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I woke up from my nap around seven thirty, Izzy wasn't laying there anymore, He must have went on to meet Slash. But I could here Bill talking in the next room. I guess he was on the phone? I was still really tired but I wanted to get up and get something to eat. So I went into the living room to see what Bill was up too. He was standing in the living room, looking out the front door. I walked over and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around, he put his index finger up saying he'd only be a minute. But I knew that wasn't true he takes forever on the phone, it doesn't matter who he's talking too. "I just need to know, if you want anything from the sandwich shop?" He nodded his head 'yes' and put his hand over the phone. "Just get whatever." I nodded and grabbed some money. Bill continued to talk on the phone, as I went by him out the front door. After going down the street and ordering our food, I went back to our apartment. I probably wasn't gone more then ten minutes. The front door was closed now, so I used my key to unlock it. And went inside. "Hey, Bill." He was sitting on the couch now, still on the phone. I pointed to the bag of food in my left hand. He nodded his head. "Yeah, I know. This band is just really important to me. Well-yeah." He continued to talk into the receiver, whilst I went and got a plate for my sandwich and chips. I went and sat beside him on the couch and ate my food. He eventually got off the phone. "Hey, Kat. Sorry that was Steve." "I thought you went over to his house earlier?" He walked into the 'kitchen' area. "I did, but we were talking about band stuff." He came back in the living room with his sandwich. "I got you some chips too." I told him, before he sat down. "I know, I'll eat them later." He sat down. The two of us ate in awkward silence, all you could hear was our chewing. He was the first to brake the silence though. "What do you think of our band name?" "A.X.L?" He nodded 'yes'. "Well I like it, that's always been like your band name. What about it?" "Well, I think I'm going to start going by Axl. Me and Steve were talking about it over the phone. You know, Jeff goes by Izzy. And I don't really like my name." I put my empty plate down next to me on the floor. "I think that sounds nice, would you keep the Rose last name?" "Yeah, I think so." "I like that a lot, It's better then you calling yourself W. Rose, you'd actually have a name." I laughed and poked his side. "You're right." He began to laugh a little as well. "It's settled then, Mr. Axl Rose." He smiled at me acting dumb. "Don't you have somewhere to be, Miss Priss?" He questioned, leaning back on the couch as I walked past him to put my plate in the sink. "Not until two, lover boy!" I could imagine the smirk on his face.

[One month later]

We had moved from Izzy's apartment in Hollywood, to a guest house in Laural Canyon that Chris Weber's parents owned. It was nicer than our old place, but we had been living there for a while and I kinda had gotten used to the roaches. Plus it was a little bigger than this new place, which was so tiny. There was only room for one bed, a TV and a little bit of floor space left. At least there was a bathroom. Izzy walked in the door smoking a cigarette, he had a few grocery bags with him. "Hey, Iz." "Hi, Kat. What are you doing?" He stuck his cigarette between his lips and walked over to the mini fridge in our 'kitchen' area. "Nothing, just sitting here looking at the paper, I'm trying to find another job. Since I can't really work at the gas station anymore, too far away." I put the paper down and went over to help Izzy put the food and stuff away. He sat something in the mini fridge and grabbed the cigarette from his lips. "You can always work for UCLA like me and Axl, smoking Cigs all day, pays Eight bucks an hour." I considered it, I smoked anyways. "Doesn't sound to bad. Hey, did you get tampons like I asked?" Izzy turned around like I said something so weird, he blushed a little. "You don't even know how weird I felt, but yes. Here catch." He threw the box at me and I caught it like a pro. "Thanks, sorry to embarrass you. I wouldn't be too worried about it though, Iz. Nobody thinks you're the one bleeding anyways." "Whatever just- go plug it up." "These are for next month." I smacked his arm with the box on my way out of the room, I went and put them under the bathroom sink and collected the dirty laundry that was on the floor. "For fucks sake, you and Ax know how to make a mess." I yelled. "Yeah and nothing in there is your shit." He appeared in the doorway. "Well, no. I put my stuff in the hamper it's literally right next to your guys pile of smelly clothes." I got up and threw the stuff in the bin. Izzy still stood in the doorway. "I put an ad in The Recycler yesterday." He exclaimed. "That's cool, what are you looking for?" "Well, another Guitarist I guess." "I see, you get any responses?" He nodded his head, "A few. I asked for somebody that's plays in the vein of Aerosmith and Hanoi Rocks, so we'll see." He still stood in the the doorway. Izzy was looking at my face in a strange way, and I wasn't really sure what was going on. "Is there something on me?" I questioned, and patted my cheeks. He looked confused. "No, no." Iz let out a deep breath and leaned his face in towards mine, kissing me right on the lips. I didn't even hardly have time to react, before he drew his face back again. I was speechless and even if I did have something too say, he walked away faster then my brain could work to form words, much less a sentence or two. My mouth was kind of open in a confused face, before I snapped out of it and went after him. He only had a few seconds head start, but was really fast. Our 'house' was so tiny and he wasn't in the living room, he must have went outside. I followed up on my hunch, sure enough he was making his way across the lawn. "IZZY, WAIT!" I basically sprinted to catch up with him he was standing next to his car in the driveway. "What the hell is going on, why are you running?" He turned around at my question. "Izzy, stop. Why did you run away like that?" He paused and obviously didn't have much of an answer. "Fuck, I don't know. I guess, I thought you'd be pissed?" He was really confusing. "Why, so you kiss me and then run away in case I would be?" "You like Axl." "I never said that." "So, you don't like him?" "I never said that either, Iz. Let's just go back inside." He dug around in his tight jean pocket for a lighter and got his cigarettes out of his shirt pocket. "You want one?" He offered. "Sure." He put one in my mouth and one in his, I leaned in and he lit them both at the same time. Even though what just happened was kind of weird, Izzy and I weren't awkward with each other. We walked back to the house, silently smoking. He walked in the door first, I followed and shut it behind us. I turned around and got a good look at him, standing there puffing on his cigarette, he leaned against the wall. I leaned up next to him, and got a good look at his green and brown eyes. "What?" He questioned, his voice cracking a little as he exhaled a long puff of smoke into the air beside himself. I shook my head and looked down at our feet. He cleared his voice, "Sorry for kissing you, Kat." I looked back up at him and did something that surprised us both. I leaned up and kissed him this time.

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