Chapter 21

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Cynthia POV

Beep! Beep!

I groaned as I shut off my alarm clock. Oh, the noise of an alarm clock makes me so annoyed in the morning, that it just makes me feel better, and better (note, sarcasm). School. The same place where I wouldn't want to be, since five years.

I got out of bed, and walked to the bathroom, to brush my teeth, bathed and get dressed. After I got out of the bathroom, I went to Michael and Kyle's room to wake them up. I always have to wake these people up.

They won't wake up on their own. Even when Mother was still here. I was the one who had to wake Kyle up. One time, I decided not to wake him up, and he got late to school, by about four hours. School started at seven in the morning, and ended at two. Mother and Father were so mad at me that day. I still remember it at the back of my head.

"Come on, Kyle, Michael. Wake up!"

"Five more minutes!" Kyle said. I pulled the covers off the bed, and opened the curtains. It was really sunny today. "Ugh! My eyes burn!"

"Come on, just wake up already! It is,"I looked at my watch. "Seven thirty." They bolted up out of bed.

"Seven thirty?"

"You don't want to get late for your first day in a new school."


"Come on, Michael. Wake up."

"I want to stay home."

"No, come on, Michael. You don't want to get late for school."


Michael went to the bathroom to get ready. I quickly went down the stairs. I was going down the stairs, fast, and I tripped. I accidentally tripped. Oh, curse these stairs. Even if I held the railing, I was on the verge of tumbling down the stairs. I closed my eyes, and let the the pain hit my body, and my face. I waited, although I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes, and found out that I was being held back from getting hurt, by no one other than Aiden. He helped me stand up, straight.

"Thanks," I said, looking at him in the eye.

"Be careful, next time." He said, bringing me closer to him.

"No problem, my knight in shining armor."

"Since your knight in shining armor saved the day, will he get something in return?"

"Why not?"

"What will it be then?" He smirked.

I didn't say anything after that. I stood on my toes, and kissed him, full on the lips. He held onto my waist, with a tight grip. We stayed like that, for a while. Even if it was gentle, there was still some imaginary fireworks, and an explosion of butterflies in the background. Oh, it felt great.

"Aah! My eyes! They burn!" We split apart because of the loud someone. *cough* Kyle *cough*.

"You can't just say that, Kyle." I said to him. "Imagine what would happen when you will find yourself a girl."

"Oh, shut up. Who would like me?"

"That's a rhetorical question. You had so many friends back in London. You seriously think that you aren't going to have any friends."

"No one's going to like me."

"Everyone is going to like you. You're good looking, you have a good sense of humor, you're the best older brother anyone could have." I smile.

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