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(Previous Situation in Kalek's P.O.V) 

Neriz had made sure I was fully prepared for the operation that night. In fact, he'd even followed my every move from outside the building, behind the protection of an invisible force field. Both of us were certain nothing could go wrong......until it did. I had never met Tony Stark before nor seen him in person, but Neriz had educated me enough on the concept of the Avengers and its members for my brain to identify him. 

I could've easily crushed his armor then and there, rendering him defenseless and vulnerable against me but Neriz had been the one to stop me. Stark hadn't noticed anything as Neriz appeared in a distance and with a shake of his head, advised me against killing a man that I only saw as an enemy. I didn't know why at the time but I soon learned of his intentions.

And so I ended up in Tony Stark's mansion, straight in the hands of a man who could send me back into that nightmare. 

(Stark's P.O.V)

Great job, Tony. Not only did you back out on the job, you also managed to pick up a mutant while you were at it.

Stark rubbed his tired sore eyes as he leant back in his sofa and switched on the TV, hoping it would prove a distraction for at least awhile. He'd sent Kalek to a spare room to have his pick of some normal clothes. He didn't want the kid parading around his house in his weird ass battle armour. Stark found himself quickly immersed in the movie, not noticing Kalek come out of the room behind him. Ten minutes later, he got up to get himself a glass of wine and noticed the boy standing there, his eyes glued to the TV screen. Stark raised an eyebrow, amused at the boy's fascination in the film.

Oh right, I forgot he's never really been outside that lab

"Never seen a movie before?" He asked Kalek as he poured himself some wine. His voice jerked Kalek out of his thoughts and he peeled his attention away from the screen for a moment to look at Stark. 

"Um no. Not really" 

"Well, I was going to turn it off after awhile but..." Stark trailed off, considering it for a moment before continuing his sentence, "I guess it's not too late yet. You want to watch the rest with me?" 

(Kalek's P.O.V)

I was almost certain this was some sort of trap.

He doesn't stand to gain anything from this. Why was he being so nice?  

My suspicion must have shown in my face because the next moment, he smiled.

"Don't look so worried. I don't bite." He plopped down on the sofa and leaned back, motioning for me to sit down. I stood rooted in the same spot for a few minutes before inching my way slowly to a seat close to the TV and sitting down, still slightly uneasy about the situation. But as time passed by, against my better judgement, I began to relax, letting myself get pulled into the unfolding of scenes in the movie. 

(Stark's P.O.V)

It was pretty obvious that the Kalek didn't trust Stark. He wasn't sure whether he trusted the boy either, but there was something about him that Stark felt he recognized. For some weird reason, Stark had a odd sense that the boy's character wasn't fully created yet. He didn't really seem to have a certain persona. 

For about 30 minutes, Kalek sat rigid in his chair, as if to make sure he was ready to run if he needed to. But as the movie progressed, his shoulders slumped slightly and he drew his legs up on the chair, propping his chin up on his knees. His eyes grew wide and staring as he diverted all his attention to the movie. Meanwhile, Stark on the other hand, was completely engrossed in staring at the boy. 

He looked strangely innocent now wearing Stark's light blue shirt and black jogging shorts. The shirt was of course way too big for the Kalek, falling up to just above his knees. His shorts hung loosely on his hips, reaching just below his knees. Stark soon found himself hypnotized by the light strands of hair falling over the boy's eyes. By his soft laughs at appropriate scenes in the movie. By...well, everything. The fact that he hadn't exactly been around anyone who was relaxed while being with him contributed to this quite a bit. Stark chuckled as he realized how deeply he'd been concentrating on the boy. 

Dammit, Tony, You are such a pervert. 

But he couldn't help it and so the staring continued until the movie finally ended. Then he suddenly found the object of his fascination staring at him expectantly. Snapping back into reality, he sprang to his feet. Kalek was staring at him with an eyebrow raised, looking slightly confused. Stark scratched his head, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Sorry" He chuckled, "How'd you like the movie?" 

Kalek perked up at the topic. "It was really interesting. What's it called?" 

Stark smiled at the boy's lack of movie knowledge. "I believe that's Jurassic World, kiddo" 

Kalek went silent for awhile again and a slight awkwardness appeared in the room before he broke the silence once again with,

"Are they real?" 

Stark bit back a chuckle. "Dinosaurs? Well, they were once. They don't really exist anymore" 

"Why not?" 

"Well apparently, a meteorite took them out a long time ago" 

Kalek turned his head to a side slightly, looking confused. "What's a meteorite?" 

"Er.....it's sort of a space rock" Stark was beginning to sense a long conversation on the destruction of dinosaurs coming his way.

"Space rock?" 

Stark groaned. "Tell you what, I'll explain all this to you on our way to your little lab tomorrow okay? Right now, I'm pretty tired and I'm pretty sure you are too, with all the busting into buildings thing you did" 

Kalek immediately retreated into his shell at the mention of the labs, much to Stark's disappointment. 

"So um, I'm going to go sleep. You do whatever you want in your room over there" Stark turned off the TV before adding, "Oh and stay in your room okay? And try not to tear my house apart till morning, that would really be helpful" 

Kalek nodded and followed Stark to the spare room. "Nothing personal but I'm gonna have to lock the door for tonight" Stark told him as he closed the door shut, locking it firmly into place. 

(Kalek's P.O.V) 

It was mostly dinosaurs that occupied my thoughts that night as I stared up at the ceiling, from my position sprawled across the bed. 

Do space rocks look like normal rocks? 


I jumped out of bed and turned to see Neriz tapping on glass window opening into the balcony. Crossing the room quickly, I shot a warning glance over my shoudler at the door before entering the balcony. 

"I hope you aren't lowering your guard too much" 

I swallowed nervously. "I'm sorry....it won't happen again" 

"Good. Now listen closely. I want you to stay here with Stark for as long as possible. He's a key into S.H.I.E.L.D and there's a lot of information we can get from him" 

"But I thought he was going to-"

"Don't worry. He won't be able to step out of his house tomorrow, let alone get you to the labs" 

Kalek breathed a sigh of relief. "I won't be going back there, will I?" 

"We made a deal, didn't we, Kalek? So no, you won't. Now remember. Do not let your guard down on any circumstance. This place is monitored heavily so I won't be able to speak to you often so I'm trusting you to handle this well"

"Yes, Neriz" 


And with that, he was gone.

When the light calls (Tony Stark x OC) Where stories live. Discover now