Chapter 19: Another Night, Another Reason

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He took a deep breath, knowing whatever he said next would have a major impact on his future.

"Sir?" The young raven haired woman asked.

Duncan snapped back to reality.

"Uh sorry, can i get a number 3 with a coke?"

Then woman nodded, "Is there anything else?"

Duncan shook his head, "No that'll be it."

The woman handed him a paper with a order number on it. Duncan moved to the next line to wait for his food.

He looked out the window to see Chelsea in his car, waiting for him.

They had been at the hospital for 3 days now and Duncan had decided he couldn't handle anymore hospital food.

After he got his food and he got back in the car and Chelsea was on the phone talking to someone.

"It's late, what do you want?" Chelsea said obnoxiously.

Duncan poked his straw in his drink and began to turn up the radio slowly.

Chelsea began to roll her eyes, "Listen Charlie, the only time you call me is when you need money and i cant keep giving you shit whenever you need it. Stop calling me."

Chelsea hung up the phone and turned to Duncan, "Sorry that was Charlie. Asking for money like always, i honestly dont see why he cant just ask his own fucking sister."

Duncan chuckled, "Maybe because she lives in Europe and he doesnt want to waste your money on long distance calls."

Chelsea smiled, "Yeah, are we going back to the hospital or do you wanna crash at my place?"

Duncan sighed, "Im sure my mom is waiting for me. Babe im sorry, i know you wanted this to be our date night but everything is so fucking crammed. I promise next time we wont have to eat in my car in a Mcdonalds parking lot."

Chelsea grabbed his hand and smiled, "Its fine, i understand things are hard right now and you need to focus on your family."

Duncan leaned over and kissed her.

Everytime he placed his lips on hers, it felt like the first time.

Just before things could get anymore "romantic" Duncan's phone began to ring.

"Its my mom, im sorry i have to take this."


"Where the hell are you?! You said you'd be back in 20 minutes and its been nearly an hour!" Duncan's mother said frantically.

Duncan took a deep breath, "Me and Chelsea just went out to get food, Im sorry i should've called."

"Just get back here as soon as possible, i dont need another child in the hospital."

Duncan hung up, "Im sorry I-"

Chelsea cut him off, "No, its fine. I completely understand. I can just uber home if you cant take me, i know your mother is worried."

Duncan shook his head, "No i'll take you. My mom can wait another hour, she knows i'm with you."

Chelsea smiled, "Alright."

The past 3 days have been nothing but hard on the Tanner family. On September 16th, Derek Clark Moyer attempted suicide. We'll, that's what everyone in the family thinks, but Duncan knows Derek wouldn't try to kill himself over a guy. Or try to kill himself period.

Before Donnie found him in his bedroom, not responding to anything, Duncan had went to dinner with him the night before.

Derek had asked Duncan if he wanted to meet up with him at their favorite childhood diner, called Richie's.

Duncan agreed, he put on a nice shirt and jeans and drove to meet up with him.

The dinner wasn't at all awkward, Derek asked Duncan about school and explained the whole Tate situation and talked about his new job.

Derek seemed happy, him and Tate had ended things and Derek was seeing someone else named Kyle.

Derek and Kyle were co-workers and one day Derek had got the nerve to ask him on a date, which thankfully Kyle accepted and they've been seeing each other since.

Duncan was glad to see his brother happy, but something was off.

Derek had lost what looked like nearly 30 pounds, he was extremely thin and looked sick. But Duncan didn't comment on it.

Derek went on to talk about how happy he was, how he was happy with everything. Things we're going amazing for him.

When Duncan was in the middle of 4th period and got the text from his mother that Derek had tried to kill himself, nothing made sense anymore.

He was so happy.

Duncan began to have a panic attack and walked out of the class trying to catch his breath.

How could someone who has everything they need be so depressed that they attempt to kill themselves?

Derek still hadn't woke up after 2 days, and his family have never left his side.

Of course Duncan had to sleep at his house the first night, because of school.

But every other night he had been by Derek.

The doctors believe he over dosed on pills, which wasn't that hard to believe due to how he looked the night Duncan met with him.

Duncan hated himself for not being able to help.

But, what could he have done?

Asked why Derek had looked so sickly?

Asked if Derek was feeling suicidal?

Would it even make a difference?

Now here Duncan is again, the same hospital room, with the same people, with the same doctors.

Just another night, with another reason to hate himself.

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