First Day

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If you're reading my other book, then you'll see I made Lucas have a sister that is two years younger named Rebecca. She is also in this story. The gang is 17. Rebecca is 15. Let's begin the story.

Maya's POV
"Maya wake up! You're going to be late for your first day of school." My mom said yelling from downstairs. "I'm up mom! Stop yelling!" I said. I do my morning routine and get dressed. (Above) I decided to be basic and just wear a shirt and pants. I run downstairs and I see my mom serving breakfast. "Where's Shawn?" I asked. Shawn is my mom's fiancé. They met from one of my moms friends. "He had to leave. Work thing." She said serving me eggs. "Now eat. You got 10 minutes till you leave for your first day of school." Said my mom. "Ok I'm eating. I'm eating." I said. Today's my first day at Abigail Adams high school. I had to leave because um uh a family thing. Yeah that. I'm not very nervous. I don't get why I can't just be homeschooled. Whatever.
{At School}
I just arrived at this school and it's actually pretty nice. "Maya! Over here!" I hear someone yelling my name. I turn around and see my best friend Riley. We met when I went through her window. Her mom, Topanga was the one who actually introduced Shawn to my mom. We didn't go to the same schools but now we finally are."Hey Riles." I said. "Hey Peaches. Welcome to Abigail Adams High School." Riles said. "Yeah it's really cool. We continued with our conversation until the bell rang. "I'll see you in history. My dad teaches that class." Riley said.

During history, we learned a lesson on landmarks. I almost fell asleep during it. Finally, lunch came. I just got out of the lunch line. I immediately see Riley with someone. "Hey Riles who's this?" I asked. "This is my boyfriend Farkle. Farkle meet Maya my best friend. Maya meet Farkle." Riley said. "Nice to meet you Maya. Riley talks a lot about you." Farkle said. "Nice to meet you too Farkle." I said. Weird name. Nice guy. I look around at the cafeteria. I see this guy with a guy and a girl sitting next to him. "Who's that?" I asked. "Oh that's Lucas Friar. You don't want to be friends with him." Riley said. Why doesn't she want me to be friends with him. All I do is stare. He's pretty cute. "Why can't I be friends with him?" I asked. "He's the school bad boy. He's been arrested 12 times this year. Trust us. You don't want to be friends with him." Farkle said. "Who's the guy and girl sitting next to him?" I asked. "That's his best friend Zay. The girl is his girlfriend Missy Bradford." Farkle said. Dang it. He has a girlfriend. "Now. We have 10 minutes till lunch is over. Let's eat." Riley said. "Ok." Me and Farkle said. I didn't care what Riley said. I was going to be friends with Lucas. No matter what.
Hope you guys liked this chapter. Check out my other book, Living. It should be updated soon. Love you guys
~Riley 😜😎
Words: 546

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