Chapter 30

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Your P.O.V.
It had been been one of the longest days of your life, or at least that's what it felt like. All you could think about was what was going to happen when Thomas came back up.
Will he break up with me and just leave? What if he never forgives me? That's all you could think about. You had started to feel sick to the stomach with all of the anxious worrying you were doing. Not even Ally's countless attempts to take your mind off things were helping.
The police arrived soon after everything happened, and after getting a description of Jackson and the story of everything, they were on their way to find him. You did feel relieved by that, however.
"(Y/n), please stop pacing around. I've told you a million times, you will get everything sorted out between the two  of you. Dylan is down there right now, telling Thomas what really happened." Ally yet again tried to soothe your nerves.
"He doesn't believe him." You muttered as you continued to pace across the living room, trying to think of something to say to Thomas that will at least make him listen long enough for you to explain.
"He will! Look (y/n), right now Thomas isn't thinking straight. He thinks that you cheated on him, and his thoughts are clouded with a mixture of anger and hurt. He can't put it together that that is something you'd never do. He just needs some time to get his head clear, that's all." Ally's relentless speeches were beginning work on you, however you tried to ignore them
I need to be prepared for anything that happens. I can't let myself slip into false sense of security and hope. You thought to yourself.
You looked up at the clock for the hundredth time.
It was almost time. 5 more minutes and Thomas will be finished for the day, and will come back up here. Your eyes darted down to the set, and you could see Dylan and Thomas getting into one of the golf carts. You could feel your breath catching in your throat and heart pounding against your chest as the golf cart grew nearer.
"They're coming" You breathed, barely audible.
What do I do? How do I seem like I haven't been anticipating this moment all day, yet still seem concerned? You finally decided to go and sit by Ally, and wait until they arrived. It seemed like hours that you waited, fidgeting around in your spot, until you heard the click of the door opening. Your eyes darted to the door, and saw Dylan walking through the door, followed by Thomas. Your eyes stayed on Dylan's for a moment as he gave you and encouraging smile.
What's that for? Is he trying to make me feel better? Your eyes then found Thomas's, and it was just like the first time you'd looked into his deep eyes all over again. It felt like years ago that you bumped into Thomas and he caught you, when you were invited into his trailer and left alone to chat with him. All of those feeling you was feeling then; the anxiety, butterflies, and panic, you were feeling all of that in this moment.
You couldn't refrain yourself  from rising off of the couch and taking a couple steps towards them.
"Thomas," you barely whispered as tears threatened to spill over my cheeks. "I'm so sorry Thomas." You whimpered as you took another step forward. By now your vision was too blurred by tears to see how Thomas was reacting. Everything remained silent, aside from your rugged breathing. You squeezed your eyes shut tight and looked to the ground, assuming the silence said the worst. It was all over. Your chest ached with an unbearable pain and your whole body seemed to go numb, yet you just stood there.
You heard someone step foward, and two warm arms wrapped around you, pulling you tight against their chest. You couldn't hold it in anymore. You let the tears fall and the sobs escape your lips.
"It's me who should be saying sorry," Thomas sobbed. "It should be me begging for your forgiveness." You looked up to see Thomas teary-eyed, looking down at you.
"What?" Your voice quivered with shock.
"I should have believed you, I should have known you wouldn't do such a thing. I know there's no excuse, and I understand if you can't forgive me. I deserve it." Thomas whimpered, another sob escaping his mouth.
"I- I don't understand Thomas. Your not upset or mad?" You asked, pulling away from him to see him better.
What's going on? He's not upset?
"No! No I'm I'm not mad at you, only me. I was so blinded by betrayal and anger that I wasn't able to clearly think. It took Dylan yelling at me for me to come to my senses and realise I was completely wrong, and a complete ass to you. And for that, I'm sorry
(y/n)." You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Thomas was apologising to you, after all day you were thinking of how you would apologise to him.
"I forgive you Thomas." You said through a sob as you buried you head into his chest again.
"I love you (y/n)." Thomas breathed into your ear as tears rolled down his cheeks.
"I love you too Thomas!" You pulled him closer, so close that you felt you might crush each other, but it was good. You were overwhelmed with relief and joy after realising you and Thomas weren't breaking up.
"I love you so much." You murmured again.

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