Chapter 39

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The entire process of getting through the airport was quiet and tense as the realization of what was happening dawned on you all. No one was really ready, but you had no choice but to split ways until hopefully a sequel was decided.

Only the distant beeping of machines and the sounds of people bustling about could be heard as you and the group sat silently, waiting for their flight to be called. You gazed at your ring; Thomas' promise to return, when Ally spoke up.

"Come one guys, you aren't really going to end it like this. Talk, tell them you're gonna miss them or something! We can't just stay silent the entire time," Ally huffed, leaning forwards to see everyone.

"What do we talk about? Everything that needs to be said has already been said," Ki Hong relied.

"Well then cry! I know for sure there are gonna be some waterworks today, and if it isn't from (y/n) or I, it'll be one of you. So who has been holding it back, because now's the time to let it all out." There was a moment of silence as Kaya and the boys thought about it.

"Oh who am I kidding? I'm going to miss you all so much!" Kaya cried out, getting up from her seat to embrace Ally, tears brimming along her eyes. Ally welcomed the hug, arms still open motioning for you all to join in. You were the next to join, tears already streaking your face from earlier. Thomas followed soon after to join the group hug and comfort you. Newt was Dylan and finally Will and Ki Hong. Together, you all stood in a big, sobbing group hug which must have looked awfully strange from the outside. But you didn't care, this was likely the last time you'd be able to see any of them for a long time.

"You promise to keep in touch?" You asked with a sniffy nose, wiping the tears away as everyone pulled away.

"Of course!" Kaya and Thomas reassured in unison.

"Flight 473 now boarding," The monotone voice rung out over the speakers.

"That's us," Will announced, gathering his stuff. Thomas was already by your side to pull you into a tight embrace. He knew too well what was going through you mind as everyone began to get their bags together.

"Don't worry Love, I'll call you when I get home, okay? We can FaceTime so that you can meet my family," Thomas promised, stepping back to see your face. with his index finger, he tilted you chin up, getting a clear view of you bloodshot eyes and red cheeks. "You're going to be okay, (y/n), I'll be back before you know it," he said as he wiped a couple of tears from you face.

"You better be," you joked, however feeling very far from laughter in that moment.

"I promise," Thomas chuckled, lifting your hand and pointing to the ring. "We still need to organise this."

"Look man, I hate to break this up but we're gonna miss the flight if we don't leave now," Dylan cautioned, slinging an arm around Ally's shoulder.

"I have to go, but I'll call you as soon as I land. I love you so much!" Thomas called out, catching up to the rest of the group.

"Bye! I hope you all have a safe trip home!" You called out, waving goodbye to the group as a few paparazzi showed up, snapping some quick photo's. You turned to Ally with a weak smile.

"Guess it's back to just the two of us for a while," You laughed.

"Yeah, but we'll be fine." Another realisation dawned on you as you looked around.

"Oh crap," You muttered.

"What is it?" Ally asked concernedly.

"We don't have a ride home," You whined.


Oh gosh, I can't believe that this story has actually come to an end. Being the first story that I have ever written, I am happy to say that I have been able to share it with you all. Thank you so much for all the support, even if I wasn't updating that often. It mightn't be the best (far from it) but I'm always going to hold this close to my heart. As always, I hope you have enjoyed my story, and hopefully there will be a sequel in the future. But for now, thanks for sticking around and giving me support.

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