Chapter 18

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"What time did you want to go shopping?" Thomas asked as you made your way to the couch where Ally and Dylan already lay
"Where are you guys going?" Dylan asked with his usual level of enthusiasm.
"(Y/n) and I were going to go shopping, and she was going to show me around a little." Thomas explained.
"Ooh! Can we come?" Dylan asked excitedly. Thomas and Dylan looked at you with questioning eyes.
"Umm yeah sure I guess." You say.
"When are we going?" Ally asked
"Umm in an hour? That'll give us some time to get ready and stop by the hotel for Thomas and Dylan to get changed." You explain.
"Sounds great love."
"Thanks Tommy"
"Aww they already have cute nicknames for each other!" Dylan said, causing you to blush.
You decided to wear nothing too fancy since your were just going shopping. You slipped on some short black jeans and a  purple shirt. As you put the same flats on from the night before, you walked into the bathroom and braided your hair into two parts, one on either side of your head.
You close the door to your bedroom and make your way down to the living room where Thomas was waiting for your.
"Are you ready to go love?" He asks in his sweet accent
"Yeah I think so. I've got everything so yeah!" You say with a small giggle, causing Thomas to smile.
As you lock the door behind you, you turn to see Ally already in the passenger seat of the car with Dylan, madly blushing. You chuckle at the two of them as you slip the helmet Thomas handed you over your head. You sit down on the motorbike and wrap your arms around Thomas's waist as the engine comes to life. He begins to drive off with Dylan and Ally close behind.

You don't pay much attention to where you're going; instead looking at the scenery around you. Watching as the large spread out properties slowly get closer and closer together until you realise you are in suburbia. You drive for about 10 more minutes until Thomas pulls over and kills the engine. You both remove your helmets and wait for Ally and Dylan to find a parking space.
You lean up against a wall behind you and close your eyes, images of your nightmare flashing under your eyelids.
"(Y/n) what's wrong? You look scared." Thomas says, causing you to open your eyes.
"I was just remembering the nightmare I had last night." A look of concern and sympathy washes over Thomas's features.
"Did you want to talk about it?"
"Well I couldn't move  or breathe and I was sinking underwater. It's basically my two biggest fears. Thalassophobia and cleithrophobia, fear of the ocean and fear of being trapped. I can't stand deep water where you can't see what's below you, just darkness. And not being able to move my arms or legs just drives me crazy. Put the two together and I panick and can't breathe and..." You trail off, the feeling from last night returning.

"(Y/n) your trembling again. Here it's okay, you didn't have to tell me if it does this to you." Thomas says in a soothing voice. He laces his hand in yours and continues to comfort you until the shaking stops.
"Are you alright now (y/n)?"
"Yeh. It happens sometimes if I think about it too much."
"I'm sorry (y/n), if I had known I would have never asked. Are you sure? Do you want to go back home?"
"It alright Tommy. I'm okay now, I want to show you around like I promised." You say as Thomas nods, still looking concerned.
By now Dylan and Ally had found a parking space and found you and Thomas. You all walk together towards the hotel. As you all turn a corner, across the road waiting in front of the hotel were a bunch of paparazzi and fans. As soon as Thomas and Dylan were spotted, flashing lights and high pitched squeals bombarded you. Thomas pulled you along a little, still holding your hand. He and Dylan waved and smiled, saying hello to some fans and signing stuff. You don't really know what to do, so you just held Thomas's hand and smile.
"Hi could I please get a photo with you?" A young girl asks Thomas.
"Yeah sure." He leans over and smiles at the camera for a short second as the girl takes the photo. She smiles wildly until she sees your hand laced in Thomas's.
"Who are you?" She asks rudely, the smile disappearing form her face. You were stunned for a second, not expecting anything like that.
"I'm um"
"That's (y/n), my lovely girlfriend." Thomas explains to the girl for you. The smile appears on her face again once Thomas talks to her again.
"Oh okay. Thank you Thomas I love you!"  She yells over the noise as you walk through the he door of the hotel. You notice a slight ringing in your ears in silence of the hotel, a huge difference from the clicking of photos and screaming from outside.

