Roller Coaster Part 2

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(Kalek's P.O.V)

That day had honestly been the best day of my life. I had however ended up being exceedingly popular with the kids at the carnival, due to my seemingly endless supply of soft toys to give away. Soon we had an escort of children following us around the park, including on rides. I enjoyed the experience quite a bit but Stark soon became rather huffy and silent. Of course, he insisted this was because he didn't want to be noticed but even to me it was rather obvious that it was an attention problem. So we got rid of that by sending the kids off on a caterpillar ride and clearing out while they were there.

"They were just kids, Tony. There was no need to get so jealous" I told him teasingly, elbowing him in the ribs gently.

"I wasn't jealous" He muttered, turning away just after I caught the little blush spreading across his cheeks. Giggling softly, I noticed two people sitting on bench, a man and a woman, holding each other in their arms. The woman whispered "I love you" and the man whispered "I love you too" before their lips met. The mental image and words stayed in my mind for the rest of the day, and I made a little note to ask Stark what that meant.

Before I knew it, nighttime had fallen and the park began to light up, station by station. Stark picked a giant lit up turning horizontal wheel with carts attached to it as our last ride and we boarded a cart.

(Stark's P.O.V)

This had been the first time in ages that Stark had actually enjoyed himself. He felt completely at ease with the rest of the world. He was rather upset about the day coming to an end. Kalek was staring mesmerized at the fireworks exploding in front of them. His glittery eyes were sparkling with enthusiasm and his face was lit up with life. A small smile crept up onto Stark's face as he watched how happy the younger male looked. Once the fireworks ended, Kalek leaned back in his seat with a satisfied little sigh. The cart entered a silence once again until Kalek suddenly broke it with a question that made Stark squirm.




Stark blinked and stared at Kalek in surpise.

"" Stark stuttered, trying to find the right words. He decided to try work himself around the question.

"What made you ask?"

Kalek looked down at his feet. "Well, I saw a man and a woman and they said they loved each other....So....I wanted to know what it meant" His gaze landed on Stark once again.

"What does it mean?"

"Well...." Stark started to fiddle with his phone to avoid eye contact and landed on a picture of him and Pepper, "It's something you feel with someone who'll stand by you no matter what....someone who...." He sighed wearily as a wave of sadness washed over him. His voice cracked slightly as he continued, "Someone who will.....or you think about you no matter what"

Kalek looked over at Stark's shoulder at the picture.

"Who's that?"

Stark put the phone away hurriedly, "That's my girlfriend.....well, my ex-girlfriend at least"

He was too preoccupied in his own sadness to see Kalek's face fall at the 'girlfriend part'. The cart was silent once again.

" love her?" Kalek anxious voice broke through Stark's thoughts.

"Yeah, kiddo. I did.....a lot. But in the end I wasn't good enough for her. I'm not really good enough for anybody"

"She's a fool. You're.....she....would be lucky to have you. Anyone....would" Stark turned in surprise to see Kalek digging his nails into his palms angrily.

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