chapter ten

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It had been a month. A month since Magnus had spilt burning coffee on Alec. It had felt like a decade that Alec had known the charming, attractive guy. He couldn't imagine his life without him, and so much had happened since their meeting at Java Jones. Before Alec met Magnus, he was closeted and in love with Jace.

 "You know what I just realised?" Alec asked as he laid on top of Magnus on the sofa, Magnus' arms cradling him close. "What?" Magnus asked with a smile, looking down at him. Alec said, "When we first met in Java Jones and you spilt hot coffee on me, you never gave me back that black shirt."

Magnus' eyebrows raised as he emitted a small laugh, "I think it's still in my drawer, if you want it back."

Alec had also decided that he wanted to spend every minute of every day with Magnus, and decided he didn't want to move in to the apartment by himself. He was going to save the money so that he and Magnus could move out to a bigger house one day. For now, though, they were going to try and make Sebastian move out when he got back from his trip.

 "Can we get a dog?" Alec asked, circling a pattern with his middle finger on Magnus' chest. Magnus laughed, "The landlord won't allow it, unless you want us to be homeless with a dog." Alec then sighed deeply, missing his dog that he'd forgot had existed for a moment.

Jace then entered, a bowl of cereal in one hand and a spoon in another. "I had the worst day at school today," He sighed as he flopped on the sofa, chewing obnoxiously loud. "A kid was kicking the back of my seat and so I asked him to stop or else he would be getting the chair thrown in his face, and I got a detention."

Alec sighed, "Jace, you can't threaten other kids at school." Jace shrugged, shovelling more cereal into his mouth. Magnus then spoke, "I think the guy who was out to get you has laid off, so you can be going home now." Jace turned to him with a serious expression, "You're joking."

Magnus shook his head, "Not joking, dude. You've been staying here, for free, for over a week now. No signs of a guy trying to kill you, or kidnap you, or hurt us. Looks to me like you've dodged this bullet, so; bon voyage."

Alec and Magnus had discussed this, so it wasn't a shock to Alec when Magnus said this. He figured he could have worded it kinder, but then again Jace had put Magnus through torture while he had stayed with them and Jace was a lot to handle. 

Jace then turned to Alec with a shocked look, "Are you in on this too, big brother?" Alec looked up at him, seeing he was putting on his puppy-dog eyes, and then at Magnus who looked doubtful of his loyalties.

 "I'm sorry, Jace. But, I have to agree with Magnus. It's been fun, and kind of awful, but you should move back in with Mom and Dad. Or move out to an apartment by yourself, or maybe with Clary." Alec proposed, as they were both legally allowed to own a house, with parents permission, at sixteen and seventeen.

Jace genuinely looked upset, pouting his lips and letting his posture sulk. "But, Mom's annoying and old. You guys are fun, apart from the loud sex at night." Alec laughed at this, not even embarrassed anymore by all of the sex talk. 

 "When Sebastian gets back from his trip, you're going to have to scoot. I think he gets back in around four days, so." Magnus said, Jace letting out a loud sigh that lasted quite a few seconds. "I might live with Isabelle," Jace said, looking like he was about to rant his ideas about living somewhere away from his mother.

They all turned as they heard a loud knock at the door, then looking at each other in confusion as none of them knew who it could be. Magnus got up, as it was his apartment, and headed towards the door. He swung the apartment door open, taking in a sharp breath at what he saw.

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