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(Stark's P.O.V)

The next few days passed in routine contentment. Together they avoided other involvements and ignored the raging mobs outside the mansion.

Kalek's personality was slowly being formed. Stark soon got to know the boy for his gentle innocence, his embarassment at even the smallest gestures of love, the adorable way his eyes would light up when they watched movies together, the way he'd blurt out the most embarrassing things and then blush deep red and stutter till he was comforted. Stark got to know him for his purity and he loved him for it. He loved him in a way he never knew was possible.

A week passed without any issues. Stark recieved no calls from Nick and it was just as well because he was certain nothing could make him change his mind about the boy.


Stark turned to Kalek who was perched on top of kitchen counter, swinging his legs up and down childlishly.

"Yes cupcake?"

Kalek made a face, pouting slightly. "Dont call me that"

Stark chuckled good naturely and went up to him, placing his palms on the counter on either side of Kalek. He pressed his lips on to the boy's and pulled him into a gentle embrace. Kalek kissed back almost immediately, slipping his arms up and around Stark's neck, twirling a strand of hair at the back of Stark's head around his index finger as they kissed.

Stark could've remained like that for hours but the soft sizzling of the food behind him made him pull back.

"Let's try not to burn down my kitchen this time, okay?" He whispered, and Kalek giggled as the older man's eyelashes tickled his nose.

"Okay" he whispered, smiling cheerily and hopped down from the counter. He pressed a soft kiss on Stark's cheek before skipping off to his room.

Stark watched him go, his eyes shining with love.

(Kalek's P.O.V)

I curled up in bed, letting my thoughts scatter freely. I had a warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest, the kind I always got when I thought of Tony.

I couldn't get over how lucky I was to be able to call that beautiful man mine.

A soft knock at the window made me jump out my thoughts. I turned my head to the side and almost fell off the bed in shock.

There stood Neriz, his eyes red and sparkling with rage. The muscles in his jaw twitched and his shoulders were stoic and tense. Other than that, his expression was emotionless.

As if in a dream I drifted out of bed and opened the window.


His voice sent shivers down my spine. It was full of spite and malice. He spat out my name like it was a swear word.

"N-Neriz....I....I didn't think you'd....." I trailed off, half hoping Tony would come in right now and save me. But the door remained shut.

"You didn't think I'd show up? Thats evident" He smiled cruelly, "Fell for the first person who showed you love, didnt you boy?"

He knows.

"I......" I didnt know what to say. I'd forgotten about Neriz. Well not forgotten but I'd hoped he'd forgotten about me. Part of my mind always knew thats couldn't be real but I had pushed the thought away to be with Tony.

"I think you have a choice to make" Neriz's gaze was intense. I couldn't help averting my gaze to the floor.

"What choice?" I replied, trying to control the shaking in my voice.

When the light calls (Tony Stark x OC) Where stories live. Discover now