Chapter 2

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You and Ally had just finished watching all of the movies when you checked the time. You turned your phone on and it read 2:00pm.
"I guess I should go and get ready for work," Ally sighed
"Okay. Hope you have fun!" You faked a smile. You didn't want Ally to leave right now;  the two of you were having such a good time, but Ally had to leave for work.
Ally got up from the couch and helped you gather the bowls and glasses before heading to the door.
"Thanks for the movie day Ally,"
"That's all good (y/n). I'll see you tomorrow?" Ally asked with anticipation
"Yeah of course! Come around 10 am?"
"Sounds great, can't wait!" She pulled me in for a hug goodbye and turned around to get in her car.
You closed the door and decided you would go back to reading. You had only just sat down and opened the book when a knock at your door sounded.
"Ally must have forgotten something." You thought  to yourself.
As you opened the door, you were surprised when it wasn't Ally standing in the doorway. Instead stood a tall man who looked to be in his early 30's wearing an old worn-out cream cap.
"Good afternoon miss," he said with a smile
"Good afternoon to you too. May I help you?" You asked, confusion lacing your words
"Uh yes, my name is Wes Ball. I'm the director of a new film, and I'm here to ask about using part of you land as a place to film?" Wes asked kindly.

You were shocked. It wasn't everyday you were asked if someone could film a movie on your property. Wes must have noticed you were thinking, because he added
"You will be payed well, and we won't be there very long,"
You turned back around and looked through the large window that looks over the majority of your farm.
You didn't have a lot of cattle, and if it wasn't going to be for long, you could just keep them in another paddock. Plus it could come in handy to have some extra money in case of emergencies.

You turned back around to Wes, who was looking very eager.
"Uh yeah, I guess there isn't anything wrong with that." You answered a little awkwardly.
Relief and joy washed over Wes as he thanked you. A sudden curiosity hit you.
"So what is the movie you will be filming?" You asked
"It's called The Maze Runner," he was about to go into further detail until you you cut him off
"You're kidding right? You're gonna be filming The Maze Runner on my farm?" You asked in disbelief.
"Yes, that is the plan." Wes said with a small chuckle.
All you could do was stand there in shock, trying to process everything
" I take it that you're a fan of the series?" Wes asked. All you could do was nod in response
"Well then as a sought of 'thank you', you are welcome to come down to the set anytime you wish." Now you were definitely in shock. What are the chances that your favourite book is being made into a movie, and that they want to film it on you property? Plus you can visit anytime you'd like!

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