| Chapter Twenty-Three |

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Heey Guuys xo !!

Sorry for the wait, last night was hectic. I played a game of cards with my siblings then it was bed time and I could've stayed up all night and morning to write this chapter, but i heard whispers and stuff outside and I just went to bed haha

Omg I haven't even started packing for Perth next monday and its Friday 😂

Anyways, enjoy this book :D xox


• Aliyah's POV •

I woke up to a text from Jake, I smiled. Still laying in bed, I picked up my phone and read his text.

From: Jake<3

Hey babe <3 xo

Are you busy today ? Xox

I smiled even more and decided to reply.

To: Jake<3

Hey babe <3 xo

And nothing that I know of, I just woke up haha xox

Sent and with that I left my phone on my bed and walked into my bathroom and showered.

• Harry's POV •

I was bored downstairs so I decided to wake Aliyah up. She's so much fun - no Harry, you have Kendall not Aliyah, Aliyah isn't yours now - I thought but washed it away.

I knocked on her door but no answer.

I shrugged and walked in, she was in the bathroom and I walk towards her bed seeing the text she got.

It said:

From: Jake<3

Oh haha xo wanna meet up at starbucks then ? <3 xo

What the fuck? I shouldn't be caring about this because I have kendall but I know that deep down I love Aliyah but she has this Jake she just met at the mall yesterday. The shower stopped and I froze. Shit.

• Aliyah's POV

I walked out of my bathroom with my towel wrapped around my body and Harry was in here. "Why are you in here, shouldn't you be with the boys or with Kendall" I asked glaring at him. His jaw clenched. "Who the fuck is Jake" He asked me angrily. "My boyfriend" I replied simply.

"Are you going to Starbucks" He asked me. How does he know that? I walked over to my phone and noticed that he read my text. "You read my text" I yelled at him. "That wasn't the question, the question was -

"Shut up Harry, your such an asshole, this wouldn't of happened if you didn't hook up with that Kendall girl and just stay with me, did you wanted me to be happy, well I was happy when I was with you but not anymore, I have Jake who is my boyfriend now so stay out of it" I yelled at him. "Oh and Jake is my date for the wedding" I finished and his eyes are full of anger and his jaw clenched. I was expecting him to walked but he didn't.

"No Aliyah you shut up, if you wouldn't of seen Jake at the mall, I would've broke up with Kendall and go back to you but no, you saw Jake and you guys literally started dating" Harry yelled back. "Stop being such a bitch" He finished off and I knew that he didn't regrett. "You called me a bitch..." I whimpered. "No Aliyah, im sor - "No get out" I yelled and he slowly walked out.

I shut the door and changed into a white tank top that said - "Good Vibes" - and black leggings and my blue converses. I grabbed my phone and texted Jake back.

To: Jake<3

Yeah sure, meet you there in 10 and you can bring your little sister xo

Sent. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and walked downstairs with my phone in my hands. "Bye guys" I yelled out. "Hey where are you going" Niall asked. "Going to meet up with Jake at Starbucks" I answered glaring at Harry.

"Oh okay, have fun" Niall said smiling. "I will" I smiled back. "Bye Alibear" Louis yelled. I laughed lightlly. "Bye Boobear" I yelled back and walked to Starbucks.

• Louis' POV •

The boys looked at me weirdly when Aliyah went off. "What" I casually asked. "You called Aliyah, Alibear, since when" Harry asked. A bit jealous are we? "Why you asking Styles, are you jealous" I asked smirking.

"No i'm not...i'm not jealous" He stuttered. Lies. "Well I started calling her Alibear last night because she was sad about someones tweet on twitter" I answered honestly. "Whos tweet" Niall asked and I pointed out to Harry. Zayn walked in with Liam, Liam got in Twitter and I could tell he saw the tweet.

"Here Niall, have a look" Liam said handing his phone and he read the tweet. "You call my sister a slut one more time, I will kill you" Niall threatened and walked into the kitchen.

"I didn't only called her a slut" Harry started and I, Zayn and Liam looked at him with wide eyes.


Heey Guuys xo !!

How was that chapter ?

Do you thinks Jake and Aliyah will last long ? Xo

Quote: Sometimes you must forget what you feel and remember what your deserve

You know what to do:

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Thanks and Boobyee xo !!

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