chapter fifteen

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The events of that night was something Alec never wanted to relive. He'd lost his brother and was forced to watch, and almost the love of his life. If Jace and Alec hadn't gotten to him sooner, Magnus would have been a goner. The thought scared Alec.

Alec had to go and get stitches in his thigh and shoulder, but wouldn't have to stay in the hospital overnight. He was still staying overnight, though, because Magnus was. Magnus had stitches too, but they had to watch him just in case anything happened. He did die for a few minutes, after all.

The nurses told Magnus to rest, but his mind was so full of thoughts he could barely close his eyes for more than two seconds. Alec sat in a chair next to Magnus, one of his hands draped down and holding Alec's tightly.

 "Sebastian almost killed me," Alec said to Magnus, figuring he didn't know anything that happened between Sebastian, Jace, and him. Magnus sat up more, looking on edge. "He held my forehead and put the blade to my throat. Then Jace came, and I stabbed him. Right through the chest. For Max." Magnus sighed in sadness, feeling awful that Alec had gone through all of this at 18.

Magnus rubbed his thumb over Alec's fingers, "What matters is that we're both here, and no matter how hard that asshole tried; he couldn't break us apart. No one can." Alec smiled for the first time in over a day, knowing that he would have kissed Magnus if he weren't in so much pain right now.

They heard the ward doorbell go off, and saw a group of people standing there who looked all too familiar. "It's okay to let them in," Magnus told the nurse, as she nodded her head and buzzed them all in.

Isabelle, Maia, Jace, and Clary all entered. All of them looked very solemn and upset, Maia holding a bouquet of flowers. Alec greeted the four of them and they all grabbed chairs, pulling them up beside Magnus' bed.

 "I'm sorry you had to see Max like that, Alec." Isabelle spoke first, sounding like she was fighting back tears. "I know it must've been terrible. He didn't deserve to die like that, at that age. I miss him a lot."

Alec nodded his head, chewing on his bottom lip, trying to push the image to the back of his brain of Max lying on the floor, the pool of blood reaching the wall because there was so much. Isabelle continued, "Mom and Dad are coming up later; they said they wanted to see you." 

Knowing that he would have to talk to his mom eventually, Alec found it unfortunate that the death of Max was the way they were going to finally do it.

Maia placed the flowers on Magnus' bedside table with a smile, Magnus thanking her sweetly. "I can't believe we missed the countdown for New Years," Magnus said with a dry laugh, the rest of them chuckling too. 

 "You didn't miss much — only shitty fireworks from the neighbours and everyone kissing." Clary told them both, the other three agreeing. Alec couldn't help but keep dazing off, thinking of how less than 24 hours ago he was tied to a chair screaming and sobbing. 

Apparently the paramedics arrived around 4am, which meant that Alec was in there for about five or six hours. 

Jace repeated, "Alec?" Alec turned his head quickly to look at his brother, looking confused, "Sorry, what?" Jace looked at the others for a second and then back at Alec, "Do you want a coffee? I'm going down to the restaurant for tea."

Alec nodded his head and smiled shortly, "Yeah, black please." Everyone noticed that Alec was acting distant and in another place in his mind, although everyone knew why and so didn't ask. They knew he just needed time. It had been less than a day and he had been forced to mature so much in that time.

 "When you died, did you see a light? I've been dying to ask, pun intended." Maia asked Magnus, Magnus letting out a forced laugh. "I saw Sebastian and Camille cut me up like a fish, then I saw black. That was it. Then I opened my eyes and saw my light, who's six foot tall and looked the most scared he'd ever been" Magnus said, looking at Alec.

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