chapter four

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Alec's puffy eyes were wide as saucers, silence flooding the room. "Are you okay, Alec?" Isabelle asked with concern, seeing how upset he was. "Can you just explain to me what's going on? Then I'll explain my problem," Alec asked awkwardly, still hovering by the doorway.

Isabelle looked stunned for words, looking at Clary who looked just as nervous and confused. "Should I go?" Clary mumbled to Isabelle, Isabelle nodding, "I'll text you later." Alec turned so that Clary could get out of the bed, putting her clothes back on that were strewn around the room.

 "Bye, Alec." Clary said awkwardly as she walked past him, Alec repeating the sentence back to her and shutting the door as she left, turning to Isabelle with a smirk. "That was unexpected of you, Iz." Isabelle shrugged her shoulders, a slight blush on her face. Alec sat next to her on the bed, motioning for her to explain.

 "Before Jace and Clary got together, she and I were speaking. As friends. Then we met up, and it was amazing—we got on amazingly and she was perfect. Then she told me she had gotten together with Jace, and I was really upset because it was obvious that we had something. Anyway, last night I saw her at the club and things happened." Isabelle explained, her memories of exactly what happened obviously groggy.

Alec said, "So, you fucked our brother's girlfriend because you saw her first?" Isabelle nodded with a devious smirk, Alec letting out a small laugh, almost forgetting about his problem for a second. "Jace is gonna flip the fuck out," Alec smiled as he shook his head in disbelief.

 "So, why are you upset?" Isabelle asked softly, Alec pursing his lips and looking down in his lap sadly. "Well, you weren't the only one who got laid last night." Alec started with a little smile, Isabelle laughing loudly as her mouth dropped open, smiling, "Alec, you little slut!"

Her laughter abruptly stopped as she saw the look on his face. "Everything was perfect — we had amazing sex. Then this morning, he was being really domestic with me, we laid in bed for ages." Alec continued, still smiling. "But, then someone buzzed to get into the apartment," Alec swallowed a lump in his throat, playing with his fingers. 

 "It was his girlfriend, even though before we did anything he told me he broke up with her." Alec finished, Isabelle frowning as she saw how upset Alec was. "I'm sorry, Alec." Alec waved off her apology for something that wasn't even her fault, "It's fine, I mean I'll just find someone else, right?" Alec's voice wavered.

He hadn't known Magnus for very long at all, but Alec was so attached to him already and he felt like he'd gotten his hopes up for everything to crash down around him. He wondered how many people Magnus had slept with whilst staying with Camille.

Isabelle opened her arms, Alec shuffling towards her and letting her long arms wrap around him, small cries leaving Alec's body as Isabelle hugged him tightly, resting her head on top of his shoulder, a frown on her face. She loved her brother, and it hurt her to see him so upset.

Magnus rubbed a hand over his face, hearing the door slam as Alec left. Camille was still buzzing to get in, Magnus quickly putting on clothes before letting her in, trying not to break down in front of her. A large grin was on her face as she walked in, her long dark hair curled and bouncing around her waist.

 "Camille, we need to talk." Magnus said sternly, knowing that he'd rather be on good terms with Alec than Camille. He knew who we wanted to be with. "Is everything okay?" Camille asked worriedly, setting her bag down and sitting next to Magnus on his sofa. 

 "No, actually." Magnus swallowed a lump in his throat, nervous on how she was going to react. "I think we should break up," He said bluntly, no emotion in his voice. Camille looked at him for a second with a blank expression, opening her mouth to say something and then shutting it again. 

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