blah, they soon figure out that the female titan is a human. Blah blah blah, they try to take her out when Jean and Reiner almost die blah blah blah.

Apparently the 'female titan' changes the direction of her run, to where Eren is and his new squad are.

~Back to you and Levi's squad, Y/N's P.O.V~

Now if I'm right, the female titan should be here in about 10 minutes or so. Ahh, this is so exciting. I should be scared, but the witch hunting is much more terrifying. The witches have serious power. The titans are easier to fight.

"Oi, L/n!" I look down, "Yes Corporal?!" "Two Titans to our left!One 14 meter and one 10 meter, you think you can take them?!" I smirked down at him, "I don't think, I know!"

I summoned my sycthe once again as I first took out the 10 meter one, using Levi's signiture move. Of course, I've only seen it in the anime it wasn't as graceful as Levi would be. I spun around the 14 meter one as I cut the left part of the ankle out, it was getting too close to my squad so it was only a distraction. I landed on its back and cut the nape, killing it. I flew back to my spot above Eren, as everyone looked in awe, "She's like a girl version of Levi." "She's amazing." "Hah, she's even short like him too." I shot a glare to the person that said that, it was Oluo. He looked scared and turned around.

'Dats right turn around.' I looked down again to see Eren looking at me with a loving gaze and a blush-wait wut...? AHAHAH EREN'S BLUSHING AT ME?!?! No! I'm probably over reacting, why would anyone like 'lil old me? (*facepalm* ;-; so oblivious reader-chan)

I shake my head and sigh as I hear that same voice in my head. I started hearing it when I came into this world. I must focus now. I see the trees in the forest, 'It's almost time..' I just decide to block out most of this ride; my mind is on auto-pilot for the next 8 minutes.

~Time-skip: 8 minutes later~
~3rd person P.O.V~

"Corporal.....Corporal Levi!" "What?" Eren replies, "'What'?! Sir, we're in the forest. With just the central column here we can't detect any titans! And something's coming on our right flank...."

To be continued....

aHa I'm so evil, soooo sorry if this chapter took so long to write. I know it summer and all but I have summer school, my brothers graduating and junk. I'll try to make a new chapter up this weekend if not then maybe next week I'm not certain. Well anyway I hope you enjoyed, vote comment and all that jazz! I'll see you later my lovelies~

-HomieUnicorn over and out!

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