"Can I trust you?"

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Maya's POV
It starts raining when I start to go to Riley's. Just great. I said inside my head. First, I get ditched by the guy I wanted to become friends with. Then, it starts to rain. I get a taxi and I tell the cab driver to bring me to Riley's street. I head up to her bay window and I see she's watching Pretty little liars again. "No Ezra and Aria are breaking up because of the stupid kid. Why did you tell him he had a kid, Aria. Why?" Riley said. If you couldn't tell already Riley has a lot of........emotions about Pretty little liars. First, she'll be sad about something that happened. Next, she'll be mad at a character and wants them dead. ANYWAY. I walk into Riley's room and once again she doesn't notice me. "HE DITCHED ME!" I yell. Riley falls onto the ground. I laugh harder than before. "Once again YUCK FOU. And what do you mean by he ditched me." She says getting off the floor to come sit next to me. "Lucas ditched me. I waited for an hour at Central Park. I wanted to be his friend." I said very sad. "I'm so sorry Peaches." Riley says and gives me a hug. "I know what you can do. And it involves me and Farkle." Riley said. I wait for a minute and then I say "WELL. I have done enough waiting for one day." I said. "Oh right. We should bury Lucas alive. Make sure he has 4 friends. Me,you, and Farkle can get black sweatshirts and send anonymous texts to his 4 friends." Riley said. I look at her with a WTF face. I literally have no words. But then I repeat the words in my head and I realize something. "You have been watching too much Pretty Little Liars." I said. She nods her head and then says "But that one was a joke. I actually have an idea." "What is it?" I said. She gets up from the bay window and grabs her car keys from her desk. I follow her. "Where are we going?" I said knowing she probably has a crazy idea. "You'll see." She says as we walk out to her car.

As I am listening to my favorite songs on the car radio, Riley stops at a house I have never seen me before. She turns off the car radio as I sit in silence staring at her for a minute. "Where are we?" I ask hoping this is a prank. "Why don't you knock on the door and see." Riley said pointing to the door. "You're going to send me there by myself." I said. She nods her head. I get out of the car and look at the house. Riley drives away. "Wait Riley!" I said. But I wasn't loud enough. I take a deep breath and go up to the door. I knock on the door and this girl who looks only a couple of years younger than me. She has an ice pack on her lip. She looks like she has been crying. "Who are you?" She says. "I'm Maya Hart. And you are?" I said still very confused. "Rebecca. I'm guessing your one of Lucas's friends." She says. What? I'm at Lucas's house. "Um yeah." I said wondering why I'm here. "Lucas! One of your friends are here." Rebecca said. Lucas comes down the stairs and sees me. "Hey Maya." He says. "Wanna talk outside while Rebecca takes care of her lip." He says. I nod my head as he walks outside. Rebecca closes the door as me and Lucas sit down on the wet grass. "I'm guessing that was your sister. What happened to her lip?" I asked. "Yeah she is my sister and she had softball and the ball hit her lip. Um what are you doing here?" He says. Did he seriously just ask that? "You ditched me. At Central Park. Where we suppose to meet up." I said. "Oh my gosh. I completely forgot Maya I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you." He says. "Too bad. You can nev-" Wait did he just he will make it up to me. "How are you going to make it up to me." I said very interested in what he has to say. "On Friday, meet me where we first met. I'll tell you the rest than." He says. I was going to say no but I realize this surprise could be really good. "Ok." I said. Then I ask a question which I hope he says yes too.

"Can I trust you?"

"Yes you certainly can Miss Hart." He says. "Ok. I'll see you Friday." I said. "Before you go you have to bring a bag with an outfit in it." Lucas said. "Ok." I said. He waves goodbye and walks back inside. I call Riley and she shows up 5 minutes later. She scrolls down the window and says "I was just around the corner." She says. I walk into the car. "How did it go?" Riley says smiling. "We're meeting up on Friday." I said. "I'm so happy Maya. You can finally have a friend besides me and Farkle." Riley said. "Hey!" I say in annoyed tone. "Just kidding." Riley said as we drive away.
Hey guys. Hope you guys liked the chapter. As you can see in the beginning, Riley becomes a little crazy when it comes to Pretty little liars. Well a lot crazy actually. Anyway. Love you guys.
~Riley 😜😎

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