Phil's POV

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    I woke up next to a sleeping Dan. My body hurt so bad that I could hardly move. Dan stirred bit and looked at me with sleepy eyes. "Are you okay Phil," he asked.

    "I hurt a bit."

    I looked at his wall, my eyes getting lost in the stark grey color. "Here I have some muscle numbing cream. Where does it hurt," he asked, rummaging through his first aid kit. 

    "Well my ribs are primarily what hurts. I can handle the pain of everything else."

    "You know the drill," Dan said, mouth spreading into a friendly smile.

    I stripped off my shirt and looked at my gallery of bruises. Ugly markings on my pale tainted skin. He took out the cream and massaged it into my ribs. It may have been awkward a couple of days ago but not anymore. Dan knew my darkest secret and he was helping me, actually helping me.

    He then looked at me, eyes searching me. Not physically, just searching me. My feelings and thoughts. He shook his head a bit and muttered, "I'd better go tell my mum you'll be staying here for a while."

    I nodded my head and as he left I examined his room. It was so dark yet pretty with small splashes of color. My favorite thing was his bed sheets. It was a black and grey checkerboard type of thing. I had wanted one like that in a different color but knew I'd never get it. He came back in and reassured me that his family would be fine with me staying.

    We stayed home from school that day and talked. We played cards and I told him some more about my family. He made me soup and sandwiches and told me everything would be okay from now on. I loved Dan in the simplest way possible. He took care of me more than anyone ever had.

Author's Note: short update for ya :)

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