Chapter 1

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Cynthia POV

School. The one place I don't want to be, and will never want to. I'd rather get home schooled instead of going outside and have people making you look like a fool in front of the whole school. It's Monday morning, which means that there are five more days of getting bullied, and I can't do anything about it. Oh, the thought of staying home just makes me relaxed, and so happy.

I tossed in bed, to feel something sharp poke at my side. I got out of bed, to see what it was. Oh, I remember now. A razor. On the sharp edge was a stain of dried blood. My blood. Such a dark color, like my soul. I cut myself last night, for some reasons. I can never make my Father happy, no matter what I do. I do everything that my Father wants me to do, but he says that I'm not perfect. That I am not good enough. Father always wanted a boy, and not a girl. Unfortunately, he has a girl, and a boy as the youngest child. My Mother died in an incident four years ago.

She was my best friend when I was younger. I loved her, and now she's gone. All because of me. My Father says that it's my fault that she passed away.

No one in school likes me. Everyone picks on me, at school. One of my biggest bullies is Aiden Hertz. One of the most popular kids in school. He hates me. I don't know the main reason why, but I am just thinking that it was because I am the daughter of the rival of his Father. Maybe, I might be right, but at the same time I could be wrong. I just wish that something would happen, and make everything right.

I took a bandage from the nightstand right next to my bed, and wrapped it around my arm. Three. The number of cuts I gave myself. One for Mother. One for Father. Lastly, one for the ones bullying me. I deserve this, because no one loves me. I can't be happy if no one loves me.

I got out of bed, and brushed my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror. Brown hair, all over the place. My brown eyes look dull, as ugly as I am useless. Helpless. So many more. I carefully unwrapped my bandage, and put it on the bathroom counter. I stripped down, and went into the bathtub to shower. After the shower, I wore some clothes. Not fancy, but good enough. I wore a random shirt, and a black and white striped hoodie. I always wear long sleeves, so that no one notices my cuts. I wore a plain pair of jeans, and went downstairs for breakfast.

I go downstairs, to see Michael, my little brother, eating a bowl of cereal. He is five years old, and my favorite person. I grabbed a granola bar, and sat down on a chair to eat it up.

"Good morning, Cyndi." Said Michael.

"Good morning, Michael. How has your day been so far?"

"Pretty good. You?"

"It's been well," I lied. To make Michael happy, I might as well even give my life away. I mean, I never had one in the first place.

After we finished eating, I sent Michael to go upstairs to tell Father that we would be leaving for school now. Michael came downstairs, and we walked to school.

I might be rich, as daughter of one of the multimillionaire businessmen in the country, I might be rich. But, I personally don't like being rich. Father thinks that what I think is crap. He says that it's stupid, and unnecessary. The only one who actually cares about me, and understands me for who I am, is Michael.

On the way to my school, Michael's school is one of the stops. I drop Michael at school, and we go our separate ways. Me, alone, walking down the street to get to school. Him, he has friends, and people who actually talk to him. I'm not saying that I'm jealous or anything, but I'm happy that brother actually has some people who care about him, and so that he could find some love in those friends of his. I am happy that he doesn't have to go through what I have to go through.

Looking behind me, I see someone panting, and running towards me. It's a girl.

"Hi, um, are you going to Whitney High School?" She asked.

"Yes, I am. Are you new here?" I nodded.

"Yeah. I moved from Chicago, actually. Wait, is that a British accent?" I nodded at her question. "Wow, your voice sounds really beautiful. Do you sing?"

"Well, thank you for the compliment. No one has ever said to me before. And yes, I used to sing, before my Mother left me."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know." She said. "I forgot to introduce myself." She held out a hand out for me to shake. "Aanya," she said

"Cynthia," I said, smiling. I got myself, a new friend. As Aanya and I were walking, we reached the school, I wore my hood. I went to my locker to get some books and supplies to my class. As I was going to class, I got tripped. I already knew that someone would pick on me today. It happens everyday. I heard snickering as I got up from the ground.

"What was that you were saying? That you are smart, and I'm not?" I looked up to see who it was. Aiden Hertz. My least favorite person. His last name, Hertz, might mean heart, but to be honest, he really doesn't have one.

He was in all of my classes, either sitting next to me, or behind me. This fight is from Friday.


I was in class, listening to the teacher answering questions, as she was passing out tests. Math tests. The teacher usually announces to the class if the student gets 90% or higher. I am always on list for being announced, for every class too.

"Cynthia Crawford, will you please stand up?" The teacher asked me. I did as he said. "Today, Cynthia Crawford scored 100% on the Math Final of the trimester. You may sit down now."

Unfortunately I had Aiden sitting right behind me, and he had a pair of scissors in his hands. I felt the sharp blades of the scissors poking my back. I straighten my back so that the blades wouldn't hurt so much against my back. Even if I straighten my back, Aiden pushed his hands forward, so that his pair of scissors were closer to my back. I couldn't help it. I couldn't do anything, unfortunately.

Right then, the bell rang, and class was over. I went as quickly as I could without running to my locker to get my other books, but even if I go quickly, my bully would be waiting for me in class, wanting to do something else. All the rest of the classes in the day also had tests, or quizzes, and for each of the quizzes of tests. I got 100%. I can't help it.

End of flashback

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