Dan's POV

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    I sat in my room painting. I was feeling inspired today and painted with all different variations of reds and pinks until I could find the exact shade of Phil.

    Plus, painting the colors I felt made it less confusing for other people, maybe even myself. I smoothed my brush over another shade of pink, making a petal. A rose seemed appropriate to draw at the moment.

    "Dinner!" Mum yelled up the stairs.


    I finished one last brushstroke and rushed downstairs. I could already taste the lasagna and the childhood memories that came along with it. I sat at the table across from my brother. We didn't talk much, since we're kind of polar opposites.

    I looked down at my plate and the garlic bread, which somehow reminded me of when I used to read those short vampire books. I had strapped garlic, "holy" water, wooden sticks, and one of mum's crosses to a tool belt to go vamp hunting. That's what it smelled like, that exactly.

    We said grace and then I took a bite. The bite also tasted the same. I looked up at my normal family peacefully enjoying their food, while eyeing me curiously. Eating with them always made me feel weird. So what, I have synesthesia. It makes me no different but yet it makes me so much more different.

    I ate another bite and got a small smile from mom and dad. I wiped my mouth with my napkin. "Okay, I'm done," I said, setting my napkin over my plate.

    "Oh Dan, I can make you something else!" Mum said, a bit concerned.

    "I'm okay," I said and got up to set my plate in the fridge for later.

    "I know it's hard to eat sometimes but you have to, it's good for-"

    "I'm fine," I snapped a little too harshly.

    I shook my head and sulked back into my room. I was tired of them treating me so delicately. I didn't have a disease, just a disorder. I enjoy having it, so what's the problem?

    I flopped down on my bed and took a deep breath. A foggy feeling of blueish gray filled my insides. I tried to shake it off and decided to get on my favorite pajamas. I threw off my clothes i was wearing and put on a pastel blue shirt and some flannel pajama pants. Pleased with the comfiness of it, I headed back to my painting and turned on my classical music.

    Classical music gave me a place to think of all of the colors I needed to paint with. I began to paint the stem blue, because something as dangerous as thorns couldn't be as calm as the color green.

    I swiped my brush to the music, swaying my hips a bit. This music made me smile. The happy upbeat tune reminded me of the feeling I got when I saw Phil. I frowned, confused. Friends, just a friendly feeling, I reminded myself.

    I painted for hours and hours after that, making sure to feel every detail. There was a shy knock on the door. "Dan, can I come in?"


    I saw mum peek through the door, come in, and shut it behind her. "Whatcha painting?" She asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.

    "Phi-a rose," I said, my face going slightly red

    She let out a small laugh. "Well, I made some cookies if you want some."

    I painted another stroke and put my brush in the water. "Sure," I said.

    Cookies sounded great. I walked to the door but mom stopped me. "You know I didn't mean what I said downstairs."

    "I know," I said, though I didn't really believe it.

    She gave me a small closed lipped smile. "I'll get your cookies for you and some milk. You can keep drawing your... rose," she said, giving me a mischievous smile.

    I blushed a bit as mom left. Just a friendly feeling.

Author's note: Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I feel like my phanfic is failing :(

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