Chapter 32

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"What's got you bouncin' around this morning?" Dylan asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and walked into the kitchen. After yesterday he and Ally decided it was best that they say the night; just in case you and Thomas broke into an argument again.

Everything about this morning had you happy and cheerful. The beautiful warm sun shining bright outside, the sound of birds whistling beautiful melodies in the air. But mostly it was Thomas who made you so happy. After you and him sorted everything out and now talk about your problems, everything seems amazing and wonderful.

"Oh you know; everything." You reply whilst hopping around making breakfast for everyone. You looked up at Dylan to see him eyeing you suspiciously.

"What?" You ask innocently. Dylan continued to watch you, his lips parted a little as if her were about to speak.

"You seem different. You're never this happy in the morning. What's going on?" Dylan finally asked as he stole a piece of bacon from the plate and snacked away on it.

"Nothing is going on. I'm just happy everything in the world is right and working out for the better! But there is something I wanted to say to you, but not until everyone is awake and ready for the day!" You announced, placing the last of the eggs onto everyone's plates. Not long after you heard the familiar thud of feet rumbling down the stairs, and to your excitement it was Thomas. You felt like a little schoolgirl when you practically squealed his name and ran over to him, embracing Thomas in a tight hug.

"Good morning again love. You seem quite happy and energetic today." Thomas remarked, squeezing you tight in the hug. You had the biggest smile on your face when you let go to return to the kitchen.

"That's what I said!" Dylan called out; his voice muffled by a mouthful of food.

"I made everyone breakfast!" You announced to Thomas as you led him into the kitchen.

"Did somebody say breakfast?" Ally half yelled as she came down the stairs.


"Alright, now that everyone is here, I have something to say. Go get yourself a plate of food and I'll meet you at the table." You said as you waited for everyone to join Dylan. You were the last to get your breakfast as you followed behind Ally to the table. While everyone sat down, you remained standing.

"So, I'd like to thank you, Ally and Dylan for yesterday. Thank you Ally for staying with me all day and putting up with all my crap, and comforting me when I needed it. And thank you Dylan for being Thomas's and my mediator; without you we'd probably still be arguing. Thank you both for helping Thomas and I get through our differences. It really means a lot to me." You say, looking everyone in the eye as you spoke.

"You're welcome (y/n), Ally and I are just glad you two could talk things out and are happy now. But please, if you ever get in a fight I will not be the messenger again, got that Tommy?" Dylan joked, micking your nickname for Thomas. Everyone broke out into laughter while Thomas sat at the table a little red faced.

"Anyway, to thank you for being so kind I'm taking you all out to movies today!" You announced excitedly.

"That sounds wonderful love, but Dylan and I have work today." Thomas explained, a sad look in his eyes.

"No you don't! I spoke to Wes on the phone earlier and have arranged a little day off for you two. Your welcome by the way." You say as you pick your empty plate from the table and walked over to clean it in the kitchen.

"That sound awesome! I can't wait!" Ally spoke in a shrill, excited voice.

"Yeah me too, What would you like to see love?" Thomas asked, joining you in the kitchen and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I dunno, didn't really think about that. What about you Tommy?"

"I don't mind. Dylan, Ally, have any idea's in mind?"

"Yeah, lets go see a scary movie!" Dylan spoke up, also bringing his plate over to wash in the kitchen.

"Yeah, that sounds great." You say, everyone agreeing.


Lets just say that watching a scary movie with Dylan O'Brien was one of the worst idea's ever. Every time something would pop up, you could guarantee Dylan would scream and almost fall off his seat. It was a little entertaining to watch though. You did enjoy having the excuse to hug Thomas through the whole movie though, which was amazing.

By the end of the day everyone was tired and wanted to sleep, so you all drove home and passed out on the couch.

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