Chapter 4

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Cynthia POV

"Well, this is going to be perfect. Even better than I thought it would be." Aiden's Mother (I assume) said. What does she mean by this? I gave her a confused look, and she laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry, dear. You probably know nothing about this."

"What are you talking about? What is going to be perfect? Are you guys hiding something?"

"Here, honey, sit down. You too, Aiden." We sat on the same couch. He had to sit the farthest on the left, while I sat the farthest on the right. "I don't know how you kids are going to react to this, but I'm going to say it anyways." She looked at both Aiden, and me. "So my husband, your Father and I are making some deals. The deal is that your company, and our company would come together, combine them, and making the biggest company, in the country." I nodded, reassuring her that I understood. "For that, you would have to make a commitment." Oh, I don't like the feeling of this. She hesitated. "You guys have to get married for this."

"What?!" Aiden and I said in unison.

"Did I hear that wrong?" I asked. "Did you say that I have to marry him?" I said pointing at him.

"And I have to marry her?" Aiden said, pointing at me.

"Well, you do."

"Ugh." I groaned, and put my hands in my face.

Why? Why does this happen. My life gets worse by the day. First Mother leaves. Father hates me. I'm a minor, and I'm getting married. Arranged marriage with the one I hate.

"I-I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything." She said softly. She put a hand on my shoulder. "I forgot to tell you. You're moving in tomorrow."

"B-but I can't, I-I don't, I'm j-just, paranoid." That's when an idea popped into my head. "Mrs. Hertz, since we don't have any choice but, to get married, why don't I stay at home, with my family, and Aiden, stay with you guys? I mean, I'm not ready to move in with someone I'm not so fond of."

"Yes, for the first time, I'm actually agreeing with her," Aiden said. I nodded

Mrs. Hertz tapped her finger on her chin, as if she was thinking.

"Hm," she said. "Good idea." I was probably smiling right now. "But it's not happening."

My mouth was wide open, and eyes too.

"I mean, this deal will only be complete if you produce an offspring, so that the offspring could have both companies together. How could you guys produce an offspring if you don't stay together?" The thought of it made me shocked. "Well, we must be going. Bye honey, see you tomorrow," she smile at me, and kissed my forehead. With that, they left. This house feels empty without anyone else.

Father had some work to do, so he left in the middle of the conversation. I went upstairs to Father's work room. Knocking on the door three times, I got permission to enter the room.

"Oh, Cynthia. I wasn't expecting you here."

"Father, I-I wanted to talk to you about the marriage."

"Yes, the marriage. I am very happy about it. You're getting married, and you're moving in tomorrow. You're becoming older."

"But Father, I don't want this marriage."

"Why not? If you get married to him, our company and their company would combine, and make the biggest company in the country!"

"Father, did you do it for the sake of the company?"

"Of course I did. I need this company."

"So you don't care what happens to me."

"No. I don't care."

"You, know, if Mother was here, she would have supported me, and would have waited, until she would find a groom, who actually loves me. Father, no one loves me!"

"Don't raise your voice."

"I will! I will raise my voice. Why do you care? You don't care about me!"

I suddenly felt a strong pain on my right cheek. It was burning against my salty tears, which flowed freely down my face. I hesitantly touched my cheek.

"I will go pack my stuff for tomorrow," I whispered.

I darted out of his room, to my room, where Michael was already there. I wiped my tears, and put on a fake grin.

"Cyndi, why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying." Right then, I burst into tears. Michael walked up to me, where I was sitting down, and wiped the tears off my face.

"Stop crying Cyndi. Are you going to leave me?" Michael asked, tears already forming in his eyes. I nodded, looking down. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and sobbed on my shoulder. "I don't want you to go!" I started rubbing his back, like I usually do when Michael cries.

"Shh, Michael stop crying. I will come visit, sometimes."

"But t-that's s-still not everyday!" He still didn't stop sobbing. "Don't leave me! There won't be you to rub my back when I cry. There won't be you when I feel hungry and you make me my favorite food. You're like Mother and Father to me Cyndi. If you leave me, I might as well be an orphan."

"Shh. Don't say that. I will visit you. You still have Father. You might not know it, but Father loves you."

"But you won't stay. And Father doesn't do anything." His cries died down, a bit. "Can you take me with you?"

"I-I don't know about that, Michael. But don't cry. I won't be happy with you if you cry. I could ask Mr. and Mrs. Hertz about it." I heard Michael taking deep breaths, and seemed calm, as if he was sleeping. "Michael?" I asked. He is sleeping.

I carried him to his bedroom, and placed him on his bed. I covered his fragile little body with a small blanket, and went to my room. Walking into my closet, I reached up to get my suitcase. I grabbed all my clothes, and stuffed them into my suitcase. After I packed my suitcase, I closed it, and put it aside, to take it tomorrow. I wiped all my tears away, laid down on my bed, and waited for the darkness to takeover.

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