The Funeral

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1 week later
Lucas's POV
We have just finished setting up Rebecca's funeral. It sad just saying those words. I mean she was only 15.

"Lucas, come over here!" I heard Maya yell.

"Yes?" I asked.

"These guys wanna know if you want the casket open or closed." Maya said.

"Open." I said.

"Ok. All the things I have to do are done so I'm going to put on my dress." Maya said.

"I still can't believe you came here in sweatpants and sweatshirt." I told.

"Hey. You were the one who said we had to be at 11:30." Maya exclaimed.

"You were the one that forgot to set your alarm clock at 10 and woke up at 11:15." I replied.

"That's not true! It was 11:20." Maya said with a smile.

"Go get changed." I said.

"Ok. I'm going, I'm going." She said heading to the bathroom.

She came back five minutes later looking breathtaking.

(Do I have to say where it is?)

"How do I look?" She asks.

Maya's POV
"How do I look?" I ask.

"Uh............." He's speechless.

"Close your mouth, Huckleberry. Flies could come in." I joked.

"You look beautiful." He says finally.

I say nothing which makes him say, "Sorry. Your boyfriend should say that to you not me." Lucas said.

"Actually. Me and Shane are no longer together." I replied.

"Aw. I'm sorry. What happened?" He asked.

"We broke up on Thursday. He texted me to come over...

I was in my room watching Young & Hungry when I got a text from Shane.

Shane: Come over? 💕

I didn't respond and just decided to come over. When I got there, his mom invited me. I walked in and saw Missy and Shane with both their tops off.

"Oh my gosh! Shane!" I yelled at him.

"Oh hey Maya. What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"You asked me to come over." I said.

"How would you react if I said that was for Missy instead of you?" Shane asked.

"I have two words for you. We're through!" I yelled at him and I ran out.

Flashback over.

"I can't believe he would do that to you." Lucas said.

"I know. But doesn't the funeral start in 5 minutes? Let's go." I said.

Time skip to when all the guests arrive.

Me, Riley, Farkle, Zay, and Lucas all sat next to each other as the funeral began.

"We are here today to pay our tribute to Rebecca Friar. Although she was very young, she had a life full of love, family, friends, and fun. We are here today to show support for Rebecca Friar's family, her aunt Zoey and her brother Lucas Friar. Finally, we are here today to seek and receive comfort. We would be less than honest if we said that our hearts have not ached over this situation." The priest said.

AN: I got most of that from the internet.

Everybody stood up and we had to give Rebecca a rose. Me and Lucas went up together.

"When's your dad going to show?" I asked.

"In 3...2...1." Lucas whispered.

The doors opened and heard a booming voice, "LUCAS!"

"Hello Father. Wonderful day today isn't it?" Lucas exclaimed with some sass.

"How dare you throw a funeral for Rebecca and not invite me?!" He yelled.

"Why do you care?" Riley asked. The plan was working.

"Because it's my daughter! You idiot!" He yelled.

"That's not a reason. Especially since you were the reason she killed her self." Farkle told.

"No. I wasn't." Lucas's dad replied.

"Watch out, Pinocchio. Your nose is going to grow." Zay joked.

"I wasn't! You kids can not tell what killed my daughter! You're just a couple of idiots who don't know a thing!" Lucas's dad yelled.

"Actually you were. Take it from your son." Lucas added to the conversation.

"Lucas, I swear to god I will throw you through this window if you don't shut your goddamn mouth." Lucas's dad threatened.

"Excuse me, sir. What that a threat?" A man stood up from the crowd.

"Yeah. What's it too ya?" Lucas's dad questioned.

"Well I'm a cop and it means a lot to the law." The man exclaimed.

"What?" He questioned.

"Marshall Friar, your under arrest for threatening and abusing kids." The police man said.

"You have no proof that I abuse kids!" Marshall yelled.

"This scar on Lucas's arm says otherwise." I said revealing the scar.

The police man brought Marshall outside and since the funeral was almost over. I needed to say one more thing.

"You happy now? Your dad is in jail. If only you were alive, everything would be better." I exclaimed.

Well everything will be fine until I reveal my feelings to Lucas. I thought.
So, Maya and Lucas like each other but they don't want to tell each other. Now we're getting somewhere. Next chapter will be another lucaya hangout. Hope you liked the chapter. Love you guys.
~Riley 😜😎
Words: 835

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