Chapter 13

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Aiden's POV

I opened my eyes slightly to see Cynthia in front of me. She was fully asleep. Her brown hair was messy, but it looked cute. He lips were ever so slightly parted. My hands rested on her waist as hers were on my shoulder. Her face looked so innocent.

Why would anyone even get the idea of of raping her in the first place? I get it, she is gorgeous, but why that?

She doesn't deserve this life. She deserves much better. Actually, I don't even know why I hated her. Oh, I remember now. I would be jealous of her because she would get really good scores on her tests or quizzes, and also that when I first saw her, she was afraid of me. I also hated her for a stupid reason because she was really short, almost a foot shorter than me. If I knew that she had such a terrible life style, I would have not been such a big burden over her. I mean, me? Being one whole reason why she wanted to die? Did I do things that bad?

I looked back at her, when she stirred in her sleep. She started panting in her sleep, and started crying.

"No, no! Please!" She cried as she gripped my shoulders. I started to get worried for her. I shook her awake, and she looked at me with wide eyes. She bit her lip before she burst out crying. I hugged her, and she buried her head into the crook of my neck.

"Shh, what happened?" I asked her.

"It-it's all coming back when I close my eyes," she cried more, by the second.

"Don't think about it."

"I-I can't help it."

I broke the hug, to make her look at me. I looked at her features as I wiped her tears. She was pale, but she looks beautiful with pale skin. Her cheekbones were high, and she looked at me with her big, innocent eyes. Those eyes, though. I just get lost though, as if I'm lost in a huge forest. Once I look at them, I can't get out of that trance, like a bee attracted to a flower. I just can't understand her sometimes. She is just so complicated. Sometimes she's happy, mostly she's depressed. She just keeps a smile over that real frown of hers. My eyes fell on one part of her. Her lips. She bit her lips as she looked at me.

I slowly leaned down, not wanting her to be scared by my action. As I leaned in to her, I tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear, before my lips made contact with hers. She didn't back away, push me, or anything like that. I didn't feel her reacting to the kiss. I was about to pull away, until I felt her arms slowly make their way to my neck. Our lips moved in sync, as if they were made for each other. Her lips were so soft, and tasted salty, after so much crying, how else would they taste? I snaked one of my arms around her waist to bring her closer to me. My other hand went to her cheek as I caressed it. Why do I feel something different? I never had this feeling when I kissed other girls. Why just her?

We broke the kiss so that we could catch our breaths. We were both taking deep breaths as we looked at each other.

"You're good." I said. She blushed when she looked at me. She giggled too. It sounds so cute!

"Not so bad yourself." She replied. She smiled and got out of bed, tying her hair into a loose bun. She looked at her watch. "Damnit!"


"School starts back today." Oh, school. That was actually a really fast two weeks. She opened the closet to get some clothes, and darted out of the room to another room. Well, time for me to get ready as well.

Cynthia POV

I don't know what just happened. He kissed me. When he was kissing me, I had this weird feeling in my stomach. It was like an explosion of fireworks or butterflies. Something like that. I have never felt like that when I kissed another guy. Why just him?

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