Dan's POV

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Phil slept for hours after I drove him back home. I heard small sobs escape from him from my desk. I decided to give him space to mourn. His mood was grey. It was like smoke emitting off of a musky smelling cigarette. It was suffocating, I could hardly stand seeing this smile wrap him up.
Everything was oh so grey. I couldn't stand it anymore. I needed him snuggled against my side. But I couldn't do that now. He needed sleep.
    I walked out of the room quietly, waiting for my own orange cloud to take me outside. It enveloped me, trying to keep me safe. It pressed in on every side. I could see or feel anything except for panic.
    I continued to walk again, trying to focus on my feet slapping the ground beneath me. I walked for a while until things began to be less familiar. It was like foreign land. The orange cloud gripped at my chest again. This time I ran. I ran away from this cloud until it dissipated behind me.
Soon I was home and I slowly and carefully traipsed my way upstairs. Phil was awake, but it looked as if he just did wake up. "Hey baby," said, my heart filling with love for this human being.
    "Oh, am I your baby now," Phil says, giving me a tilted grin.
    I crawled under the sheets with him and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Yes you are."
    "Okay, baby," Phil tests, letting the pet name roll off of his tongue.
    My heart pace quickened. Before I started kissing Phil madly, I laid down beside him, letting out deep breaths. Phil traced his fingers on my thigh, teasing me.
    I began to shudder as Phil laughed at me. I pushed him over and tickled his belly as he squirmed in between my legs. He laughed hysterically, wheezing out incoherent words. "How do you like this?" I said, triumphant in my act.
    We tickled each other until our mvoices were raw and we couldn't breathe, collapsing beside each other. We looked at each other smiling endearingly at each other. My life was less grey with the pink he emitted off of his body. When we mingled, my body was like a chameleon, changing to a lovely pink like Phil.
Phil looks over at me, pressing himself against me. He snuggles to my chest. "Tell me more about you Dan. I want to listen to you talk."
I thought for a moment for something interesting. My mind was blank, no matter how hard I tried to scribble something on this blank slate.
"There's really not much about me."
"Of course there is. Everything is interesting about you."
My heart turned to cotton candy, waiting to be melted. "Erm, okay. So I really like to paint. I even painted a picture of you. It was the one of the rose you saw earlier. I thought maybe you would think it was stalkerish because I painted it pretty much after the first time we properly met. It was just something about you. You make my whole body go pink, you turn my heart to cotton candy. You smell like warmth. Not a certain smell, just warmth. Like a home in the winter."
Phil looked up at me. "I love you Dan Howell. There was nothing creepy about your painting. It is actually the second most beautiful thing I have ever seen."
He leaned closer to my face breathing heavily. We locked lips, tongues tangling gently. "Mm," I grunted out as Phil began to gently palm me.
He slid his hand up to my cheek and broke the kiss. The overwhelming fog of a lusty magenta began to fade. It still lurked at the edges of my vision, blurring Phil's face slightly.
"Tell me more," Phil insisted, snuggling back into my chest.
    "You tease," I said, lips curling into a smile.
    "Promise me that you won't get weirded out when I tell you this," I mutter urgently to Phil.
    My insides, like a snake, constricted. I can't believe I'm going to tell him this. "Promise. Unless you're taking bits of hair off of me while I sleep to make a clone."
    We both laugh a little at Phil's joke. I grow serious. "Well I have synesthesia. Not many people know what that is so I can explain it if you want me to."
    Phil nodded. "Well it's a condition in which one sense can be perceived as multiple different senses. It can also be where you associate objects, feelings, colors and so on with people."
    Phil's eyes grew curious. "That sounds so cool!"
    "Yeah, it's kind of a confusing condition."
    "This changes nothing Dan. In fact, it's really cool! You can explain things to me your way. I will try to understand. You don't have to pretend to be someone you aren't."
    There it is again. That pink aura. My pink feeling, my love, his love. Just love. He is love. "I feel so pink right now Philly."
    "I'm thinking that's s good thing," Phil says, pressing his lips to mine.

Author's Note: i'm trying to advance the plot but it's going sooooo slow i'm sorry. i'll try to figure it out

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