chapter eleven

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Magnus and Alec helped Jace, Isabelle, Maia, and Clary unpack all of their things into their new apartment that they would be sharing. It was big enough for all of them, and now that they all had jobs they would be able to pay rent easily. 

Alec asked Isabelle if she and Maia were any closer to being an item, but she denied that anything had happened yet. He figured that she was lying, but didn't want to embarrass her any further so didn't mention it in front of her or their friends.

 "I feel like because there's no adults living here, you guys won't get up for school," Alec said with a groan of effort as he lugged a load of books, presumably Isabelle's, onto a bookshelf nearby. Jace sighed, "Maia is an early-bird, so she can be the mother of the household to drag me out of bed by my ear."

Maia smiled, "I'm taking that as a compliment." At first, Maia and Jace didn't get along at all. Jace was too cocky and self-absorbed for her liking, and they argued a lot. Although, they both bonded over being close with Isabelle and have since got over their differences, becoming best friends with the other two girls.

 "I think we should get more friends our own age, personally, instead of hanging out with people that always judge me because I'm old." Magnus cursed under his breath to Alec, Alec laughing slightly and helping him with a heavier box. "You're not old, you're just not a teenager." Alec smiled sweetly, pecking Magnus' cheek.

Isabelle said, "We keep you young, Magnus. Plus, you can't complain about teenagers when technically Alec is too and you love him." Alec stiffened slightly at the use of the word 'love'. He and Magnus still hadn't said it to each other yet, even in their pit of infatuation, and her bringing it up was awkward.

Noticing the tension, Isabelle made an 'o' shape with her mouth, quickly correcting herself. "I mean, like deeply, of course." She said with a nervous giggle, Jace laughing behind his hand. 

 "Still haven't said it yet, huh?" Jace said, Magnus turning to him with a sharp glare. Alec cleared his throat and changed the subject quickly, "How did Mom react when you guys told her you were moving out?" Alec said the first thing that came to mind, and the topic of his mother was still sensitive to him.

Isabelle said, "She begged us to stay, well specifically; Jace. She said something along the lines of 'Jace, please, you're the gem of the family'." She imitated her mother well, the others chuckling even though Alec was silently raging against his mother because of her favouritism.

Alec and Magnus helped unpack most of their things, before Magnus groaned that he was bored and they left. 

 "I know so much about your family, I feel like it's time you met some of mine." Magnus said as they got into his car, Alec turning to him in surprise. "I thought you haven't talked to your parents in years, because they're biphobic and you never really got along." Alec said softly.

Magnus sighed, "I haven't seen them in so long, but I feel like I owe it to you to introduce you to them at least. As things between you and I are quickly developing, and I've met literally everyone in your family, it's probably time I drop in anyway." He pulled out of their parking space.

 "If you're okay with it, I'd like to meet your family." Alec smiled excitedly — the thought of Magnus' family had come to mind frequently previously and it was a big step in their relationship. 

After driving for a small while, Magnus said, "They're not much like you, I don't now if you'll like them all that much." Alec made a face at him, seeing that he was obviously getting nervous. "If they're anything at all like you, I already know I'll love them, Magnus." Alec said sweetly, placing an assuring hand on Magnus'.

For the rest of the long drive, Magnus seemed more positive, although Alec could still see he was overthinking all of it and was secretly stressing. 

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