Chapter 8

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Sometimes I wonder why I push my luck. I am now in Nathan car and I have no idea where we are going. Just looking back at what happen I think I could of done something smarter.

*Flash Back*

"Try me" 'Is that a challenge?" Nathan said as he stepped towards me. "Bring it on." I ran away and try to head towards the exit and before I knew it two arms wrap around me and pulled me back. I tried to pull away but I just be wasting time. I stop struggling and leaned into him. Nathan whispered in my ear. "you're good but not good enough." He threw me over his shoulder and walked away. I looked up noticing Megan and Liam were trying to hold in a laugh. I both gave them a dirty look before I disappeared.


"Hello? Earth to Lydia you still there?' Nope I had a full proof plan that just didn't work. I finally turned over to Nathan. "Where are we going?" "Where else are we going." "You know saying that makes me feel dumb. Since you know, you never told me where WE ARE GOING!!!" The corner of Nathan mouth turned up but he didn't say anything back to me. For the rest of the ride I'm pretty sure that I dozed off.

       I felt something jabbing me at the side. When I opened my eyes first thing I see was Nathan in my face. "Come on Lydia get up we have places to go and things to do so lets go sunshine." ugh nicknames hate getting those since all of them are mainly from the mistake I make which I would hate to bring up. I got out of the car even though I can't really see anything I'm not really awake yet all I did was ran right into Nathan back. "Watch where you are going please."

     I finally realized where we are, the mall. The dude going to get me a phone. I don't know if I should of saw that coming. Both walked into the mall and then Nathan turned to look at me. "Okay what is your phone service?" "It's Virgin Mobile." The corner of his mouth turned up, oh my god he is so dumb. "Very mature Nathan." I started to walk away from him. He was walking right behind me. "You know it's funny since you are a virgin and you have Virgin mobile." "You can't prove anything." Nathan looked over at me and gave me that look you get when someone is trying pressure you. Man I hate that look. "Oh really? you are not a virgin?" Oh he got me. I just walked away quickly. I'm not embarrass or anything is just I hate how he always get the last say. Ugh I never ever get the last word even though I know I'm right.

             When I got into the store I looked at everything. This is like a First world problem, while people are suffering from world hunger I am having a hard time picking out a new phone. I wanted to get the iPhone but then there was the new Samsung Galax but then that is like $600 and so it won't be worth it. hmmm. That's it I'm getting the iPhone4 its cheaper we're done. I grabbed the phone box and brought it to the cash register. I already saw Nathan there talking to a girl worker. I put the phone down on the counter. "How much is the phone?" asked Nathan. "No I am paying for the phone." I insisted. We both were going back or forth at each other until the girl behind spoke up. "Don't worry the phone is on the house." I turned my head over to her. Oh I get it she likes Nathan wow I should of seen that one coming. She slipped a paper into Nathan pocket and winked at him. He smiled back at her and I followed him out of the store.

                  "What did you say to her?" I asked Nathan. "Oh you know just stuff."  "Doesn't seem like stuff since she just gave you a free iPhone." "Well as you can see like many girls, she loves me because its the way of life." I rolled my eyes at him wow somebody sure does have a big ego. "You know if you are not happy with the free phone lets go back and return it." This is why I can't talk to him ugh. "Alright Alright, Thank you for the phone." He smiled at me. "And?" "And? what I said thank you already." "Fine I will except that for now. Okay lets go we got work to do." He got me the phone already what else would we have to do?

               When we both got in the car I turned over to Nathan. "When you say work does that mean we are going back to school?" "Silly silly little girl. Don't you remember the little trouble you got in?" "But that was your fault! So you need to do that yourself and just say I was there helping you." "But wouldn't that be lying?" Ugh we better finished that café soon before I rip his head off.  

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