Chapter 20

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*******2 weeks later (day before Valentine's Day)******
You woke up to the hot late morning sun shining in your face from the bedroom window. You frowned as you rolled over to find the space on your bed beside you empty and cold.
Thomas said he had to go to work today for a while, you remember.

As you rolled back over to pick up your phone and check the time, your were shocked.
You hadn't slept in for this long since your were little. You tried to get up, only to be hit by the immense weight of grogginess. Your head throbbed from the sudden movement which sent you back down onto your bed.
What the hell happened last night?! You thought as you tried to recall the night before.
Oh right, Ally's birthday party!
The memories began to flood into your mind from the party, and you struggled to put them into order.

First, after Dylan, Thomas, Kaya, Will and Ki Hong finished up on set, they joined you and Ally up at your house as the birthday girl received her gifts. You remembered she absolutely loved the bracelet you had gotten her, and the smile that spread across her face when she opened the little box it came in was priceless.
Not long after Dylan had asked her out, he quickly returned to the mall and bought another gift; a gorgeous silver sterling ring with three small diamonds along the top.
"It's a promise ring" he told her.
"Oh Dylan its beautiful! Thank you, I love you so much! If it's a promise ring, what are you promising?"
"I promise to always be there for you, through thick and thin; and no matter what, I will never leave you. I know it hasn't been long, but I know that I have never felt the same way with someone as I do with you. Ally, I love you." By this point tears welled up in her eyes and threatened to spill over. As if on cue, a few tears rolled down her face over the smile spread across it.
"I love you too, Dylan" she said as the embraced each other with a tight and long hug.

After Ally received all of her gifts, everyone got ready for the party, which was being held in a club and hour away. You rode in the car with Ally and Dylan up the front, leaving you Thomas alone in the backseat. You exchanged hugs and kisses along the ride, holding each others hands the entire time.
Over the last two weeks, yours and Thomas's relationship had strengthened immensely, as if the two of you had dated for years. He made you feel happy every time you thought of him, and butterflies erupted to life each time his hand touched yours, or when his soft lips pressed gently up against yours.
You knew that he wasn't like any other guy you had met, and that you truly loved him, and you knew he equally felt the same way.

It was when you reached the club that your memories began to get hazy and blurred. You remembered having a few drinks, but you mostly danced with Thomas, sometimes with Ally or Kaya or even Dylan at one stage. It went on for hours, and know one left until 2am. Thomas and Will both agreed not to drink, and drive everyone back to your place safely.

You sat up the front with Thomas on the way back, Ally and Dylan in the back. Kaya and Ki Hong went back with Will, who was close behind Thomas. By the time everyone got to your house, they were all too tired to drive to the hotel, so you offered for them to stay at your place. You and Thomas stayed in your room like you had been for the past two weeks, Dylan and Ally in the guest bedroom, and Will, Kaya and Ki Hong all managed to fit on the couch.

"Thanks Tommy" you said quietly as he carried you into your room and gently placing you down on the bed. You began to feel the clutches of sleep pulling you in, but before it did, you heard Thomas chuckle lightly and say,
"That's okay (y/n). You really wore yourself out, didn't you?
"Mm" was all you could manage before you were pulled in by the peaceful darkness of sleep.

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