Dan's POV

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    I felt someone sneak up behind me as I was picking up after class. "Erm, hey I'm Phil," the voice squeaked out.

    I looked over to see a beautiful human being. He was tall and had a fringe sort of like mine. Except his eyes were such a deep, beautiful blue.

    His color was a strong, rosy red. But the color wasn't an angry red, it was something I couldn't describe. It was an ache in my stomach. "Erm, hi Re-Phil, I'm Dan," I stuttered, cringing.

    He let out a sweet little laugh, like the teddy bear I used to cuddle at night to keep the sadness away. After dad... it was comforting and warm, like his laugh.

     I let out a small smile and ducked my head down. "I noticed you seemed sad. Are you okay?"

    So that's why he came over, pity. My stomach fell and I was confused on why. "Erm, I'm fine," hoisting my bag onto my shoulders.

    "Well that's good," he said, smiling awkwardly.

    "Oh look! It's the two faggots!" A voice shouted from behind us.

    Phil just laughed and I felt a deep cloud of maroon in my stomach. I walked out of the room quickly, hoping this Phil guy wouldn't follow.

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