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(Stark's P.O.V)

Stark hadn't really planned on Kalek's sudden outrageous enthusiasm when it came to carnival rides. But hey, they were already there, might as well deal with it.

Upon arriving to a secluded little town far away from the main city (Stark figuring it would be better to lie low for awhile), Kalek had begun running around like a wild monkey. He wasn't going to lie, Stark found his enthusiasm pretty cute.....until, Kalek somehow spotted the biggest, longest and most dangerous looking roller coaster in the entire park.

"That one!" He stated, looking at Stark with a determined look in his eyes.

"Um....I dont know, Sparky. It's your first time on any kind of ride....why don't we just-"

"You said pick a ride. I want to go on that one" Kalek muttered, sporting an angry little pout.

He's such a's adorable.

Kalek was still glaring at him when he finally caved in and agreed.

"Fine, rollercoaster it is. But I'm picking the next ride"

Kalek giggled happily and grabbed the older male's hand. "Okay! Come on, lets go!"

Unable to keep the smile off his face, Stark let Kalek guide him through the crowd to the suspiciously short waiting line gathered near the rollercoaster.

Stark had only been completely certain of his coming death twice in his entire life. Once with the missile in New York, and the second time, riding this rollercoaster. Kalek found the ride stupendously amusing, giggling in fits of laughter. Of course the laughter was mostly directed at Stark, who on the other hand, spent all 10 minutes of the ride, screaming in absolute horror.

Staggering off the ride, Stark decided it was worth it to see the look on Kalek's face.

"Again?" Kalek questioned, smirking cheekily.

"Don't. Even. Think. About it, Magic boy" Stark choked out, and then ruffled the highly amused younger male's white blonde hair which was literally sparkling in the sunlight.

"What now?" Kalek asked him, after he'd aroused from his abyss of giggles.

Stark looked around for something that looked relatively safer than the other ride.

"How about the arcade?" He asked, pointing over to the stalls and buildings on the right side of the area.


A short walk later, Kalek spotted a large machine with a scale leading upwards from it. A giant hammer stood alongside it and the words 'test your strength and win' were written in bold above it.

Oh boy....

"Ooh that one!" Before Stark could protest, Kalek had run over to the booth and grabbed the hammer in one effortless sweep.

"Um, Sparky? I'm pretty sure you need to buy tickets fir-"


And that was how the Stark ended up dragging fifteen giant cuddly teddy bears around with them for the rest of the day.

(Kalek's P.O.V)

I'd never enjoyed myself that much in my life. Being around Tony felt amazing. He was just so warm and kind, even when there was nothing he gained to stand by being around me. Granted I had caused a giant amount of trouble throughout the day.

Halfway through the day, Tony declared he was hungry and we stopped for an ice cream break. A few minutes into the break, I noticed a little girl staring longingly at one of the bears I'd acquired. A weird feeling erupted within me and I looked over at Tony.



"Can I give that little girl one of our bears?" Tony chuckled and gave my hair one of those little ruffles that made my heart flutter fast.

"Of course you can, Sweetheart. You won them, they're all yours. You can do anything you want with em"


My heart began to beat even faster at the word but I brushed it aside as just another nickname.

Slightly nervous, I took a bear and walked up to the little girl with a shy smile.

" you go" I muttered quickly, thrusting the bear into her arms. Confusion flickered in her eyes for a few seconds before a wide grin spread across her face.

"Thanks, mister!" She giggled before running off to her parents, waving to me all the way.

Slightly shaky from the experience, I plopped back down on the bench next to Tony.

"That feel good, kiddo?"

I allowed a small smile to work its way up to my face.

"Yeah....yeah it did....."

When the light calls (Tony Stark x OC) Where stories live. Discover now