You walk together to the elevator in silence before stepping in.
"Does that happen a lot?  You ask, looking at Thomas and Dylan.
"Sometimes. I honestly don't know how the find out the hotel we are staying in though" Dylan says through a small laugh. The rest of the rise is silent, other than the ding of the bell once you reach your floor. You follow Thomas into his room as Ally and Dylan make their way to Dylan's apartment just next to Thomas's.
"I'm just going to have a shower and get ready okay love?" Thomas says as he gathers some clothes and makes his way to what must the bathroom.
You were too blown away by the room to answer. It was huge! As you walked in the door, the wall opposite you was entirely glass, with long curtains draping down from the  high ceiling. A few feet from the door, the floor sank down a couple of steps with a massive bed in the little cove. Across from the bed was the door which must lead to the bathroom, and a large rolling door. You walked to the rolling door and pushed it open slightly to reveal a large closet half the size of your room.
You were in utter shock at how big the room was, and it wasn't even the penthouse!  You lay on the large bed, sinking in on the soft mattress. You watch the ceiling in a daze, just thinking about everything for a while when the door to the bathroom creeked open, causing you to look over at Thomas. He was dressed in fresh clothes and his hair was clean and styled slightly to the side. He looked over at you with a smile on his face.
"What?" You ask confused.
"Your face! You look amazed"
"Well have you seen this room?! It freaking massive! One grown man does not need this much space to live in for a few weeks. Your closet is nearly as big as my room alone!" You say, still blown away at the size of the room. You reaction must have been hilarious because Thomas's face contorted into laughter  as he walked up to you.
"You're so adorable, you know that?" Thomas says as he pulls you into a tight hug
"I've been told" you respond with a laugh. Your cheeky remark earned you a chuckle from Thomas, causing you to smile widley. Any bad feeling from the night before vanished, nowhere to be found now. You were going to have an amazing day today, and nothing was going to ruin that.
You stand on the tips of your toes to pull Thomas's face down to yours. You lips' collide in a passionate and  hungry kiss. Your hands find their way to Thomas's head, lightly clutching onto a fistful of hair. His hands travel from your waist and begin to explore your back. You fall back onto his huge bad, pulling him with you, never breaking away from each other.  His lips move away from yours, traveling up along your cheek to your neck, then down to your collarbone. He gingerly kisses your neck when a knock on the door interrupts him.
"Hey Thomas! Are you and (y/n) ready?" Dylan's muffled voice shouts thought the closed door. For once Thomas seemed more annoyed than you, letting a quiet and annoyed groan slip though his pale pink lips.
"We'll be out in a minute!" Thomas shouts over his shoulder towards the door. Helooks back down at you, connecting your lips for a short moment before getting off of the bed and pulling you up with him. You watch as he walks to the mirror in the bathroom to fix his hair and clothes that had gotten messed up. You look down at your clothes and smooth them over before heading to the door. You open it to reveal Dylan and Ally waiting patiently.
"Hey what took you guys so long? We waited outside for five minutes before we decided to call you." Dylan says, looking the slightest bit annoyed.
"Oh well, um Thomas took a while to get ready"  you say, trying not to sound like you're lying.
"Well that sound like Thomas." Dylan says with a small laugh before Thomas left the bathroom and headed towards you, Dylan and Ally.
"Dude why do you always take so long to get ready? You were in there for like 40 minutes!" Dylan said to Thomas through a huff.
"Sorry man. It takes me a while to find the right clothes that I want to wear." He lied.
"Yeah yeah. Come on! I want to go shopping!" Dylan said enthusiastically.
"Dylan wants to go shopping? Well there's a rare phenomenon!" You say, causing everyone to laugh.

You all head to the elevator and make your way to where Thomas's bike was parked. As you sat down behind Thomas, the engine of the bike roared to life and you left to go shopping.

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