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(Kalek's P.O.V) 

It took me a while to learn to control my powers. At first I couldn't really mark my aim. If I was using it, I'd destroy every thing within a few inches of myself. So for about a week they let things progress normally till I got used to my new found asset. 

I was foolish enough to think that things were coming to an end. That I'd finally found my way out of this dark, endless pit of chaos. But all that was obviously wishful thinking. They weren't done with me yet, in fact this was just the beginning. 

One particular morning, I was awoken by a loud electric buzzing sound in my ear. Rather foolishly, I decided to ignore it and turned away to sleep. Suddenly I was flying through the air, a painful, gut wrenching throb in my side. I smashed into a wall with a thud and fell to the ground. Groaning in pain, I dragged myself off the ground and stood to face my newly formed enemy. A small metallic spider like contraption was hovering in the air just a few feet away from me. I was caught off guard. It looked relatively harmless compared to what I'd faced with the arrow machine. I stared at it, in a mix of curiosity and fear. Not sure quite what to expect, I took a few wary steps back from it. It didn't move, buzzing around in the same spot. 

By this point I'd learned not to underestimate anything they did, so I decided to get rid of it as soon as I could. I concentrated all my power on crushing it as I'd learned to do over the past few days. But all that did was create a little bump in its side. I realised I couldn't fight this thing, at least not with my present strength. So I ran, still unsure of what this new threat held in store for me. 

But it didnt leave me wondering for long. Almost as soon as I began to run, I felt it begin to chase after me. This was cat and mouse thing was new to me. The only machinery I'd come in contact with was the arrows and that just stayed in one place. It was horrifying to me that this thing could move. Just like I could. 

It sped up quickly and rammed straight into me, sending me once again through the air and into the walls in front of me. I didn't know it then but that was my first time experiencing what it was like to fracture a bone. The pain was like nothing the arrows could've ever done to me and unlike with the arrows I couldn't move a muscle. The healing took painstakingly long and that thing just hovered there, watching me writhe and yell in pain. It was awfully demeaning, at that moment knowing that I was so vulnerable and powerless against it.

And it got a lot worse before things started looking up. 


For awhile he'd had his doubts about the boy. He'd been watching him even before he'd been activated. But now there was no arguing against it, the boy was undoubtedly strong. They'd done a good job in creating him.

Of course, the boy had been painstakingly slow at discovering his powers. It had taken them more than three weeks to finally get a reaction from him and even after that, he'd taken another week to actually come to terms with his abilities. 

After they'd introduced the second machine into the maze, the boy almost complete gave up on using his powers and simply spent his days running away with his tail between his legs. Neriz had almost decided on abandoning his mission and ruling the boy off as a lost cause, when one day, when he was barely even paying attention to what was going on, he heard a loud, thundering crash. And what he witnessed next rid his mind of any doubts he'd had up to now. 

The fried bot lay motionless on the ground, sparks flying out of the gaping holes where it's robotic spider like limbs used to be. The metal on the bots front was twisted and warped, with what looked like a giant bullet hole running through it. The boy stood in front of it, breathing hard as tiny trickles of blood ran down his face from his eyes, mouth and nose. But he didn't wait for long. As soon as he regained his senses, he sprang back into a sprint and ran away from the giant ball of warped metal and into one of the long, corridors of the maze. 

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