Chapter 7

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You watched as Kaya, Ki Hong, Dylan and Will left the room, leaving you alone with Thomas.
"How the hell did this happen?" You asked yourself.
An awkward silence washed over the room without the usual chatter caused by Dylan and the others. Before you could continue into deep thought, Thomas rose from his seat and headed towards one of the corners in the trailer that was reserved for the 'kitchen'. He opened a mini fridge and got out a bottle of water.
"Would you like a drink (y/n)?" He asked politely
"Yes thanks" you said as he proceeded to get another bottle of cold water out. Once he had handed it to you and sat beside you, you opened the lid to take a sip. You were shocked at how thirsty you actually were, and almost drank the whole thing.
"So your a fan of my work are you?" Thomas asked with a smirk twitching at his lips.
"Great. How am I going to answer this without sounding like a crazed fan?" You asked yourself. You decided that you were going to answer honestly, and try to talk to him like any other person.
"Honestly? Yes. I admire you skills and abilities to portray characters. And the way you still stay humble and modest even though thousands of people would die just to meet you." You felt a weight lift off your chest, and you didn't feel quite so awkward around him now that you had told him that.
Thomas looked both stunned and flattered, and slightly red
"Oh. Um wow. Thank you. Um. Thanks." He managed to get out. It made you giggle.
"What?" He asked, a smile on his face.
"Oh I was just thinking how funny it was that the tables have turned. Now you are the one lost for words." You laughed again.
"You have a cute laugh, you know that (y/n)?" Now it was your turn to be red in the cheeks.
Thomas noticed that is was getting a little akward, so he tried to continue with the conversation.
"So what else can you tell me about yourself (y/n)?"
"Well I'm 23, I like to draw and listen to music," you looked up at him; he seemed genuinely intrigued. "And I LOVE London." You added, watching his face carefully. At the mention of London, his head snapped up to yours. He was looking at your grin, and you could tell he was thinking. After a moment of silence, he said
"Well maybe after I finish filming, you can come back to London with me for a visit, aye? He offered. That's when everything began to spin again.
"Did Thomas freaking Sangster just offer for me to to go back to London with him!?" You asked yourself.
"Um. Uh yeh! Well of course I would!" You struggled to say. You noticed Thomas was staring into you (e/c) eyes again, and saw that his eyes flitter down to your lips again, only this time, they didn't return to your eyes.

He slowly began to lean forward, your faces only inches part now. He exhaled, and you caught a scent of his sweet breath. You inched your head slightly closer to his, and just as his lips brushed against yours, you heard the door of the trailer open.
"Hey Thomas and..OH! Uh. Um, sorry." You heard Dylan say. The both of you quickly moved away, and you shot a glare at Dyaln, who was trying to look anywhere but at the two of you

That's when it hit you. You were about to kiss Thomas. The man you had adored for years now. And he was gonna kiss you. With that thought, your face turned a bright red. You looked over to see Thomas who's face was bright red as well.
"Uh hey man. We were just about to uh start setting up for tonight if you and uh (y/n) wanted to join us." Dylan said, now looking at us.
You looked back at Thomas who had quickly recovered.
"Uh yeh sure. Be there in a couple of minutes." Thomas replied, and with that Dylan gladly left the trailer.
"Tonight? What's going on tonight?" You asked, nearly forgetting what just happened
"Wes wanted us to stay here for the night and tomorrow for some team building exercises" Thomas said looking at you.
"Oh that's right! Wes told me about that!" You thought to yourself. Thomas's voice broke you from your thoughts.
"Would you like to join me, love?" He asked in his deep British accent.
"Yeah of course!"
"Did he just call me love?" You thought to yourself.
"Cool, did you want to leave now?" He asked
"Yeah. I'll just head up to my house to get some stuff real quick." You replied
You walked towards you bike with a huge grin on your face. You quickly looked around and saw no one in sight. Good. You let out a girlish little squeal. With that out of your system, you hopped on your bike and drove up to your house.
Hey guys, I hope you're liking the story! Got any ideas with how this camp out is going to go down? Let me know what you think so far☺️

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