Chapter 14

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                I have been trying to avoid Nathan all week and it works out pretty good but since Megan is always with Liam and I am always with Megan, I sometimes have to encounter Nathan. But I am now way too busy to care about any of that today. I have been working on some design that the café should be. Megan has been a lot of help to we been bouncing ideas off of each other all week. "Okay so Lydia, the final plan is now to paint it light green and white, a counter to the side and next to the counter is a display of deserts. And of course a flat screen TV hung up to the side." said Megan. I was trying to draw out the design while Megan was talking to me. "Yep I agree with you and I am going to add white tables and soft green chairs." Yes! okay done with the design. "Thanks Megan all I need to do is to buy the paint today and I will plan on painting the place tomorrow . Before I left Megan grabbed my arm. "Wait! Since you are not working on the café today how about we go out to eat. The whole school will be at this new hangout in town." Man I didn't really like going out too  much, don't get me wrong its fun but I mean I do not like people. "I don't know Megan I am not in the mood." Oh no! she has that face. "Okay Nathan pissed you off big whoop. You need to go out and get over it and plus you are not doing anything and you already finished all of your homework and school is not over yet." I have to say, the girl has a point.  "Alright fine! but you are my me food then." Megan face lit up like a light bulb.

                 By the time school ended I made my way over to some paint stores. It took awhile to find the perfect shade of green but I managed. White took like a second to find because white is just white. Just for me buying the paint I am expecting some sort of fee from somebody. After I bought like 2 giant buckets of paint, as I walked over to the café I was so happy that it was just a couple of blocks away. If any farther then my arms would of fell off. I opened the door into the café and finally set the paint buckets down. Talk about feeling relief. I looked up and saw him. It was a shirtless one, if I may point out. Nathan looked right at me, but no one say a thing. I broke off our eye contact and set the paint on the table and pulled out the blueprint of the café. It was still quiet and extremely awkward. I could still feel his eyes on me, then he came walking up behind me. Oh crap. "Hey what are you working on?" he nicely asked. Okay I could play cool. "Just a blueprint of what the café should look like, not that you would care or anything." I kind of say in a bit of a harsh tone, nope I can't play cool. Nathan scoffed at me. "You know I am way too mature to have this conversation." "Okay tell me Nathan, if you were mature then why didn't take full blame for what your friends did to James car?" Nathan stood up taller this time. "If you were mature you would take the high road and would of let that problem go already." He is such a jerk. "Well who said I was mature? I kind of think it is better off if we stay out of each other lives like before makes it a lot easier for both of us." I can't believe I just said that, but did I really mean it? "Okay fine by me, you were just a waste of time anyway" Nathan stormed right out of the café. Ouch.

         Megan came over to my house to get ready to go out. But there was not much to do but except talk. Turns out my mom is coming back home sometime this week. Fun for me, but hopefully things will return back to normal. I mean it already has with Nathan. Guess that was meant to be. But at least I am going out to eat tonight it should get my mind off of things. "Okay Lydia, ready to go?" I looked up at Megan and smiled at here. "Yep lets go."

             By the time we got to the hang out or restaurant, (I don't really know what it is anymore) we found a table in a corner where is was nice and quiet. Both Megan and I bought French fries and a bowl of vanilla ice cream to dip the fries in. Not going to lie but it is so good. I was enjoying life with Megan we were having fun and we are going to get so fat if we keep our rate of eating like this, oh well. But later on, I saw Liam walked up to out table. Okay this makes a lot of sense now, Megan came to meet up with Liam. I need to find out what is going on between them one day. Liam look right at me. "Hey Lydia what is going on between with you and Nathan liked one week I see you guys friends and now you guys are not even talking." I rolled my eyes at Liam. "Okay well we were not friends from the start and we will never be or anything so just mind your own business!" I snapped back at Liam. He put his hands up in surrender, then sat down next to Megan. I am hardcore third wheeling. Both of the two lovebirds kept on flirting or so I think, and none of them will make a move. And Megan thought I was the clueless one, the joke is on her. Then I noticed that Nathan was here too. He was sitting at a table full of girls with a couple of his friends that helped me get in trouble. I was feeling kind of annoyed at the fact that he can move on with life after all of the things he said to me. I took my attention away from him and went back to Liam and Megan. That's it I am going home hardcore third wheeling is fun at all. I said goodbye to Megan and Liam and started to walk all the way home.

         This is the longest walk of my life. But then again if I stayed back with Megan I would have suffered even more. I want a car so bad but no I can't get one. By the time I came home, I heard a noise in the kitchen mom must have finally came home, oh goody gumdrops! I walked into the living and saw him. My heart beat quicken, I froze up and fear was taking me over. I can't believe this was happening now.  Emmett is in the living room talking with my mom. I thought I would never see him again. My mom looked over at me and smiled. "Oh Lydia so on my way home today I found Emmett and thought you two should fix up that little patch and get back together, have fun!' with that she walked out of the room. I hate her so much right now. I looked back at Emmett still in fear and he walked up to me grabbing my waist and pulling me into him for a hug. Okay now I am back to reality. I pushed Emmett off of me. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" I exploded at him. He chuckled a me and gave me one of heart stopping "smile" ugh hate that look. "Look, Lydia we can play it the hard way like last time or take the easy way and take me back." I glared at him, "Over my dead body that I will take you back." Before I knew it I was slapped across the face and was on the ground covering my face, man that hurts like butt. "Lydia, get up your lesson is not over yet." I try to scream for my mom but then Emmett was on top of me covering up my mouth. I shut my eyes afraid of what is to come next. There was now a sudden pain on my head one more hit and I would be knock out.

          I am too weak to do anything right I stayed laying on the ground while Emmett was just sitting next to me. I brought my hand up to me forehand and there was pang of pain that hit me. I just realized that I was now bleeding. I cannot believe that my mom did hear or noticed anything, what a great mother I have. (Note the sarcasm) I turn my head gently over to Emmett and he just smiled at me. "You know I can help you if you take me back." Oh game plan time!! "Okay Emmett you win this time please help me." He gladly helped me up to my feet and the second that I was up and going I punch his male part, there was a loud yell coming out of him and that's where I grabbed my bag and was out the door.

          I have no idea where to go, but right now I just need to get as far a possible as I can away from the house. About a couple of minutes later, I finally decided where I wanted to go--Megan house. Her family love me and they don't really mind about me staying over their house since I was always there. When I got to Megan house all the lights were off. Of course, no one was home and Megan is still out with Liam. I felt a couple drops of water fall on top of my head, one second later it is now raining cats and dogs. Pain rushed to my forehead when the water hit my cut. I have to find a place to stay for the night and there is only one more place to go.

            I was way to dizzy to run so I slowly walk trying to stay awake. Emmett punch should of knocked my out but I was kind of lucky it didn't other wise who knew what else he could do to me while I was knocked out. I was finally here, the rain was still pouring hard and I am drenched with water. I slowly walked up to the front door and rang on the door bell. He opened the door, I stared into his blue eyes and my stomach were filled with butterflies.

           "Lydia what happen to you?" ask Nathan

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