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(Kalek's P.O.V )

Blurred lights. Muffled voices. Those were my earliest memories. Memories from the first time I woke up into this world.

"-thats why they can't hear about this. I've told you this a million times-"

"Be quiet, he's waking up"

"Shut him down, Stephen"

"But sir, if we do that, he wont wake up for another week"

"I'm not wasting millions of dollars on that thing's sleeping schedule, this entire programme depends on his ignorance of his surroundings, now, Shut. Him. Down"

A sharp, screechy buzzer sound erupted from around me, which I immediatly assumed was the source of the scorching pain that immediatly burst into action in my head. My already blurring vision began to diminish and the voices were drowned in silence, like a softening echo.

Stark's P.O.V (two years later)

Doing nothing for three weeks can really get to a guy.

Well, technically its not doing nothing.....more like, doing nothing productive for three weeks. Sure, I may have repaired a few boosters, kick started a few engines....but nothing really managed to take my mind off.....

Tony Stark sunk deep into his plush white sofa, letting his thoughts reach a dead end, in an attempt to block any triggering memories. For once in his life, Tony Stark had reached a dead end. He used to be able to obsess over things for hours.....days, weeks, months, years on end, but now he was unable to even work through repairing one little piece of his armour. Too clamoured was his mind with guilt and anxiety to even imagine getting in that suit again. After his final face to face battle with Rogers, where he'd been met with a demeaning defeat, returning home had been of little satisfaction. Home reminded him of his past. Something he was currently attempting to forget, but was failing at rapidly.

I.....didn't mean to.....I thought I was helping people. I did.....I didn't mean to hurt them

Tony Stark was falling. His towering intellect was backfiring. Crashing down before him and shattering like glass.

A low groan escaped Stark's lips as he dragged his legs up onto the sofa, hugging them tightly against his chest, burying his face in his knees. Dark thoughts pounded against his his skull inside his head like loud music in a club,as he dug his nails into his sofa with one hand and squeezing the remote with the other.

I'm never going to escape. Never. It's over. I killed them. I killed them.

He began to rock back and forth, holding his head in his hands, murmuring inaudibly.

Stop. Stop. Stop.

He wanted to cry out. To someone. Anyone.

He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't keep it in. He couldn't stay calm anymore.

"Help ME! Please! Please....." his words came out in ragged gasps and he struggled to regain his senses.

But at the back of his mind, he knew no one would answer. No one was here. He felt realisation seep in as it usually did at this point in his daily panic sessions.

I'm alone. No one's coming. Not Pepper.....No one....I'm alone....

Wet tears traced paths down Stark's cheeks, as he slumped down sideways, his arms wrapped around himself in an attempt to sooth himself as he came to what he thought was a final conclusion.

His lips curled into a tight smile.

Better get used to it, Stark. Cuz its gonna stay that way for a long time.....

When the light calls (Tony Stark x OC) Where stories live. Discover now