Twenty Three

390 19 1

(Just a warning there is pretty strong violence and drug use in this chapter.

p.s I just want to thank everyone so much for all the reads/hearts and comments, it means a lot.)


I walked down the busy street,  across Sunset Boulevard, it was probably Two 'o clock in the morning. My hands were tucked deep in the pockets of my leather trench coat, my hands held two sweaty palmfuls of Heroin and in my breast pocket there was half a bag of cocaine, I was looking to cash in on all of this stuff- well almost all of this stuff before the night was over. I just needed enough for myself after I had sold the lot of it. A few scummy looking dudes passed me by, giving me looks. A couple girls dressed in tight dresses. I went towards a Gas N' Go nestled between to closed stores, I stopped and stood at the corner in front of the gas station. Just waiting, looking for opportunity, until a guy approached me maybe thirty-five years old. "Hey, man." He said, standing real close. "Hey, what'are you lookin' for." I asked, leaning in. "You got any powder?" I nodded, "thirty for a medium bag." He pulled his wallet out from his back pocket, "Give me three." He said, handing me a crisp hundred dollar bill. I held it up to the neon light, to see its authenticity. Before pulling three bags of Cocaine out of my pocket, I handed him back his change as well. The guy nodded his head at me, "Thanks, Man." Before He hurriedly walked to a car that was parked across the parking lot. I strolled across the lot, walking back to The Roxy, maybe some people over there were looking to get high...


Axl was sleeping in the small bed, facing the egg shell coloured wall, in the darkness it looked so grey. I got up and grabbed some cigarettes and my sneakers before quietly opening the front door. I landed down on the front stoop to put my shoes on. My mind kept drifting off, I had been lying there in bed for what felt like hours it was only two-thirty, Axl had wanted to turn in early he had to get up at five to be at work and my messed up sleeping schedule wouldn't allow me to get to sleep before three or four. I started walking down the long curved driveway smoking one of Izzy's Marlboro Reds. The city was so bright all the lights twinkled and shone, illuminating everything with a bright yellow glow, like orbs in systematic lines down below.  I just wanted to take off running and dive off the side of the mountain, flying over the city below. I wanted to look in the windows of shoppes and homes as I floated off the ground, I wanted to feel the air hit my skin and let the soft moon glow lead me past the busy lights and neon's to somewhere deep in the hills. But I was just walking down the plain grey sidewalk, counting the cracks one by one, watching each one that had weeds growing strong beneath and between it's gaps. I wondered what Izzy was doing about now, he had been gone since about yesterday night. I often wondered why he always wanted to be alone, but I guess he was just one of those people that felt he couldn't easily trust others. I felt the same way sometimes, I know Axl did too. Maybe that was one reason why we all ran to California- no one knew us out here. My feet halted at the end of the driveway, I exhaled puffing out a cloud of smoke into the night sky. Before turning and walking further down the hillside towards the bright lights.


An hour and a half had ticked by- I only had one bag left to sell. I thought about goin' home anyways and worrying about the extra later, my feet were getting tired from standing around all day and my mind was exhausted from the lack of sleep I had been running at full speed for 24 hours now. I smelled like shit, my hair was greasy and for once I could fucking admit I needed a good shower. I missed my dump ass apartment, I didn't want to be living in the one room shack we were in now anymore. I crossed the street, straying away from the upcoming residential area. There was a group of two guys, standing by the edge of the parking lot across from me, giving me looks- it was making me really paranoid. And with good fucking reason, the pair crossed the lot over to me. I naturally tried acting casual and walking the other way. "Hey, man." One of the guys yelled, quickly walking after me, catching up. I spun around so he couldn't attack me from behind or anything. "Yeah, what's up, man?" I questioned, looking this guy right in the eyes. "Me and my friend heard you sold, what can you give us?" I nodded my head, "I have one bag of tar." I stated flatly. "Naw, that isn't gonna do. What the fuck do you have on you?"  "That's it, take it or don't." He reached his hand out to try get in my coat pockets. I stepped back -"Woah, back the fuck up."  "I'M NOT GONNA ASK AGAIN, GIVE ME WHAT YOU GOT!" The first guy got in my face. "Get the fuck outta here!" I yelled, wanting to push the fucker to the ground. He started grabbing onto my coat, trying to feel my pockets. I rared my fist back and slammed it into his face as hard as I possibly could, his hooked nose making a loud crack before crimson poured down his face. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He yelled, brushing against his broken nose. His 'friend' started to swing his fist at me, hitting the side of my face- I heard a loud thud against my cheek making my head turn. I instinctively swing my fist back at him, missing but hitting the other guy who's nose I had already broken. He stumbled back, spitting blood onto the ground. The other guy that had hit me started throwing more punches, missing me a few times. I kicked him hard in the shin, before elbowing him in the back- forcing him to the ground, where I continued to kick him in a blind rage. His friend who was bleeding pretty profusely at this point jumped on my back, catching me off guard and sending me to my knees. "Fucking cunt." He said spitting blood down on my shoulder. I started trying to shake him off, slamming him to the ground. I scrambled to get off the pavement, but the guy caught my leg. I used my other to kick him hard in the stomach and ribs. He eventually let go and I just took the fuck off as fast as I could down the street through the dim neighborhood. Not even looking back, I just booked it.


I rolled over looking at the red glowing clock that read three-thirty two. Automatically I noticed Kat wasn't in bed anymore, I sat up quickly rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Kat?" I put my feet to the floor and walked over to the bathroom, the light was still turned off so obviously she wasn't in there. I walked over to the front door- opening it I expected to see her sitting on the top step smoking my cigarettes but she wasn't there either.  "Fuck." I left the door open so the moonlight shone into the room, while I searched for my jeans and cowboy boots. I found both and put them on quickly, grabbing my leather coat and cigarettes. I gently shut the front door and fast walked down the curved drive down to the street below. With shaky hands I grabbed a Cig out of the pack with my teeth, putting a lighter up to the end, watching the flame bring smoke to the it's end. I continued to walk fast towards the city hoping to find my girl. I hated it when she left at night, she was too adventurous. There were murderers and rapists out at this time of night and she would just walk through life not caring about anything, dealing with the problems as they came to her. Which wasn't a terrible thing being so carefree, I just didn't want her to get hurt. It would break me into pieces to even see her cry. I walked quickly down the sidewalk taking the path she probably took, I was hoping I'd find her sitting alone in a diner somewhere not far from here. We could walk home together, I could give her my coat and hold her hand. Sometimes I thought she'd be the damn death of me...

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