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Hey guys! Really sorry for taking so long to update. Things were pretty busy lately. Anyway here's the new chapter. It's pretty short but I'll write a new, longer one soon. Thanks for reading :)


(Stark's P.O.V)

Kalek was being absolutely adorable and it was taking every ounce of Stark's strength to control his urges. The soft kisses progressed into rough making out once again and Kalek's breathing became shallow and rough. He started to tremble in Stark's arms as the older male's hands began to roam.

"H-hurts...." He choked out, starting to fumble with his shorts once again. Stark took his chance and gently pried Kalek's hands away from his short. He untied the knot which secured the shorts to Kalek's waist, causing it to sag around his hips. Kalek immediatly relaxed and let out a soft sigh of relief.

"Better?" Stark whispered in his ear as he trailed kisses down Kalek's neck. The bulge in Kalek's shorts began to rise slowly.

"Y-yeah....sooo much better" he moaned softly and reached in for more kisses.

"There's things that'd feel even better, y'know?" Stark muttered in the younger male's ear.

"R-really?" Stammered Kalek, his eyes lighting up at the thought.

"Yes....but...." Stark began to fiddle around with the hem of Kalek's shirt, "I'm gonna need these off"

Kalek blinked and then a deep red blush spread over his face.

"I....I dont want to...." He murmured, pulling away quickly. Stark realised he'd made a wrong move and quickly tried to make it better.

Work your way up slowly, Stark. There's no rush.

"Hey....I changed your clothes last night....it shouldn't be embarrassing" Stark gently brushed a golden strand of hair away from Kalek's eyes.

"I.....I cant remember that and.....I've never been naked in front of anyone....." Kalek's gaze of directed straight to ground.

"Kalek....." Stark chuckled and gave him little kiss to sooth his nerves, "you have nothing to be nervous about okay? You're.....perfect, alright?"

Kalek looked up at him with uncertainty etched all over his face.

"O-okay......will....will you take them off?" He shifted slightly closer and gently pressed a shy kiss on the older male's lips.

"Yeah....but I want you to relax" Stark began to gently massage Kalek's shoulders as they kissed. As the kissing got rougher, he lowered his palms until they were at the hem of Kalek's shirt. Taking it off proved to be a problem since Kalek was extremely resistant to break their kiss and began to whimper as soon as their lips left each others.

"Faster, Tony" He moaned and quickly wiggled around to help the shirt slip off faster. Once it was off the kissing recommenced with full force. Stark let his hands wander across Kalek's bruised pale skin. The cuts and bruises awoke anger in his heart so he tried his best not to look at them as they kissed. He gently began to massage the younger male's nipples, earning soft moans as his rewards. He broke their kiss and began to suckle on Kalek's neck as he moved his fingers down to Kalek's loose shorts.

"You ready?" He whispered in the trembling male's ear.

"Y-yes" He moaned and with that Stark took hold of the bulge in Kalek's shorts and began to pump up and down through the clothing. Kalek's moans echoed throughout the room as he thrusted and bucked, trying to get as much pleasure out of the situation as possible.

"Ooooh that....that feels....arhh so....so good....oh ....more! More please! Faster...." The feeling of pleasure had completely taken over Kalek and he couldnt control his begging. Finally he got up and struggled to pull off his shorts, finally succeeding and then staring expectantly at Stark.

(Kalek's P.O.V)

Stark was staring at me dumbstruck and the embarrassment rushed at me all at once.

"oh...." I muttered, realising I was completely nude in front of him, "I'm...sorry....I didnt mean to do that. It just happened..."

I started to pull my shorts back on but Stark stopped me, gently placing his hands over mine, "Dont....." He whispered, soothingly, "There's no reason to apologise"

He kissed me softly and I felt myself relax as he took my uncovered member into his hand and started to rub. The kissing became rougher as he lay me down in bed, straddling me as we kissed.

A sudden burning sensation at the pit of my stomach made me start to whimper. I pulled back from the kiss.

"Stop it....I dont like it anymore. It's hurting me"

Stark shook his head with a knowing smile. "Dont worry. It'll feel good soon" And with that, he continued.

"Stop-p..." I hiccuped, tears of pain pooling in my eyes, as the sensation deepened. Suddenly a wave of nausea and pleasure washed over me as the pleasure of the release took over my body. I fell limply into Stark's arms, whimpering softly.

"There we go....see? I told you it would feel good soon. It did, didnt it?" He asked me, smiling contently.

I returned his smile, shakily. "Y-yeah....it did....."

"Thats good. Anyway, it's about time we had some breakfast, you can help me cook something up" Stark began to rise and then noticed my current state then sat back down, chuckling.

"Let's get you cleaned up first, shall we?"

When the light calls (Tony Stark x OC) Where stories live. Discover now