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(Stark's P.O.V)

Ever since his little moment with Stark on the couch, Kalek had immediately pulled back into his shell. So Stark turned on the TV and put in Jurassic Park in an attempt to coax Kalek out of hiding. This just made Kalek pull even further away from Stark and into the movie but Stark didn't mind. He loved watching the boy and his odd but adorable little expressions. Kalek had taken no time in becoming Stark's new obsession. There was something about his unnaturally blonde hair and purple blue eyes that was completely hypnotizing to Stark.

Like the last time, Stark didn't notice the movie end until Kalek's eyes once again met his and a buzz of questions erupted into the air.

"So the park was the same in the other movie?"

"Why can't people invent dinosaurs the way they did in the movies?"

"Can a space rock hit earth again?"

"Why do some dinosaurs eat flesh and not vegetables?"

"Do other animals eat people too?"

"What's the biggest animal in the world right now?"

Stark methodically answered each question calmly, his fondness for the boy increasing with each answer. He was so innocent and pure, untainted by others emotions and opinions, like a child still learning the ways of the world. After about two hours of discussion on Jurrassic Park and dinosaurs in general, Kalek looked at Stark and shyly requested another movie to watch. More than happy to oblige, Stark turned on a comedy, wondering what other emotions he could instill in the boy through the concept of film. Kalek was soon in fits of giggles which got Stark laughing along as well. Of course he never paid any attention to the movie, his gaze was solely fixated on Kalek. And so for Stark, the day passed in a daze and he found himself feeling a deeper and deeper attraction for the boy with each passing hour.

Lunch came by and Stark decided to whip up something again (Mostly just to impress Kalek). Deciding on pasta, he began to cook as Kalek perched up on the countertop, following his progress closely.

(Kalek's P.O.V)

"Wanna help out, Magic boy?" Stark was looking at me expectantly, with a packet of pasta in his hand. Slight reluctant, I slipped off my spot on the counter and took the packet from him.

Following Stark's instructions, I tore the top of the packet off and poured out its contents into a pan, receiving a fond little smile and a nod from him. I couldn't help feeling a weird sense of pride at Stark's approval. He handed me a long metal spoon to stir and grabbed a few other contents to empty out into the pan. Never having made anything in my life, I stared in deep confusion at the spoon in my hand and looked up at Stark for guidance. Smiling fondly, he came up behind me and held my wrists, gently showing me how to hold the pan with one hand and stir the contents with another. But I could barely concentrate at such close proximity to him. I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck and his skin in contact with mine. The fluttering in my stomach began again and I began to feel weak. And I hated feeling weak, but this weakness felt pleasant. I was enjoying it.

"Is this right, Mr.Stark?"



"Mr.Stark makes me feel old. Call me Tony"

The room entered a silence once again. Only the clanking of metal and the stirring of the pasta was to be heard. But it was a accepting silence. A comfortable one. He didn't let go once the pasta was done, only slipped his arms around me tighter and pulled me closer to him, murmuring inaudibly.

"Mr.St- I mean, Tony? Are you alright?"

He didn't answer my question straight away and we remained in that position for awhile.

"Yeah....I'm am okay" He muttered, in a tone that sounded like him making a decision in his mind, "I'm fine now that you're here"

With that, he pulled away and began to arrange the plates for lunch.

(Stark's P.O.V)

Stark's anxiety had perked up once again. Seeing Kalek make the pasta had reminded him of the special dates him and Pepper used to share. The loneliness and regret had washed up again into his mind like a tsunami. But hearing Kalek's soft, soothing voice so close to him tugged him back out of the abyss. Not even thinking twice, Stark pulled the boy close effortlessly, wanting to feel the warmth of someone else close to him.

"I'm fine now that you're here" and it was the truth as well. Kalek calmed him down tremendously, even though he didn't seem to realized it. Worried that he might upset Kalek, Stark pulled away quickly and began to get things ready for lunch like nothing was wrong. Fumbling around nervously, he ended up knocking more things over than actually doing anything productive. He felt Kalek come up behind him and gently place his hands over Stark's shaky ones gripping the counter, reducing his trembling.

" want to talk to me about it?" To Stark, this was the most adorable thing Kalek had ever done and he wasn't going to miss this chance of being able to talk to the boy.

"If you're okay with it, Sparky, I wouldn't mind"

Kalek nodded and guided Stark over to the sofa.

"Sorry about this, kiddo. It happens once in awhile" Stark hated having to appear this weak in front of Kalek.

"It's okay.....what.....exactly is happening?"

"Well it's sort of like an anxiety attack" Stark replied, curling up on the sofa with his legs pulled up to his chest.

"Anxiety....." Kalek didn't exactly look like he understood anything he was saying, but Stark was just glad to see someone cared.

(Kalek's P.O.V)

I was glad to see that I was making him feel better. I'd never felt this before. Stark made me forget everything. He made me forget Neriz and his deal, my horrible past. He made me feel happy with myself. He made me feel content. For the first time in my life, I was feeling happiness.

Stark suddenly sprang to his feet, knocking me out of my daydreams.

"Okay thats enough moping around for today. Lets go do something fun" Stark's determined expression flinched slightly when a series of yells erupted from below the building.

"Um.....preferably something fun that won't end up in me being brutally killed in a hate crime" he added, smiling goofily. I felt my eyes widen at the thought of Stark being killed.

"They won't kill you, right?" I asked him, fearfully and he chuckled.

"Nah....I was just exaggerating" Stark seemed to think twice and added, "Well if they do, I have my little secret weapon to protect me, don't I?" He gently ran his fingers through my hair and ruffled it.

"Now...." He grinned at me, "You ever ridden a roller coaster?"

When the light calls (Tony Stark x OC) Where stories live. Discover now