Thirty Three

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"Wanted: Dancers for an underground Gentleman's Club. No ID required. No experience required.

Make lots of money fast! Come in person or call."

I contemplated the ad that had been placed in the weekly paper, I knew Exotic Dancers made a lot of money. I imagined myself becoming one of those girls. A lot of them hung around the guys, bringing alcohol, money and the party with them. We needed the money - Bad. I knew there was no other job that could bring in that kind of cash. So I went through my old suitcase for something to wear. I was going to go to the address, see about getting a job. There wouldn't be anything wrong with it. A lot of the girls around LA were strippers, so I was going to be one too. After throwing some clothes on, I started down the street towards the bus stop. The sun blistered down, heating the pavement to a feverish level. There was very little shade at the stop, and a handful of people stood waiting under the heat. I came to stand next to a middle aged woman, holding a handful of groceries. The seats being taken up by the elderly, or mothers with children. My eye scanned the streets, waiting for the bus. Feeling only slightly anxious as to what I might be getting into. The only other thing crossing my mind was Axl and Izzy. What would they say if they knew where I was going. Neither of them were home now, but would I tell them later, or keep it all a secret from them? I knew this job would especially make Axl unhappy. He had to understand.



I walked back into our newest shitty apartment, slamming the door behind me. Izzy was sitting between the torn up couch and the coffee table crushing up little white pills. "Hey, man." I threw my coat on the back of the couch. Izzy looked up at me with tired, pale eyes. "Oh, Hi." I glanced in the other room of our two room apartment, realizing Kat wasn't around. "Where's Kat?" Izzy shrugged, "I don't know. She wasn't here when I got back." I grabbed a unopened bottle of Night train Wine from the floor, taking the cap off and downing some of it. "Where have you been?" Izzy questioned, rolling up a dollar bill. "I was with Chris." "I thought you didn't like him?" I shrugged, taking another long sip of the fruity alcohol. "I don't, that's why I fired him." Izzy sat his dollar down, turning to look at me. "You what?" "I didn't like him, he was bad news, Man." "What about Steve and I, did it even cross your mind to consult us?" "Well, not really. I didn't think it would be a big deal." "Whatever, everything to you is about what you want. You don't give a fuck about anybody but yourself." Izzy grabbed the rolled up bill, and began snorting the pills he had crushed. "You're fucking ridiculous!" I yelled at him. He didn't answer, just kept snorting his drugs. "You're just a fucking junkie!" I stormed into the bedroom, slamming the door behind me.


"Well, when can you start? You seem fit enough, certainly good-looking." I shrugged, "Anytime, honestly."

John Micheal Miller, or that's what name he gave me. The new manager of the strip join, I would start working at. He was ordinary with the ever so scummy quality. He made it known I was a sex object from this day forward, he was upfront and very forward. "How about this Saturday, you can come in for the night at around Seven, work for five or six hours to get your feet wet. Since you're going to be making your money off of customers, you're going to want some nice little stage outfits, and you're going to want to gain some skill - dance your little ass off. You're competing with all the other girls in here for the customers attention and money." John stated, leaning back in his chair. "That works, and what about the rest of my schedule?" "Well, you'll make your own hours mostly. If you have any kids, or school, we'll talk about it and make your schedule based on your availability." "Well, I don't have anything to do and I would like to get quite a few hours." "Well, that sounds good to me, Kat. Other than that, get some costumes and I'll see you Saturday." "Thank you, Sir. I'll see you then as well." I rose from the chair in his office, exiting quickly. The sun was beginning to set outside, so I decided to take the bus back to the strip to get some of the necessary pieces of clothing. Since I had no idea how this job was going to go, I thought it best to start small with just a few pieces. I was a bit nervous. I was never to sexual of a person, and I didn't hardly have any pieces of nice lingerie. I spotted a shop only a few blocks from the club I'd be working, it had detailed mannequins in the front window, in lace and leather pieces. I walked through the cracked parking lot, and entered the large store. Instantly being greeted by a lovely looking woman in a skirt and silk blouse. She looked rather out of place compared to what I had expected.

"Hello, can I help you find anything today?" "No, thank you. I'm just looking around." "Okay, well let me know if I can help you?" She smiled and continued tidying up. Furthermore I walked towards the lingerie and night clothes, hoping to find something more than crouch-less panties. There was quite a selection of bras, panties, and other assortments of things that once resembled clothes. Since I was so indecisive I just grabbed some of the nicer and less expensive options, returning to that Woman at the front to start me a fitting room. "Excuse me, do you think I could get a fitting room?" She quickly turned around, dropping whatever she was doing. "Are you shopping to surprise someone special?" She questioned, walking me towards the back. "I actually just got a job at the Dance club about three blocks from here, and well- I've never Stripped before, so I thought I needed a few things." She seemed absolutely unfazed by my confession, "I think you got some pretty nice things than, I'll bring some different pieces back for you to try on if you'd like." "I would like someone else's opinion, honestly. The only thing is I'm kind of on a budget." She smiled, "No worries, I can get you an account set up with us if you'd like. I can bring you back some things and you can think about getting a charge card even, you can buy what you need and pay it off when you have the money." "That sounds great with me, you've been such a help. Thank you." I smiled, sitting the things I had down in the dressing room. "You're welcome! What sizes can I get you, and I'll go pick you out some stuff. I've been told I've got pretty good taste." She laughed nudging my arm. I laughed along with her, feeling comfortable for the first time in hours. "Either a small or medium would be perfect." "Alright, then I'll be right back." After she left, I closed the dressing room door softly behind her. I began taking my clothing off, and trying on the items I'd picked out. After laughing rather loudly at myself in a few of the sets, I had picked out a pretty good looking Red lace bra and underwear set. It didn't take too long for the lady to come back to my room. She knocked on the door lightly, as I sat in the chair in the little red number. I opened the door for her. "Okay, I picked you some things out, that I think would be gorgeous on you." She held a pretty tight looking leather number, that might not be horrible once tried on. "And this one." She showed a lacy red teddy, that could be doable. "This one." a set of super high rise panties and tube top combo. "Last one." Another teddy, but this one was tight black and covered in sparkles and shining tassels. "Thank you again, these are lovely." "You're welcome, girl. I love the one you're in by the way. Red is a great color on you." My cheeks flushed slightly. "Thank you, oh- and I've also decided I want the charge card." "Great, whenever you get done trying on, just come up to the register and I'll get your account started." She walked away after that, leaving me to try the things she'd brought me on. Thankfully the prices weren't horrible, since I had imagined she'd bring me the most expensive things in the store. It didn't take me very long to try the rest on, deciding to get the tube top and panties, the red set I had picked, as well as the sparkly teddy. After I got done in the fitting room, I went ahead and picked up a couple sets of fishnet tights. Before heading towards the registers. The lady that had helped me was up there with another employee. It took only a few minutes for her to get my information and set my charge account up. I put everything on my account so I wouldn't have to pay any today. She bagged everything up for me, putting the information in my bag. I left the shop after, still anxious about my new job, but feeling a little more secure since I had some really nice things to wear. It was now really dark outside, so I decided to take the first bus I could get on back towards our hovel. Thinking if I should hide my new job from Axl and Izzy, or tell them about it.

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