Chapter 10

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                       The rest of the night alone for me went fine, I didn't burn down the house and did not get kill....yet. I was in the living room reading a book until I got a text from Nathan. Hey don't worry about going to the café this week anymore we will start working on it again next week. ;)

What is with the winking face? Eh doesn't really mean anything I hope. But at least I don't have to work on the café for a bit. Man I hated working there it was so freaking dirty I mean if you are going to put it on sale at least clean the place up but nope they didn't and this family was dumb enough to buy it.

        Oh my flipping god its 6:50 I am going to be so late to school. I ran upstairs and quickly brushed my teeth and threw on some random clothes. I was out the door at 6:55 and I started running to school. About a couple of second later my ankle gave out on me if I was to run anymore I am so going to hurt myself. I started to limp my way to school. There goes my perfect attended. Ugh sometimes why do I even care about my attended.

                 Behind me I heard a honk. I turned around to see a random car, but I just keep walking. I car caught up next to me. "Hey Lydia you sure you don't want a ride." I turned to see Liam driving. "You are already limping come on get in the car." I said nothing in return and sat in the back seat. Next to Liam was Nathan he was looking back at me smiling with his sunglass on. I was so not in the mood this morning. "Is there a reason why you are looking at me like that?" He chuckled at me. "Nope just that you look pretty this morning." "Um should I take that as an insult?" "Very cute Lydia." What has got into him this morning I pretty sure this is not the Nathan I know. "Oh thanks I try." I smile back a Nathan and he turned around and faced forward.

               I am so lucky we all made it to school on time. I went off to my first period which is history. The day went on blah blah blah. At lunch I found Megan already sitting at the lunch table with a random guy, Never thought I would say it but Megan might got some game. I came to the lunch table and that random guy turns out to be Nathan. Oh my god am I missing out on something here? "Um hey Megan..." She looked up at me and gave me a bright smile. "Hey Lydia I was just talking to Nathan he is really sweet come and join us." One, that does not sound like Megan at all and two, why the heck is Nathan sitting with us? I turned my attention to Nathan. "Okay lets cut to the chase. What do you want from us?" He gave me one of his big flashing smile with the dimples, oh course can't forget those. "There is nothing I want from anybody I thought I would just get to know Megan and you a bit more." I sat down and I am not letting this go easy. "Look if this has to do-" "I don't want anything okay? The easier you understand this the more we can enjoy babe." Did he just call me babe? Oh my god I hate when people give me names like that its just so awkward ugh. "Don't you ever call me babe again. If you ever do I will start to stab you and then rip out your throat and feed it to some sharks." All he did was started to laugh at me. Man how much respect does he even have for me. "I like to see you try to even get near me." I looked directly into his eyes. "Is that a challenge?" Before anything else happened someone was yelling. "NATHAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

               Oh harsh Jade is here man she is like a mom, knowing every move someone is going to make. She quickly walked up to our table. "NATHAN WHAT IS THIS? WE ARE SUPPOSE TO BE SPENDING TIME TOGETHER!" Nathan didn't even look scared wait no he doesn't look anything. "Well the thing is you are moving away this weekend and I kind of don't care to have a long distance relationship with you so I am surprise you didn't know that I wanted to break up after all of the hints I have been leaving you man you are slow." Oh ouch man that got to hurt. I don't know if this is mean but I am enjoying this right now. Jade look so mad right now. "After all of that time I gave you! I told you that I loved you and I just cant believe what is happening right now." "Okay Jade here the thing we only been with each other for 2 months and second, you told me that you love me but I never said anything to you. So I don't know that this is a shocker but I don't really love you back.' "Oh Burn!" Meagan and Nathan both turned their heads towards me. "Um did I say that out loud?" Megan nodded at me. Oh my god I can't believe out of all the embarrassing things I did this is the worst thing that could ever happen. Mainly since this is a fight between the most 2 popular kids in school. I stood up quickly and walked away.

        I had study hall next period and in my class the teacher likes to have it in the library. But I don't really mind I mean its great many tables to sit at and its an open space. I sat a table in a corner and started to read the book Of Mice and Men for English. I kind of am bored out of my mind. But better done now than later. Some one put their books on the table in front of me and sat down. I finally looked up and oh god it is Nathan. I realized that I have been staring at him way too long. "Is there a problem because I don't see you name written on this table." "No there is problem." I almost said that with a straight face but no not really I am pretty sure I am glaring at him.

       As the class went by I barley even finished a page ever since Nathan got here. I was just staring at my book not comprehending it at all and Nathan was still looking a me or giving me glances as he did his homework. There was a point where we both made eye contact for 3 seconds but I quickly looked away. I still find this very awkward and this seem to be a joke to him. When the bell rung I try to stuff everything in my backpack as fast as I could. I have a off hour next period so I can just go home since that be the last class of the day. I try to walk out of the library but then I tripped over and next thing I know is that Nathan is right now top of me. I stared deep into his blues eyes and he was looking back at me. Nathan was the one who broke the ice. "Um next time you should watch where you are going. I don't need to be seeing you fall all the time. Not that I am complaining about this position right now." Nathan sat up and pulled me up with him. "Sorry about everything." I quietly mumbled to him hoping that he didn't heard it. "No worries it was actually pretty cute for everything you did. No need to get embarrass about anything in front of me. Everything you do is very cute." I kind of turned red and I followed Nathan out of the building. "Um Nathan don't you have another class to get to?" "Nope I got my schedule changed this morning so I now have two off hours in a row." Oh I wonder if he has any class with me tomorrow. "Um can I ask you another question?" "Um can you?" I rolled my eyes at him man I hate when teachers do that and now he is doing that. "Okay so what was up with you and Jade today? I mean you guys been together for 2 months and then you wanted to break up with her so easy?" Nathan pulled my hands back at him so I would be looking at him. "We meant nothing to each other to be honest I don't know what I was doing with her. But now when I want to be with someone I want that girl to be honest and have her own opinion." I didn't say anything back at him but I gave him a smile.

                           Hey guys if you have any ideas comment them :)

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